Asian Senior Championships 2012 Results
Wakayama, Japan: Asian Senior Fencing Championships 21-27th. April 2012
Womens Epee: (Winner Shin KOR)
Diana Sher won all 5/5 poule bouts, won her first d/e to make the 16, but unfortunately lost 15:6 CHI. (10th).
Evelyn Halls won 4/5, won her first d/e to make the 16, but unfortunately lost 15:7 (12th).
Vicki Wilks won 1/6 poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (38th).
Emma Ryan lost all poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (45th/46).
Womens Foil: (Winner Nam KOR)
Lishan Sung won 1/5, but lost her d/e 15:5. (26th).
Jenny Bonney-Millet won 1 poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (30th).
Claire Daniel lost all poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (32nd).
Leah Mangion lost all poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (37th/37).
Mens Foil: (Winner Lei CHN)
Marek Jamrozy won 2/6, won his first d/e 15:13, but unfortunately lost his d/e in 32 against Olympic medalist Lei CHN (31st).
Chris Jones won 3/6, seeded (27th) but lost d/e 15:13. (33rd).
Jeremy Hart won 1/6 poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (40th/50).
Mens Epee: (Winner Jung KOR)
Ross Austen, won 4/6, won his first d/e against John Downes. Then unfortunately lost his 32 d/e. (24th).
Seamus Robinson won 4/6, unfortunately lost first d/e (36th).
James Lewis won 3/6, unfortunately losing his first d/e (38th).
John Downes won 2/5, lost his first d/e against Ross Austen (46th/70).
Mens Sabre: (Winner Gu KOR)
James Walsh, won 3/6, won his first d/e against Olympic Qualifier Winner from Iran, but lost 16 d/e against Olympic Champion Zhong CHN. (15th).
Frederick Jaccard won 2/6, won his first d/e, to make 32, but unfortunately lost his 2nd d/e (31st).
Sutherlan Scudds won 1/6, unfortunately didn’t make d/e (41st).
Mitch Fox 0/6, unfortunately didn’t make d/e (47th/48).
Womens Sabre: (Winner Yoon KOR)
Sam Auty won 2/6, unfortunately lost first d/e 15:7 (23rd).
Alex Carroll won 2/6, unfortunately lost her d/e in a tight match 15:14. (24th).
Alex Andre won 2/6, unfortunately lost first d/e against top seed 15:6 (32nd).
Jess Brooks won 1/5, unfortunately didn’t make d/e (37th/41).
Womens Foil Teams: Winner KOREA
Australia seeded 7th lost to Japan 45:11, then lost Hong Kong 45:10 (7th/7)
Mens Foil Teams: Winner KOREA
Australia seeded 8th beat Macau 45:23 in the 16, then lost 8:45 (top seed) China. Lost again to Singapore 28:45 in 5th place playoff, then in the 7th place playoff against Iran unfortunately lost in a great comeback 44:45 after trailing 10:1. (8th/10)
Womens Epee Teams: Winner CHINA
Australia seeded 8th lost to top seed and eventual winner China 33:45, lost against Kazakhstan in 5th playoff 45:40, then winning 7th playoff against Chinese Tapei (7th/10).
Mens Epee Teams: Winner KOREA
Australia seeded 8th beat Indonesia 45:41, but lost to eventual winners and top seed Korea 32:45, beat Hong Kong 45:41, and then beat Iran 45:43 to finish 5th in a great result (5th/15).
Mens Sabre Teams: Winner CHINA
Australia seeded 7th lost to second seed Korea 13:45. Lost to Japan 36:45, then Malaysia 35:45. (8th/10).
Womens Sabre Teams: Winner KOREA
Australia seeded 8th lost lost first d/e against Vietnam to make 8. (9th/9).
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