Australian National Champions 2012 – ‘Sword Fighter Dozen’

Following on the tradition of the National Fencing Champion Questionairre, the 2012 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.

“The Sword Fighter Dozen”

Australian 2012 National Champion:  Edison Wei Ting Cai  Mens Foil .

1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I’ve been fencing 8 years since I was 14 yrs. I think 3-4years it took for me to feel competent .

2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: I’ve been in national competitions in Aus for just 1 year, also 3 times to take part in Australian National competitions.

3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: I just play foil..because I can pay attention to one weapon and do the best, that is what I think.

4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: I think UTS club is the best when I saw it.

5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: This is most important part of fencing, because a coach can give me some advice and help u do the best .

6: What are your future ambitions for 2013 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: For me, I’m an international student, I’m studying also working and training and I will still do again, also to do everything the best, just like this year 2012, so amazing for me. I love it .

7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: No, just my style and i have not modeled myself on anyone, I just think how the action suits me . yeah.of course, I like the Italian guy Baldini.  

8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: Yeah, I always play basketball, badminton and soccer. That’s it .

9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: I think everyone is the best fencing in Australia, they have a lot of skill of fencing and are different, so I just learn different skills and find out how the win the compatition .

10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: Two times a week in UTS club

11:  What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Hahaha no advice for future champion, because I will win again! .. lol… But I want to still to say that hard working in fencing, one day you will win the competition.

12: What is the best and worst thing about fencing in Australia?
A: Friends and every club lady, they help me to know Australian fencing and do favours and things for me.

Thanks Edison, good luck for 2013 and beyond. 


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