Asian Senior Championships 2012 Results

Wakayama, Japan: Asian Senior Fencing Championships  21-27th. April 2012

 Womens Epee: (Winner Shin KOR)

Diana Sher won all 5/5 poule bouts, won her first d/e to make the 16, but unfortunately lost 15:6 CHI. (10th).
Evelyn Halls won 4/5, won her first d/e to make the 16, but unfortunately lost 15:7 (12th).
Vicki Wilks won 1/6 poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (38th).
Emma Ryan lost all poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (45th/46).

Womens Foil:
(Winner Nam KOR)
Lishan Sung won 1/5, but lost her d/e 15:5. (26th).
Jenny Bonney-Millet won 1 poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (30th).
Claire Daniel lost all poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (32nd).
Leah Mangion lost all poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (37th/37).

Mens Foil: (Winner Lei CHN)
Marek Jamrozy won 2/6, won his first d/e 15:13, but unfortunately lost his d/e in 32 against Olympic medalist Lei CHN (31st).
Chris Jones won 3/6, seeded (27th) but lost d/e 15:13. (33rd).
Jeremy Hart won 1/6 poule bouts, unfortunately not making d/e (40th/50).

Mens Epee: (Winner Jung KOR)
Ross Austen, won 4/6, won his first d/e against John Downes. Then unfortunately lost his 32 d/e. (24th).
Seamus Robinson won 4/6, unfortunately lost first d/e (36th).
James Lewis won 3/6, unfortunately losing his first d/e (38th).
John Downes won 2/5, lost his first d/e against Ross Austen (46th/70).

Mens Sabre: (Winner Gu KOR)
James Walsh, won 3/6, won his first d/e against Olympic Qualifier Winner from Iran, but lost 16 d/e against Olympic Champion Zhong CHN. (15th).
Frederick Jaccard won 2/6, won his first d/e, to make 32, but unfortunately lost his 2nd d/e (31st).
Sutherlan Scudds won 1/6, unfortunately didn’t make d/e (41st).
Mitch Fox 0/6, unfortunately didn’t make d/e (47th/48).

Womens Sabre: (Winner Yoon KOR)
Sam Auty won 2/6, unfortunately lost first d/e 15:7 (23rd).
Alex Carroll won 2/6, unfortunately lost her d/e in a tight match 15:14. (24th).
Alex Andre won 2/6, unfortunately lost first d/e against top seed 15:6 (32nd).
Jess Brooks won 1/5, unfortunately didn’t make d/e (37th/41).

Womens Foil Teams: Winner KOREA

Australia seeded 7th lost to Japan 45:11, then lost Hong Kong 45:10 (7th/7)

Mens Foil Teams: Winner KOREA

Australia seeded 8th beat Macau 45:23 in the 16, then lost 8:45 (top seed) China.
Lost again to Singapore 28:45 in 5th place playoff, then in the 7th place playoff  against Iran unfortunately lost in a great comeback 44:45 after trailing 10:1. (8th/10)

Womens Epee Teams: Winner CHINA

Australia seeded 8th lost to top seed and eventual winner China 33:45, lost against Kazakhstan in 5th playoff 45:40, then winning 7th playoff against Chinese Tapei (7th/10).

 Mens Epee Teams: Winner KOREA

Australia seeded 8th beat Indonesia 45:41, but lost to eventual winners and top seed Korea 32:45, beat Hong Kong 45:41, and then beat Iran 45:43 to finish 5th in a great result (5th/15).

Mens Sabre Teams: Winner CHINA

Australia seeded 7th lost to second seed Korea 13:45. Lost to Japan 36:45, then Malaysia 35:45. (8th/10).

Womens Sabre Teams: Winner KOREA

Australia seeded 8th lost lost first d/e against Vietnam to make 8. (9th/9).

Full Results Link

Oceania Junior Championships 2012

Congratulations to the Athletes selected to represent Australia at the Oceania Junior Championships in New Caledonia, 13th to 15th July 

Mens Epee: Patrick Daley, Ed Fitzgerald, Daniel Locke, Robert Snell (*), Benjamin van Haringen.

Womens Epee: Amy Reynolds.

Mens Foil: Callum Bodman, Patrick Daley, Dylan Devenish, Alasdair Dunham (*), Michael Dzodzos (*), Ed Fitzgerald (*), Matt Foster, Edmund Goldrick, Sam Mooney Grand, Daniel Locke, TC Reynolds (*).

Mens Sabre:  Patrick Daley (*), Edmund Goldrick (*), Benjamin van Haeringen (*).

Check the AFF website for more details, Management and Coaches to be selected.

(*) Athletes Pre-Selected for Team Event. 

updated 22/4/12

Asian Senior Olympic Zone Qualifiers 2012

Wakayama, Japan: Asian Senior Olympic Zone Qualifiers  20th-21st. April 2012

Fri 21st April

Womens Epee: Evelyn Halls won 5/5 matches, seeded 2nd Evelyn got a bye into the 8, won her first d/e comfortably, but unfortunately lost her Semi Final in a closely contested match on priority (14:13)… (3rd)……………. (Olympic Qualifier Winner from Japan)

Womens Foil: Lishan Sung won 3/5 matches, seeded 8th Lishan won her first d/e comfortably, but unfortunately lost her Quater Final d/e. (15:2) to the eventual Winner… (8th)……………. (Olympic Qualifier Winner from Lebanon)

Mens Sabre: James Walsh won 5/5 matches, seeded 3rd James got a bye into the 8, but unfortunately lost his first d/e in the Quater Final. (15:12)… (5th)……………. (Olympic Qualifier Winner from Iran).

Sat 21st April

Mens Foil: Marek Jamrozy won 5/5 matches, seeded 2nd Marek got a bye into the 8, but unfortunately lost his first d/e in the Quater Final. (15:7)… (5th)……………. (Olympic Qualifier Winner from Lebanon).

Mens Epee: Seamus Robinson won 3/5 matches, seeded 10th Seamus won his first d/e comfortably, but unfortunately lost his Quater Final. (15:12). (7th)……………. (3 Olympic Qualifier Winners: 1st Uzbekistan, 2nd Vietnam, 3rd Hong Kong).

Womens Sabre: Alex Carroll won 3/5 matches, seeded 6th Alex got a bye into the 8, but unfortunately lost her first d/e in the Quater Final (15:10). (6th)……………. (3 Olympic Qualifier Winners: 1st Kazakhstan, 2nd Hong Kong, 3rd Indonesia).

For Full Result details Link 

State Veterans Squad – Melbourne Fencing Centre

Training Time: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30

Any athlete wishing to participate, please contact  veterans@fencingvictoria 

Chris Jones 0409 013 171

Session : 12th April come along and join the squad:         Skill: Coupe Lunge against parry 4. 

Next Session:   Thursday 19/4/12         

@  6:30  Level 1, 204-206 Arden St North Melbourne.     

Public transport:* by train (closest station is North Melbourne -10 minute walk down Laurens Street)* by tram

Closest stop is No 15 on Abbotsford Street on route 57 -8 minute walk down Arden Street

Vic Vets

Junior World and Cadet Championship 2012

Moscow, Russia April 2012.

Cadet Results

Cadet Mens Foil: Douglas Sholto =41, TC Reynolds =41, Lucas Webber 49/91.

Cadet Womens Foil: Lishan Sung 28/77.

Cadet Mens Sabre: Jasper Rowley 59/79.

Cadet Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard 39, Kathleen Simpson 65/66.

Cadet Mens Épée: Henry Mayall-Vandervelde 55/107.

Cadet Womens Épée: Alex Hughes 42, Anne Deveraux 74/88.

Junior Results
Junior Mens Foil: Matthew Donald 84, Lucas Webber 102, Douglas Sholto 112/122.

Junior Womens Foil: Emily Marotta 65, Lishan Sung 90/91.

Junior Mens Sabre: Zak Leonard 79, Jasper Rowley 102/109.

Junior Womens Sabre: Kathleen Simpson 76, Mathilda Barnard 79/79.

Junior Mens Épée: Henry Mayall-Vandervelde 55, Rob Snell 109, Daniel Alchin 133/150.

Junior Womens Épée: Diann Sher 11th!, Malindi Haggett 90, Alexandra Hughes 111/114.


Mens Foil: 20/23

Womens Épée: 20/25

Men’s Épée: 28/32

Austalian National Rankings 2012

The Australian Senior Rankings have been updated after AFF #2, and incorporates

Athletes selected to represent Australia at the Olympic Qualifiers in Japan in late April..

Link to AFF: Link


State Veterans Squad – Melbourne Fencing Centre

Training Time: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30

Any athlete wishing to participate, please contact  veterans@fencingvictoria 

Chris Jones 0409 013 171

Session : 5th April come along and join the squad:         Skill: Point in Line. 

Next Session:   Thursday 12/4/12         

Check out this humourous piece on youtube ….

@  6:30  Level 1, 204-206 Arden St North Melbourne.     

Public transport:* by train (closest station is North Melbourne -10 minute walk down Laurens Street)* by tram

Closest stop is No 15 on Abbotsford Street on route 57 -8 minute walk down Arden Street

Vic Vets

AFF #2 Robyn Chaplin Memorial

AFF Circuit #2 : Adelaide 9-11 June

Saturday – June 9
9.00 – 4.00 pm AFT Epee Camp

9:00 Men’s Foil
10:30 Women’s Sabre
13:45 Veteran Men’s Epee
13:45 Veteran Women’s Epee

Sunday – June 10
8:30 – 13:00 AFT  Foil Camp

13:00 – 17:30 AFT  Sabre Camp 

9:00 Men’s Epee
10:30 Women’s Epee
14:00 Veteran Men’s Foil
14:00 Veteran Women’s Foil

Monday – June 11
9:00 Women’s Foil
10:30 Men’s Sabre
13:45 Veteran Women’s Sabre
13:45 Veteran Men’s Sabre

Venue is not the same as previous years!
Immanuel College Sports Centre
32 Morphett Road, Novar Gardens 5040

More details on accommodation and location etc coming… Also on the AFF website.

Weapons Check: Friday 8th June 7-9pm and 1 hour prior to each event.

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