Fencing Tip of the Week

May 2008 [5]

The Parry Quarte (4)

By Defintion: is a defensive action moving the opponent’s blade from one line to another by a blocking action performed with the bottom third of the blade.  For a right hander the blade moves left from an open en guard (position 6) and it is opposite for a left hander.  The hand is slightly supinated (with the point facing forward towards opponent).

Intent: Direction is important, knocking the opponent’s weapon sideways (or down) away from an attacking position.  The weapon stops for a moment in time in the Parry 4 position, (before usually moving forward to riposte).

Practice: With purpose, the fingers should start first, then with forearm strength knock the blade away.  Relax entire body before action begins; therefore not ‘telegraphing’ your intent.

Tip: stand in front of a mirror and move weapon arm side to side, elbow down, keep the hand in alignment with each side of the body, increase speed, but stop stationary in each side for a split second.  Keep the weapon point facing forwards towards target.

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