Australian National Champions 2011

Following on the tradition of the National Champion questionsairre, the 6 2011 Champions kindly contributed some answers following their Championship win.

“The Sword Fighter Dozen”

Australian 2011 National Womens Foil Champion: Emma Ryan 

1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start?

A: My Dad was a fencer. I started fencing when I was 11 in England, I fenced until I was 17.  My club disbanded and I lived too far away from a place to train so I stopped.  I took up fencing again about 5 years ago when I moved to Melbourne. 

2: How long have you been Competing at National level?

A: 2 years as a cadet in England and 5 years as a Senior in Australia.

3: What made you choose your weapon?

A: Difficult question as I swapped from Foil to Epee about 2 1/2 years ago, but still cant resist the urge to pick up a Foil.

4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?

A: I dont think its the venue thats important its the people with whom I train. I fence alongside some great fencers and some close friends.

5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?

A: My coach will be bemused that I did so well in Foil as I have Epee lessons every week.

6: What are your ambitions for 2012? work / training / competition?

A: Enjoy myself, a medal in Epee at some point would be nice.  Perhaps an overseas competition.

7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer ( nternationally)?

A: There are lots of fencers where I train that I admire and aspire to fence like, I dont think I need to look overseas.

8: What are your future ambitions?

A: More medals!

9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?

A: This event was special to me as it was the “National Championships” and I desperately wanted to win 1.  On the day my distance and timing was spot on and that doesn’t happen often.

10: What is your weekly training Regime?

 A: I often work shifts so I train at 3 different venues to ensure I can train at least 3 times a week.

11:  What advice would you give future Australian champions?

A: Sometimes I wonder why I fence, it takes up all my time and money.  I go to a competition and lose my 1st D/E and question why I bother.  But occasionally I beat someone whom I didnt expect to beat or I hit with a perfect action and once in a while I win a Competition, these are the reasons why I dont give up.  So if you are feeling despondent, dont give up, ride the wave till your turn comes, because it will.

12: What do you think should happen to / in Australian fencing?

A: I dont know!, a reality TV show or a movie! 

Thanks so much Emma.. good luck for 2012

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