Olympics 1 week away

The 2024 Paris Games are 1 week away..


The BBC Website has a really interesting article on the history of 100 years since the last Paris games..



Olympics 2024

The Final and Official List of athletes and dates are now available from the FIE for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Schedule Link

Athlete Events Link


27 July

Mens Sabre

Womens Epee

28 July

Womens Foil

Mens Epee

29 July

Womens Sabre

Mens Foil


30 July

Womens Epee Teams

31 July

Mens Sabre Teams

1 August

Womens Foil Teams

2 August

Mens Epee Teams

3 August

Womens Sabre Teams

4 August

Mens Foil Teams

Para Fencer

Australian Para Fencer hoping for wildcard to Paris


link to ABC


Qualifiers for Olympics

World Qualifier’s for the 2024 Olympics are completed

Australias 6 representatives fenced valiantly and had good results.

6 Asian rep’s for the Paris games.

Womens Foil – Philippines 

Men’s Foil – Taipei 

Women’s Epee – Singapore 

Men’s Epee – Hong Kong 

Women’s Sabre – Kazakhstan 

Men’s sabre – China 


follow the fie here



Fencing in Paris

It’s not often that Fencing is mentioned in the Australian media pre Olympics

link to ABC article


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