Wuxi Uniforms maybe Banned

Chinese Fencing Brand (Wuxi / Jiang) said to be banned by the European Union.

The EU’s Consumer Affairs division (under report: “RAPEX”) has safety concerns with its FIE clothing protective strength.

Wuxi has apparently recalled its line with EU officials banning the sale of the “Beijing FIE 800N Jacket & Beijing FIE 800N Breeches“.

for more read link Fencing.net

The FIE hasn’t come out with a statement, although the report has been out for 2 weeks +.
Until then the equipment is appropriate and national bodies wont respond until the FIE has.

NB: The FIE has allowed the equipment to be worn. 

Wuxi Uniforms – Australian Situation

The EU’s Consumer Affairs Division has jurisdiction over the sale of products, and their description, in Europe.  The Australian equivalent is the ACCC, which governs trade practices issues (“misleading and deceptive” product claims).  It is believed that a competing European fencing equipment supplier initiated the EU Consumer Affairs Division action.

The FIE has jurisdiction over the use of equipment, and tests sample fabric to confirm 800N compliance.  The EU Consumer Affairs Division tested finished uniforms for 800N compliance.

So, here is the distinction:  currently, the FIE will continue to allow the use of Wuxi uniforms, as they have passed their testing.  However, you will not be able to purchase Wuxi uniforms in Europe.  This means that if they are purchased elsewhere but used in Europe, this will be okay as well.

The only relevance any of this has to Australian fencing is that the FIE has still validated the Wuxi uniform material, and Australia falls under the FIE rules.  However, if you are in any way concerned about your safety when using the Wuxi brand (or any brand in fact), then you should act accordingly.

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