AFC #4 – March 28-30
Details are now available from the Ausfencing.org website for March AFC #4 competition.
Further details here: Link
Thursday 27th
Weapons Check for 2 hours and then 1 hour prior to each event
Friday 28th
Mens Sabre
Womens Epee
Vets M W Sabre
Saturday 29th
Mens Foil
Womens Sabre
Vets M W Epee
Sunday 30th
Mens Epee
Womens Foil
Vets M W Foil
updated Jan 2025
January 9th, 2025
Categories: Australian News, Calendars, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
March 28, 2025 – March 30, 2025
Victorian State Fencing Centre
December 15th, 2024
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #1 Sydney 2024
Open Women’s Foil: M.Muralidharan VIC, 2nd R.Leung NSW, =3rd G.Silk GBR, =3rd G.Barratt SA.
Open Men’s Foil: R.Ciccarelli NSW, 2nd W.Chan Vic, =3rd S.Mooney-Grand NSW, =3rd Y.Fontaine NSW.
Open Women’s Sabre: G.Hardge NSW, 2nd W.So NSW, =3rd Y.Zou NSW, =3rd H.Kim KOR.
Open Men’s Sabre: P.Oshaghi SA, 2nd H.Bulmer NZL, =3rd B.Fawkes-Kotevski NSW, =3rd A.Lette NSW.
Veteran Men’s Sabre: R.Vintila NSW, 2nd G.Stehle VIC NSW, =3rd R.Kuhaupt WA, =3rd A.Yee NSW.
Veteran Women’s Sabre: M.Y.Du NSW, 2nd T.Nguyen NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.
Veteran’s Foil: A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd A.Calixte NSW, =3rd C.Jones Vic, =3rd P.Aitchison NSW.
AFC #1 Melbourne 2024
Open Women’s Epee: J.Yan NZL , 2nd J.Falinska NSW, =3rd C.Curtis VIC, =3rd E.Principe NSW.
Open Men’s Epee: A.English VIC, 2nd D.McClelland Vic, =3rd N.Zeitoun VIC, =3rd S.Labaki QLD.
Vet Women’s Epee: S.Osvath NSW, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd L.Gemell NSW, =3rd J.Schortmann QLD.
Vet Men’s Epee: E.Desjardins NSW, 2nd L.Cartillier QLD, =3rd P.Osvath VIC, =3rd A.Paxman WA.
March 11th, 2024
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
The AFF has finally updated the remaining national comps for 2024.
July 6-10 Adelaide – Youth and Cadet Champs
July 20-21 Canberra – Schools champs
August 3-4 Melbourne – International Vet Challenge
September 7-8 Perth – AFC #1
October 25-27 Melbourne – AFC #2
November 29-1/December Adelaide – AFC #3
find on AFF link
February 21st, 2024
Categories: Australian News, Calendars | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
December – Oceanic Fencing Championships – Melbourne
Open Men’s Sabre: 1st S.Anderson NSW, 2nd P.Oshaghi SA, =3rd B.Fawkes NSW, =3rd H.Bulmer NZL.
Open Men’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSWA. 2nd Vic A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd WA.
Veteran Men’s Foil: 1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd C.Jones Vic, =3rd C.Bosnic Vic, =3rd A.Reynolds NSW.
Veteran Men’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, 3rd Vic B.
Open Women’s Sabre: 1st G.Hardge NSW, 2nd Z.Djamirze NSW, =3rd K.Tin Qld =3rd Y.Zou NSW.
Open Women’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSW A,2nd NSW B, 3rd Vic.
Open Men’s Foil: 1st N.Fitzgerald WA, 2nd J.Glasson NSW, =3rd H.Bosnic Vic, =3rd A.Thian WA.
Veteran Men’s Sabre: 1st D.Wheeler Qld, 2nd D.Kneale WA, =3rd D.Chachs Vic, =3rd D.McFadyen Qld.
Veterans Women’s Sabre: 1st M.Yi Du NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd A.Zhao NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW.
Veteran Women’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd Vic.
Open Men’s Foil Teams: 1st WA, 2nd Vic A, =3rd QLD, =3rd NSW A.
Open Women’s Foil: 1st S.Glasson NSW, 2nd G.Sweeney Vic, =3rd A.Whelan NSW, =3rd R.Leung NSW.
Open Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW B.
Open Womens Epee: 1st E.Principe NSW, 2nd K.Egan Vic, =3rd S.Tweddle NZ, =3rd G.Van Rensberg NSW.
Open Womens Epee Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW B, =3rd NZ, =3rd NSW A.
Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st LShay Vic, 2nd J.Lyashenko NSW, =3rd N.Dunstan Vic, =3rd C.Stokes NSW.
Veteran Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, 3rd Vic B.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st N.Sakhari NSW, 2nd D.Cook Vic, =3rd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd A.Paxman WA.
Veteran Mens Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd Qld, =3rd NSW A, =3rd WA.
Veteran Womens Epee: 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd M.Black NZ, =3rd N.Ferguson SA, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.
Veteran Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd SA, 3rd Vic.
Mens Epee: 1st D.Yates Vic, 2nd J.Patchen Qld, =3rd T.Telnykh NSW, =3rd M.Baker NZ.
Mens Epee Teams: 1st VicA, 2nd QLD A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW A.
full results Link
December 2nd, 2023
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australia has had its most successful day (and tournament) in winning 4 medals
at the 2023 Veteran World Championships in Florida
Mens Epee 70+ Peter Osvath Gold
Mens Foil 60+ Adam Reynolds Silver
Womens Epee 60+ Sarah Osvath Silver
Womens Epee 50+ Abby Nutt Bronze
Australia has finished 5th on the medal table.
October 18th, 2023
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
It’s not often that Fencing is mentioned in the Australian media pre Olympics
link to ABC article
April 9th, 2023
Categories: Australian News, Olympics 2024 | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Nationals: Adelaide 2022
Open Individual
Men’s Epee: S.Robinson QLD, 2nd L.Crook QLD, =3rd A.English Vic, I.Hayes Vic.
Women’s Foil: J.Lukins NSW, 2nd G.Salmas Vic, =3rd M.Muralidharan Vic, =3rd S.Glasson NSW.
Women’s Epee: 1st , E.Halls Vic 2nd G.Janse Van Rensburg NSW, =3rd U.Menz SA, =3rd A.Nutt NSW.
Men’s Foil: 1st J.Glasson NSW, 2nd M.Foster Vic, =3rd N.Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd J.Hull NSW
Women’s Sabre: 1st G.Hardge NSW, 2nd Z.Djamirze NSW, =3rd Y.Zelin NSW, =3rd M.Y.Du NSW
Men’s Sabre: 1st Y.Shim NSW, 2nd T.Davis Vic, =3rd E.Hoarau WA, =3rd Z.Radnoti NSW.
Open Teams
Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic B, NSW B.
Mens Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd QLD, =3rd SA A, NZ A.
Women’s Epee Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd NSW B, =3rd Vic A, Vic B
Men’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd NSW, =3rd SA A, NZ A.
Men’s Sabre Teams: 1st WA, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic A, =3rd NSW B.
Women’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSWA, 2nd NSW B, 3rd Vic.
V Women’s Epee:.1st M.Yeung NSW, 2nd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd M.Black NZ, =3rd A.Nutt NSW.
V Men’s Epee: 1st D.Cook Vic, 2nd D.Ferguson SA, =3rd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd L.Cartillier QLD.
V Women’s Foil: 1st J.Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd J.Lyaschenko NSW, =3rd L.Shay Vic, =3rd A.Ballard NSW.
V Men’s Foil: 1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd C.Jones Vic, =3rd C.Bosnic Vic, =3rd D.Ferguson SA.
V Men’s Sabre: 1st D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd D.Kneale WA, G.Foster NSW.
V Women’s Sabre: 1st M.Y.Du NSW, 2nd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd C.Walker Vic.
Veteran Teams
V Women’s Epee :.1st NSW, 2nd NSW, =3rd WA, =3rd Vic.
V Men’s Epee : 1st SA, 2nd Vic, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW.
V Women’s Foil: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW, 3rd Vic B
V Men’s Foil: 1st NSW, 2nd Vic, 3rd SA.
V Women’s Sabre: 1st NSW, 2nd Vic,
November 25th, 2022
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
completed 2022… see you in Melbourne 2023!
October 19th, 2022
Categories: Australian News, Calendars | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #4 Melbourne 2022
Open Men’s Epee: L.Crook QLD, 2nd SA, =3rd N.Zeitoun Vic, I.Hayes Vic.
Open Women’s Foil: M.Muralidharan Vic, 2nd J.Shi Vic, =3rd G.Huber Vic, =3rd V.Hull NSW.
Open Men’s Foil: M.Foster Vic, 2nd J.Leung Vic, =3rd J.Glasson NSW, =3rd R.Cicciaralli NSW.
Open Women’s Sabre: G.Hardge NSW, 2nd Y.Zou NSW, =3rd K.Cheung Vic, =3rd M.Y.Du NSW.
Open Women’s Epee: E. Halls Vic, 2nd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd E.Principe NSW, =3rd S.Scott NSW.
Open Men’s Sabre: A.Brown WA, 2nd P. Palakwongse NSW, =3rd S.Andrews NSW, =3rd Z.Radnoti NSW.
Veteran Men’s Sabre: G.Stehle Vic, 2nd G.Foster NSW, =3rd D.Chachs Vic, =3rd B.Simpson NZ.
Veteran Women’s Sabre: M.Y.Du NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd C.Walker Vic.
Veteran Women’s Foil: S.Lidor Vic , J.Bonney-Millet Qld, =3rd N.Dunstan Vic, =3rd J.Lyaschenko NSW.
Veteran Men’s Foil: A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd C.Jones Vic, =3rd D.Chachs Vic, =3rd M.Prince NSW.
Veteran Women’s Epee: M.Yeung NSW, 2nd J.Seggie NSW, =3rd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd T.Ijas Vic.
Veteran Men’s Epee: M.Baker NZ, 2nd D.Cook Vic, =3rd D.Ferguson SA, =3rd PKurtyka NSW.
October 19th, 2022
Categories: Australian News, Calendars | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #3 Perth WA 2022
Verteran Events
Mens Epee: A.Paxman WA, M.Pesman NSW, =3rdD.Kneale WA, =3rd L.Santos WA
Mens Foil: A.Reynolds NSW, P.Barry SA, =3rd C.Bosnic Vic, =3rd A.Reyes WA
Womens Epee: I.Ellis WA, C.Syme ACT, =3rd K.Weatherald WA, =3rd B.Ramage NSW
Mens Sabre: D.Wheeler NSW, D.Kneale WA =3rd C.Stronach WA, =3rd R.Kuhaupt WA
Womens Foil: (Mixed results) 5th B.Ramage NSW, 6 C.Stokes NSW.
Womens Sabre: (Mixed results) 5th E.Gulland WA, 7 I.Elleis WA, 8 G.Wecker WA.
October 4th, 2022
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #3 Perth WA 2022
Open Events
Womens: V.Vasileva NSW, L.Blyth WA, =3rd L.Fallon NSW, =3rd M.Marchwicka WA
Mens Epee: N.Zeuituon Vic, L.Crook QLD, =3rd D.McClelland Vic, =3rd R.Chandran SA
Mens Foil:J. Glasson NSW, T.Reynolds VIC, =3rd M.Foster Vic, =3rd N.Fitzgerald
Womens Epee: E.Halls Vic, K.Nonis WA, =3rd K.Cheung Vic, =3rd S.Scott NSW
Mens Sabre: Y.Shim NSW, E.Hoarau WA =3rd H.Chung Vic, =3rd A.Brown WA
Womens Foil: T.Lukins NSW, M. Muralidharan Vic, =3rd A.Whelan NSW, =3rd V.Hull NSW.
October 1st, 2022
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Veteran Fencing Circuit Sydney March 2022
Veteran Individual
Mens Foil: Gold A.Calixte NSW (FRA), Silver A.Albano NSW, Bronze P.Aitchison NSW, Bronze R.Purdie NSW
Womens Foil: Gold J.B.Millet Qld, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze J.Lyashenko NSW, Bronze H.Byrne NSW.
Mens Epee: Gold M.Baker NSW, Silver N.Sakhrani NSW, Bronze E.Desjardina
NSW, Bronze S.Summerfield Vic.
Womens Epee: Gold S.Osvath NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze N.Ferguson SA, Bronze M.Yeung NSW.
Mens Sabre: Gold D.Wheeler NSW, Silver R.Vinitila NSW, Bronze G.Foster NSW, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.
Womens Sabre: Gold M.Yeung NSW, Silver M.Y.Du NSW, Silver H. Jordan NSW, Vic, Bronze C. Walker Vic.
March 22nd, 2022
Categories: Australian News, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian National Veteran Championships, Melbourne December 2021
Veteran Individual
Mens Foil: Gold A.Tyshcenko NSW, Silver A.Reynolds NSW, Bronze C.Bosnic Vic, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.
Womens Foil: Gold S.Lidor Vic, Silver J.Bonney Millet Vic, Bronze A.Ballard NSW, Bronze A.Nutt NSW.
Mens Epee: Gold D.Cook Vic, Silver S.Summerfield Vic, Bronze P.Osvath Vic, Bronze S.Javens Vic.
Womens Epee: Gold S.Osvath NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze A.Ballard NSW, Bronze T.Buchanan NSW.
Mens Sabre: Gold R.Vintila NSW, Silver G.Foster NSW, Bronze G.Stehle Vic, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.
Womens Sabre: Gold M.Y.Du NSW, Silver L.Lagergren Vic, Bronze C.Walker Vic, Bronze T.Buchanan NSW.
Mens Foil: Gold NSW, Silver Vic,
Womens Foil: Gold Vic A, Silver NSW, Bronze Vic B,
Mens Epee: Gold Vic A, Silver Vic B,
Womens Epee: Gold NSW A, Silver Vic A, Bronze Vic B,
Mens Sabre: Gold NSW, Silver Vic,
Womens Sabre: Gold NSW, Silver Vic A, Bronze Vic B,
for more info link (Ausfencing.org select the event).
December 15th, 2021
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian National Championships, Melbourne December 2021
Open Individual
Mens Foil: Gold J.Lim Vic, Silver M.Foster Vic, Bronze T.Colgan Vic, Bronze J.Glasson NSW.
Womens Foil: Gold A.Tyschenko NSW, Silver E.Simon Vic, Bronze M.Muralidaran Vic, Bronze V.Hull NSW.
Mens Epee: Gold L.Crook Qld, Silver A.English Vic, Bronze N.Zeituon Vic, Bronze M.Bianchin Vic.
Womens Epee: Gold E.Halls Vic, Silver M.Anderson QLD, Bronze A.Awong NSW, Bronze G.Janse Van Rensburg NSW.
Mens Sabre: Gold T.Davis Vic, Silver G.Yako NSW, Bronze A.Douglas NSW, Bronze J.Roncolato NSW.
Womens Sabre: Gold Y.Zou NSW, Silver T.H.Yen NSW, Bronze G.Hardge NSW, Bronze M.YDu NSW.
Mens Foil: Gold NSW A, Silver VIC A, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW B.
Womens Foil: Gold NSW A, Silver VIC A, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW B.
Mens Epee: Gold VIC A, Silver QLD, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW.
Womens Epee: Gold NSW A, Silver VIC A, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW B,
Mens Sabre: Gold NSW A, Silver NSW B, Bronze VIC A, Bronze VIC B.
Womens Sabre: Gold NSW, Silver VIC,
for more info link (Ausfencing.org select the event).
December 15th, 2021
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Company ‘EnPointe’ Wireless System.
Australia has a small (compared to world wide Fencing powerhouses) but dedicated Fencing Community.
Emerging out of Melbourne “EnPointe” has created and Manufactured an alternative to ground wired and expensive European Scoring Boxes.

Wireless will eventually overtake traditional ground or wired systems, and in a world where light weight, tech savvy systems are easy to use and require a small storage area, Fencing Clubs will be gravitating towards EnPointe Wireless Systems, that are Revolutionary-Practical-Affordable.

Contact EnPointe: sales@enpointefencing.com
Check out their range : Link
March 22nd, 2021
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Equipment | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian National Champions
Keep up with the History of Australian Fencing -:
November 27th, 2019
Categories: AusFencing Portal, Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Canberra 2019
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st L.Shay VIC, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd J.Allardice VIC, =3rd A.Ballard NSW.
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st R.Vintial NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA , =3rd G.Foster NSW, =3rd M.Treasure VIC.
Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st M Y Du NSW, 2nd M Yeung NSW, =3rd E.K.Gulland WA, =3rd H.Jordan NSW.
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd R.Purdie NSW, =3rd A.Reynolds VIC, =3rd G.Mittermair ACT.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st T.Song NSW, 2nd M.Pesman NSW, =3rd L.Cartillier QLD, =3rd G.Scott VIC.
Veteran Womens Epee : 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd M.Black NZL, =3rd C.Murphy ACT, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.
Womens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC, =3rd ACT, =3rd VIC B.
Mens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd Vic, =3rd ACT A, =3rd ACT B.
Mens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd ACT, =3rd VIC.
Womens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd VIC, =3rd ACT.
Mens Epee Teams: 1st ACT A, 2nd QLD A, =3rd VIC, =3rd NSW A.
Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW B , 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC, =3rd SA.
November 25th, 2019
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Canberra, ACT 2019.
Mens Sabre: 1st M.Kang QLD (KOR) , 2nd S.Andrews NSW, =3rd Z.Leonhard WA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW.
Womens Foil: 1st E.Bofinger NSW, 2nd F.Clarke NSW, =3rd G.Salmas VIC , =3rd E.Simon VIC.
Mens Foil: 1st S.Douglas NSW, 2nd C.Nagle VIC, =3rd L.Webber VIC, =3rd C.Ferguson SA.
Womens Epee: 1st S.Scott NSW, 2nd D.Gu VIC, =3rd NSW S.Osvath, =3rd A.Murrel VIC.
Mens Epee: 1st S.Robinson QLD, 2nd A.Burgun SA, =3rd D.Yates VIC, =3rd S.Douglas NSW,
Womens Sabre: 1st V.Vasileva NSW, 2nd G.Hardge NSW, =3rd E.Johnson WA, =3rd A.Kwag QLD.
Womens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd VIC.
Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd. NZL.
Mens Epee Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd QLD A, =3rd ACT A, =3rd WA.
Womens Foil Teams: 1st VIC A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.
Mens Foil Teams: 1st VIC A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.
Mens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA A, =3rd VIC, =3rd QLD,
November 25th, 2019
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Canberra 22- 26 November 2019.
22 November
9:00 Mens Sabre
9:30 Womens Foil
12:30 Veteran Mens Sabre
1:00 Veteran Womens Sabre
23 November
8:30 Mens Foil
12:00 Veteran Womens Foil
12:15 Mens Sabre Teams
2:00 Veteran Mens Foil
24 November
8:30 Womens Epee (Epee Teams following)
9:00 Mens Foil Teams
12:30 Veteran Mens & Womens Foil Teams
2:00 Womens Sabre
25 November
8:30 Mens Epee
9:00 Womens Sabre Teams
2:00 Womens Epee Teams
26 November
8:30 Veteran Mens Epee (&Teams)
9:00 Veteran Womens Epee (& Teams)
2:00 Mens Epee Teams
Weapons Test 1 hour prior to each event and Thursday 21 November
November 14th, 2019
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
World Championships Budapest 2019
Mens Sabre
GOLD S.Oh KOR, 2ndA.Szatmari HUN, =3rd M.Abedini IRI, =3rd L.Curatoli ITA.
Aus: 109 J.Siu, 118 A.Douglas, 139 W.Campbell, Z.Leonhard 141/159.
Womens Epee
GOLD E.Moelhausen BRA, 2ndS.Lin CHN, =3rd MWV.Wong HKG, =3rd O.Kryvytska UKR.
Aus: 105 E.Patten, 139 M.Anderson, 149 D.Gu, A.Deveraux 159/188.
Mens Foil
GOLD ,E.Lefort FRA, 2ndM.Mepstead GBR, =3rd YK.SonvKOR, =3rd D.Zherebchenko RUS.
Aus: 26 S.Douglas, 81 C.Nagle, 99 N.Fitzgerald, L.Webber 166/187.
Womens Sabre
GOLD O.Kharlan UKR, 2ndS.Velikaya RUS, =3rd T.Gkountoura GRE, =3rd B.Pascu ROM.
Aus: 131 S.Auty, C.Fox-Harding 134/146.
Mens Epee
GOLD G.Siklosi HUN, 2ndS.Bida RUS, =3rd I.Reizlin UKR, =3rd A.Santarelli ITA.
Aus: 111 K.Radford, 159 M.Biachin, 165 I.Hayes, S.Rawlins 220/222.
Womens Foil
GOLD I.Deriglazova RUS, 2ndP.Ranvier FRA, =3rd E.DiFrancisca ITA, =3rd A.Errigo ITA.
Aus:96 V.Hull, 104 G.Barrett, 110 F.Clark, M.M 114/142.
Mens Epee
Gold FRA, Silver UKR, Bronze SWI .
Womens Foil
Gold RUS, Silver ITA, Bronze USA .
Mens Foil
Gold USA, Silver FRA,Bronze ITA.
Mens Sabre
Gold KOR, Silver HUN, Bronze ITA.
Womens Epee
Gold CHN, Silver RUS, Bronze ITA.
Womens Sabre
Gold RUS, Silver FRA, Bronze KOR.
Medal Table
3 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
U.S.A |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
July 21st, 2019
Categories: Australian News, International News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Asian Champs Japan 2019
Womens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Mens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Womens Sabre:1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Mens Sabre: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Womens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Mens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Womens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Mens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Womens Sabre:1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Mens Sabre: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Womens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
Mens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .
June 15th, 2019
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Adelaide 2019
Womens Epee: 1st J.Gundry GBR, 2nd A.Deveraux VIC, =3rd, M.Anderson QLD =3rd E.Halls VIC.
Mens Epee: 1st K.Radford VIC, 2nd J.Downes WA, =3rd S.Robinson VIC, =3rd A.English VIC.
Womens Sabre:1st S.Auty VIC, 2nd A.Hely NSW, =3rd M.Y. Du NSW, =3rd A.Kurbatfinski SA .
Mens Sabre: 1st M.Kang (KOR) QLD, 2nd J.Siu NSW, =3rd W.Campbell SA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW.
Womens Foil: 1st 1 L.Jacob NZL, 2nd V.Hull NSW, =3rd M.Muralidgaran VIC, =3rd F.Clarke NSW.
Mens Foil: 1st N.Fitzgerald VIC, 2nd Y.Fontaine NSW, =3rd S.Mooney-Grand, =3rd D.Garelja NZL.
Veteran Womens Epee: 1st A.Nutt NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd N.Ferguson SA, =3rd J.Schortmann QLD.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st L.Cartillier QLD, 2nd A.Paxman WA, =3rd D.Cook VIC, =3rd MBarchiesi SA.
Veteran Womens Sabre:1 M.Yi Du NSW, 2nd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd E.K Gulland WA, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1 D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd G.Sudran WA, =3rd D.Chachs VIC, =3rd A.Scherbakoff VIC.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st J.Lyaschenko NSW, 2nd J.Bonney-Millett QLD, =3rd N.Dunstan VIC, =3rd L.Shay VIC.
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st A.Tyshchenko NSW, 2nd P.Barry SA, =3rd R.Purdie NSW, =3rd A.Reynolds NSW.
full results Ausfencing.org
June 7th, 2019
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Canberra December 23-28th 2018
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st CAN, 2nd D.Cook AUS, =3rd CAN, =3rd NZL.
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st SCO, 2nd SCO, =3rd A.Tyschenko AUS, =3rd SCO.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st A.Nutt AUS, 2nd J.Lyaschenko AUS , =3rd A.Ballard AUS, =3rd ENG.
Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st CAN, 2nd M.Yi Du AUS, =3rd ENG, =3rd WAL.
Veteran Womens Epee: 1st S.Osvath AUS, 2nd ENG, =3rd CAN, =3rd CAN.
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st D.Wheeler AUS, 2nd R.Vintila AUS, =3rd A.Brungs AUS, =3rd ENG,
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st CAN, 2nd NZL, 3rd AUS.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG,
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st SCO, 2nd ENG, 3rd AUS.
Veteran Womens Epee: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd NZL.
Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd SCO
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd CAN
For more or full info on all results and Australian Placings
November 22nd, 2018
Categories: Australian News, Commonwealth Veterans, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian National Champions
Keep up with the History of Australian Fencing -:
November 21st, 2018
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Results 2018 Nationals 2018
Womens Epee: 1st E.Halls VIC, 2nd J.Gundry (GBR)(VIC), =3rd I.Mihailescu Vic, =3rd S.Scott NSW.
Mens Epee: 1st S.Diachenko UKR (VIC), 2nd I.Hayes VIC, =3rd A.English VIC, =3rd T.C.Jones GBR.
Womens Sabre: 1st S.Auty VIC, 2nd C.Fox Harding, =3rd W.Yano CAN, =3rd L.Cao VIC.
Mens Sabre: 1st M.Minkyu KOR (QLD), 2nd N.Pastore FRA (NSW), =3rd W.Campbell SA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW.
Womens Foil: 1st C.Dickson SCO, 2nd E.Marotta VIC, =3rd M.Sicari VIC, =3rd V.Hull NSW.
Mens Foil: 1st S.Douglas NSW, 2nd L.Webber VIC, =3rd N.Fitzgerald VIC, =3rd C.Nagle VIC.
Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NZ, =3rd QLD.
Mens Epee Teams: 1st QLD, 2nd VIC, =3rd WA, =3rd SA.
Womens Foil Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.
Mens Foil Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd NSW, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.
Womens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd VIC, =3rd NZ.
Mens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd QLD, =3rd Canada , =3rd WA.
full results Ausfencing.org
November 16th, 2018
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Melbourne November 2018
Veteran Sabre: 1st D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA, =3rd P.Miller NSW, =3rd R.Vintila NSW.
Veteran Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd VIC.
Veteran Men Epee: 1st T.Song NSW, 2nd K.McDonald NZ., =3rd P.Osvath VIC, =3rd B.Suveg CAN.
Veteran Women Epee: 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd J.Burbridge VIC, =3rd N.Ferguson SA.
Veterans Mens Epee Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd CAN, =3rd NSW A, =3rd NSW B.
Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd VIC B.
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st A.REynolds VIC, 2nd J.Aloi WA, =3rd A.Tyschenko NSW, =3rd C.Bosnic VIC.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st L.Shay VIC, 2nd J.Bonney-Millet QLD , =3rd A.Ballard NSW, =3rd J.Lyaschenko NSW.
Veteran Mens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC, 3rd WA.
Veteran Womens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC.
full results Ausfencing.org
November 16th, 2018
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Mens Foil: 1 M.Foster Vic, 2 N.Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd J.Morris NSW, =3rd L.Webber Vic.
Womens Epee: 1 A.Deveraux Vic, 2nd M.Zhdanovich SA, =3rd D.Gu Vic, =3rd G.Gilarski ACT.
Mens Epee: 1 A.Englisgh Vic, 2nd L.Crook Qld, =3rd M.Jamrozy WA, =3rd D.Drummond ACT.
Womens Sabre: 1 C.Taylor NSW, 2nd E.Johnson WA, =3rd T.Nguyen NSW, =3rd G.White NSW.
Mens Sabre: 1 N.Pastore FRA (NSW), 2nd E.Pastore FRA (NSW), =3rd Z.Leonard WA, =3rd J.Sui NSW.
Womens Foil: 1 G.Salmas Vic, 2nd E.Bofinger NSW, =3rd G.Barratt SA, =3rd V.Hull NSW.
August 13th, 2018
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Mens Foil: 1 N.Fitzgerald Vic, 2 S.Douglas NSW, =3rd T.Reynolds Vic, =3rd L.Webber Vic.
Womens Epee: 1 L.Gemell NSW, 2nd M.Anderson QLD, =3rd D.Gu Vic, =3rd M.Zhdanovich SA.
Mens Epee: 1 V.Diachenko UKR(Vic), 2nd J.Shelley Vic, =3rd A.Burgun SA, =3rd I.Hayes Vic.
Womens Sabre: 1 S.Auty Vic, 2nd S.Webster NSW, =3rd T.Nguyen, =3rd L.Blyth WA.
Mens Sabre: 1 A.Douglas NSW, 2nd Z.Leonard WA, =3rd J.Snell NSW, =3rd S.Andrews NSW.
Womens Foil: 1 V.Hull NSW, 2nd G.Salmas Vic, =3rd G.Barratt SA, =3rd F.Clarke NSW.
U23 Womens Foil: 1 F.Clarke NSW, 2nd V.Hull NSW, =3rd M.Sicari Vic, =3rd I.Everett NZ.
U23 Mens Foil: 1 T.Reynolds Vic, 2nd A.Lun Vic, =3rd B.Breeland-Clencie Vic , =3rd R.Lewis Vic.
June 7th, 2018
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Men’s Sabre: 1 A.Douglas NSW, 2 Z.Leonhard WA, =3 J.See SIN, =3 J.Snell NSW.
Men’s Sabre Teams: : 1 NSW A, 2 WA A, =3 QLD, =3 NSW B.
Women’s Epee: : 1 M.Anderson QLD, 2 A.Deveraux Vic , =3 D.Gu Vic, =3 M.Zhdanovich SA.
Women’s Epee Teams : 1 VIC A, 2 NSW A, =3 WA A, =3 NSW B.
Women’s Sabre: 1 S.Auty VIC , 2 S.Webster NSW, =3 C.Taylor NSW, =3 G.White NSW. \
Women’s Sabre Teams: 1 NSW A, 2 Vic, =3 NSW B, =3 WA.
Men’s Epee: 1 K.Radford VIC, 2 A.Burgun SA, =3 R.Austen VIC, =3 A.Vekemans WA.
Mens Epee Teams : 1 VIC A, 2 WA A , =3 ACT A, =3 VIC B.
Women’s Foil: 1 E.Marotta VIC, 2 G.Salmas VIC, =3 V.Hull NSW, =3 K.Kwa NSW.
Women’s Foil Teams: 1 NSW A, 2 VIC A, =3 QLD, =3 NSW B.
Men’s Foil: 1 N.Fitzgerald VIC, 2 L.Webber VIC, =3 M.Foster VIC, =3 C.Nagle VIC.
Men’s Foil Teams: 1 VIC A, 2 NSW A, =3 VIC B, =3 NSW B.
For more info go to ausfencing.org
December 8th, 2017
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
World Championships Leipzig Germany 2017
Mens Foil: S.Douglas (21) Won 5poule matches direct into 64, (21 seed) Victory in 64 to make the 32!
N.Fitzgerald won first d/e unfortunately lost in 96 (93),
L.Webber won first d/e unfortunately lost in 96 (96),
J.Morris unfortunately didnt make it out of poules (148).
Womens Foil: F.Clarke through to 64, unfortunately lost her d/e (57th).
Mens Epee: K.Radford, R.Austen, S.Rawlings, unfortuantely didnt make it out of the poules.
Womens Epee: D.Gu unfortunately didnt win her first d/e (104) .
Womens Sabre: S.Auty through to d/e’s unfortunately lost (85th).
Mens Foil
Mens Epee:
July 19th, 2017
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Asian Championships Hong Kong 2017
Mens Epee: 22 K Radford, 44 J Shelley, 52 R Austen, 64/70 S Rawlings.
Womens Epee: 28 E Patten, 37 D Gu, 43 A Deveraux, 50/53 E Principe
Mens Foil: 19 S Douglas, 20 N Fitzgerald, 21 C Nagle, 29/62 L Webber.
Womens Foil: 14 E Marotta, 31/52 F Clarke.
Womens Sabre: 28/48 S Auty.
Mens Foil 5th: Beat Macao, then lost a close match 45:40 against Hong Kong to finish 5th.
Mens Epee: 12th: Seeded 7th, lost to Chinese Taipei 45:42, then beat Phillipines 45:40, then lost Singapore 45:40, lost against Kyrgyzstan 45:37.
Womens Epee: 8th: Seeded 5th, beat Mongolia 45:26, then lost to Hong Kong 45:36, then lost to Vietnam 45:31, then Kazakhstan to finish
June 18th, 2017
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #2 Robyn Chaplin Adelaide 2017
Open Results
Mens Foil: 1st T Reynolds Vic, 2nd M Foster Vic, =3rd L Webber Vic, =3rd N Fitzgerald Vic.
Womens Epee: 1st A Deveraux Vic, 2nd E Halls Vic =3rd E Patten Vic, =3rd K Wang NSW.
Mens Epee: 1st J Shelley Vic, 2 A Burgun SA, =3rd C Mihailescu Vic, =3rd L Crook Qld.
Womens Foil: 1st E Marotta Vic, 2nd C Daniel Qld, =3rd A Kwag NSW, =3rd G Barratt SA
Mens Sabre: 1st A Douglas NSW, 2nd S Andrews NSW, =3rd T Davis Vic , =3rd W Campbell NSW.
Womens Sabre: 1st C Taylor NSW, 2nd G White NSW, =3rd S Auty Vic, =3rd T Nguyen NSW.
For full results go to Ausfencing Link
June 12th, 2017
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #4 Australian National Championships – ACT
A.I.S Indoor Sports Stadium, Canberra
Mens Sabre: 1st Jasper Rowlev NSW, 2nd James Siu NSW, =3rd Alexandre Douglas NSW, =3rd Zak Leonard WA.
Womens Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Victoria Lim SIN, =3rd Amy Reynolds Vic, =3rd Sarah Osvath NSW.
Womens Epee Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Qld, =3rd NSW B.
Womens Sabre: 1st Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Grace White NSW, =3rd Alexandra Hely NSW.
Womens Team Sabre: 1st VIC, 2nd NSW A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd WA.
Mens Sabre Team: 1st NSW A , 2nd WA, =3rd Qld, =3rd NSW B.
Mens Epee: 1st Aleandre Burgun SA , 2nd WIll Bishop NZ, =3rd Kristian Radford Vic, =3rd Scott Rawlins WA.
Womens Foil: 1st Emily Marotta Vic, 2nd Tatiana Wong SIN, =3rd Ysien Lau SIN, =3rd Maxine Wong SIN.
Womens Foil Team: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC, =3rd Qld, =3rd NSW B.
Mens Foil: 1st Jesse Morris NSW, 2nd Sholto Douglas NSW, =3rd Kevin Chan SIN, =3rd Edourd Renneville NSW.
Mens Epee Teams: 1st VIC A , 2nd VIC B, =3rd WA, =3rd Qld.
Mens Foil Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd VIC A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.
More details on AFF website Link
Australian Champions History – Doc: Australian Fencing Champions 2016 and Past
December 12th, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #4 Australian National Veteran Championships – ACT 9th December-13th December
A.I.S Indoor Sports Stadium, Canberra
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st Radu Vintila NSW, 2nd Damian Kneale WA, =3rd Dan Ulmame NSW, =3rd Davide Wheeler NSW.
Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st Min Yi Du NSW , 2nd Harriet Jordan NSW, =3rd Ceri Murphy ACT, =3rd Sandra Schwarz WA.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st Kyle MacDonald NZ , 2nd Adrian Paxman WA, =3rd Steve Howlett SA, =3rd Darren Ferguson SA.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st Abigail Nutt NSW , 2nd Sarah Osvath NSW, =3rd Jutta Schütmann Qld, =3rd Melissa Yeung NSW.
Veterans Epee Team: 1st WA , 2nd SA, =3rd QLD, =3rd NSW A.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd Annabell Ballard NSW, =3rd Maria Kirby SA, =3rd Tanya Buchanan NSW.
Veterans Mens Foil: 1st Andrey Tyschenko NSW , 2nd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Thomas Nguyen CAN, =3rd Ian Metzke Vic.
Veterans Foil Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd NSW B, =3rd NSW A, =3rd WA.
More details on AFF website Link
November 30th, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #3 Perth – Asian Masters, Veterans, Oceania Veterans Championships.
40+ Asian Masters / Oceania Veterans Mens Epee: 1 F.Rezaei Tadi IRI, 2 W.K.Lee HKG, =3rd E.Bobby WA, =3rd B.Peden WA.
70+ Veterans Mens Epee: 1 G.Sudran WA, 2 B.Nazirov UZB, =3rd N.Riedl Vic, =3rd M.Okudera JAP.
60+ Veterans Mens Epee: 1 P.Osvath Vic , 2 S.Santitevagul THI, =3rd D.Robson Vic, =3rd K.Hinoshita JAP.
50+ Veterans Mens Epee: 1 S.Hamm Vic , 2 L.Cartilier Qld, =3rd K.Durant NSW, =3rd K.Tong HKG.
40+ Veterans Mens Epee: 1 F.Rezaei Tadi IRI, 2 W.KLee HKG, =3rd E.Bobby WA, =3rd B.Peden WA.
Oceania Veterans Team Mens Epee: 1 AUS A, 2 IRI, =3rd SIN, =3rd JAP.
60+ Veterans Womens Foil: 1 A.Ballard NSW, 2 J.Allardice Vic, 3rd S.Schwarz WA.
50+ Veterans Womens Foil: 1 J.Bonney-Millett Qld, 2 F.Budniak NSW, 3rd H.Jordan NSW.
Asian Masters/Oceania Veterans 40+Veterans Womens Foil: 1 A.Nutt NSW , 2 M.Yumoto JPN, =3rd J.Lyaschenko NSW, =3rd L.Otadoy PHI.
60+ Veterans Womens Epee: 1 , 2 , =3rd , =3rd . ?
50+ Veterans Womens Epee: 1 , 2 , =3rd , =3rd . ?
40+ Veterans Womens Epee: 1 A.Nutt NSW, 2 N.Ferguson SA, =3rd Y.Shin JPN, =3rdE.Takeda JPN.
Oceania Veterans Team Womens Foil: 1 AUS, 2 JAP.
40+ Veterans Womens Sabre: 1 L.Otadoy PHI, 2 EK.Gulland WA, =3rd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd S.Pu HKG.
50+ Veterans Womens Sabre: 1 MY.Du NSW, 2 H.Jordan NSW.
70+ Veterans Mens Foil: 1 ?, 2 G.Sudran WA, =3rd JAP, =3rd JAP.
60+ Veterans Mens Foil: 1 , 2 , =3rd , =3rd . ?
50+ Veterans Mens Foil: 1 Adam Reynolds Vic, 2 P.Barry SA, =3rd S.Johnson WA, =3rd R.Navarro PHI.
40+ Veterans Mens Foil: 1 A.Kahrizi IRI , 2 Andrey Tyschenko NSW, =3rd W.K.Lee HKG, =3rd M.Mirzaei Amjad IRI.
Asian Masters / Oceania Veteans Mens Team Foil: 1 Aus Gold, 2 Japan, =3rd Iran, =3rd Aus.
Oceania Veterans Team Mens Sabre: 1 AUS A, 2 AUS B, =3rd IRI B, =3rd HGK A.
70+ Veterans Mens Sabre: 1 G.Sudran WA, 2 ?, =3rd ?, =3rd ?.
more details on the aff website link
August 28th, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #3 Perth.
Mens Sabre: 1 J.Dick WA, 2 J.Siu NSW, =3rd S.Leitch Qld, =3rd A.Scott WA.
Womens Foil: 1 E.Marotta Vic, 2 A.Kwag Qld, =3rd V.Hull NSW, =3rd A.Lee WA.
Mens Epee: 1 J.Downes NSW, 2 D.Yates Vic, =3rd K.Radford Vic, =3rd J.Shelley ACT.
Womens Sabre: 1 S.Auty Vic, 2 G.White NSW, =3rd H.Phillips Vic, =3rd S.Webster WA.
Mens Foil: 1 J.Morris NSW, 2 E.Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd T.Reynolds Vic, =3rd M.Jamrozy WA.
Womens Epee: 1 A.Nutt NSW, 2 B.J.Lee WA, =3rd D.Gu Vic, =3rd E.Halls Vic.
Club Teams Mens Sabre: 1 Excalibur WA, 2 Mosman Vikings NSW, =3rd The Fencing Club Qld, =3rd Sydney Sabre NSW.
Club Teams Womens Foil: 1 ECU Cavalier WA, 2 VRI Vic, =3rd TSC Gold NSW, =3rd Excalibur WA.
Club Teams Mens Epee: 1 Dragons Vic, 2 UTS Green NSW, =3rd UWA ‘A’ WA, =3rd The Fencing Club Qld.
Club Teams Womens Sabre: 1 VRI Vic, 2 Sydney Academy NSW, =3rd Mosman Vikings NSW, =3rd Excalibur WA.
Club Teams Mens Foil: 1 Blacklords Vic, 2 Sydney Academy NSW, =3rd UTS Teal NSW, =3rd ECU Cavaliers WA.
Club Teams Womens Epee: 1 UTS Teal NSW, 2 Macquarie UNI NSW, =3rd UWA Gold WA, =3rd UTS Gold NSW.
U23 Mens Sabre: 1 J.Dick WA, 2 S Andrews NSW, =3rd J Boyd-Hoare NSW, =3rd W Campbell SA.
U23 Womens Sabre: 1 Grace White NSW, 2 Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Hannah Biskupic NSW, =3rd Sian Webster WA.
more details on the aff website link
August 25th, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #2 Adelaide 11-13 June, R. Chaplin
Friday 10th Weapons Check : 6:30– 8:30pm
Saturday 11th June
9: Open Men’s Foil
11: Open Women’s Sabre
12:30 Australian Under-23 Women’s Foil
2:pm Veteran Men’s & Women’s Foil
3:30 – 4:30 Weapons Check
Sunday 12th June
9: Open Men’s Epee
11: Open Women’s Foil
1:45 Veteran Men’s & Women’s Epee
2: Australian Under-23 Men’s Foil
3:30 – 4:30 Weapons Check
Monday 13th June
9: Open Men’s Sabre
11: Open Women’s Epee
2: Veteran Men’s & Women’s Sabre
Results to follow.
May 24th, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #1 Melbourne April
Womens Foil: 1st Emily Marotta Vic, 2nd Katherine Kwa NSW, =3rd Freya Clarke NSW, =3rd Alicia Kwag NSW.
Mens Foil : 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Lucas Webber Vic, =3rd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Edouard Renneville NSW.
Mens Sabre: 1st Alexandre Douglas NSW, 2nd Nicholas Pastore NSW, =3rd James Siu NSW, =3rd Boston Fawkes NSW.
Womens Sabre: 1st Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Grace White NSW, =3rd Thi H Y Nguyen NSW.
Mens Epee: 1st Kristian Radford Vic, 2nd Jeremy Shelley Vic, =3rd Lachlan Crook Qld , =3rd Victor Lewith Vic.
Womens Epee : 1st Dianna Gu Vic, 2nd Evelyn Halls Vic, =3rd Ioana Mihailescu Vic, =3rd Bonita Rui Qld.
Veteran Mixed Sabre: 1st Davide Wheeler NSW, 2nd Radu Vintila NSW, =3rd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Min Yi Du NSW (Womens & 50+).
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st Nigel Nutt ACT, 2nd Adam Reynolds Vic, =3rd Andrey Tyschenko NSW, =3rd Colin Bosnic Vic.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millet Qld, 2nd Abby Nutt NSW, =3rd Anna Ballard NSW, =3rd Fiona Budniak NSW.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st Adrian Paxman WA (40+), 2nd Simon Hamm Vic (50+), =3rd David Cook Vic, =3rd Peter Osvath Vic (60+).
Veteran Womens Epee : 1st Abby Nutt NSW (40+), 2nd Mary Black NZL, =3rd Julie Seggie NSW (60+), =3rd Catherine Syme NSW (50+).
U23 Mens Epee: 1st Lachlan Crook Qld, 2nd Roy Groncki Vic, =3rd Domenic Yates Vic, =3rd John Tian NSW.
U23 Womens Epee: 1st Amy Reynolds Vic, 2nd Iona mihailescu Vic, =3rd Leah Tausan Vic, =3rd Emily Patten Vic.
Search Youtube for the first Australian streamed (commentated) Semi final matches in Australian Fencing.
April 23rd, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Wuxi China April 2016
Mens Foil: 16 Douglas Sholto, 22 Ned Fitzgerald, 26 Lucas Webber, 43/61 Matt Foster.
Womens Epee: 9 Jo Halls, 17 Evelyn Halls, 35/52 Dianna Gu.
Mens Epee: 42 Kristian Radford, 47 Ros Austen, 62 Jeremy Shelley, 69/77 Mark Bianchin.
Womens Foil: 21 Emily Marotta, 26 Freya Clarke, 29/55 Alicia Kwag.
Mens Sabre: 31 Jasper Rowley, 38 Sutherlan Scudds, 42 Boston Fawkes, 46/60 Adam Wilcock.
Womens Sabre: 24 Sam Auty, 39/46 Helen Phillips
Mens Foil Teams : 5th/15
Womens Epee Teams : 5th/12
Mens Epee Teams : 11th/18
Womens Foil Teams : 10th/14
Mens Sabre Teams : 12th/14
April 19th, 2016
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Qualifying results for the Australians attempting to qualify for Rio Olympics
Wuxi China 11-12 April ..
Mens Epee -: 16th Kristian Radford Womens Epee -: 3rd Joanna Halls
Mens Foil -: 6th Lucas Webber Womens Foil -: 9th Alicia Kwag
Mens Sabre-: 13th Jasper Rowley Womens Sabre -: 10th Helen Phillips
Nice article on Kristian on the AOC website Link
April 12th, 2016
Categories: Australian News, Olympics 2016 | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
History of the Australin National Champions
Doc. National Champions
updated 1/12/15
November 28th, 2015
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #4 Australian National Championships – ACT 27thNovember-1st December
A.I.S Indoor Sports Stadium, Canberra
Men’s Sabre
: 1st Jasper RowleyNSW, 2nd Matthew Tadros NSW, =3rd Sutherlan Scuds WA, =3rd Romain Chemiere Fra.
Men’s Sabre
Teams: 1st WA, 2nd NSW A, =3rd NSWB, =3rd Qld.
Women’s Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic , 2nd Sarah Osvath NSW, =3rd Abi Nutt NSW, =3rd Wai Ling Chan NZL.
Women’s Epee Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd NCaledonia, =3rd SA.
Mens Epee: 1st Alex Burgun SA, 2nd Zac Casagrande Qld, =3rd Jeremy Shelley Vic, =3rd Alex Vekemans WA.
Men’s Epee Teams
: 1st WA, 2nd Vic, =3rd SA, =3rd Qld B.
Women’s Sabre: 1st Helen Pillips Vic, 2nd Luyan Cao Vic, =3rd Sam Auty Vic, =3rd Grace White NSW.
Women’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd Vic, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW B.
Women’s Foil:
1st Yuan Ping NZ, 2nd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW, =3rd Maxine Wong Sin.
Women’s Foil
Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd QLD, =3rd NSW B, =3rd Vic.
Men’s Foil
: 1st Lucas Webber Vic, 2nd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Allan Mentor Vic, =3rd Patrick Daley NSW.
Men’s Foil Team: 1st Vic, 2nd NSW A, =3rd NZ, =3rd NSW B.
More details on AFF website Link
Australian Champions History – Doc: Australian Fencing Champions 2014 and Past
November 19th, 2015
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #3 Melbourne
Mens Sabre: 1st Ju Won Kim NSW, 2nd Jasper Rowley NSW, =3rd Jadryn Dick WA, =3rd Zak Leonhard WA.
Womens Sabre: 1st Cheryl Chan NSW, 2nd Grace White NSW, =3rd Hannah Bikupic NSW, =3rd Luyan Cao NZ.
Mens Foil: 1st Lucas Webber Vic, 2nd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Hamish Chan NZ, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW.
Mens Epee: 1st Matthew Baker NSW, 2nd Kristian Radford Vic, =3rd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Alex Burgun SA.
Womens Foil: 1st Emily Marrotta Vic, 2nd Alicia Kwag NSW, =3rd Claire Daniel QLD, =3rd Katherine Kwa NSW.
Womens Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Diana Sher Vic, =3rd Leah Tausan Vic, =3rd Dianna Gu Vic.
U23 Mens Sabre: 1st Ju won Kim NSW, 2nd Zak Leonhard WA, =3rd Alexandre Douglas NSW, =3rd James Siu NSW.
U23 Womens Sabre: 1st Helen Phillips Vic, 2nd Grace White NSW, =3rd Sian Webster WA, =3rd Hannah Biskupic NSW.
Veteran Mens Epee: 1st David Cook Vic, 2nd Darren Ferguson SA, =3rd Murray Thompson Vic, =3rd Richard Purdie NSW (50+ Gold), Norbert Riedl (70+Gold).
Veterans Womens Epee: 1st Nadine Ferguson SA, 2nd Mary Black NZ, =3rd Isobel Ellis WA, =3rd Jutta Schorttman QLD (50+ Gold), Annabelle Ballard (60+Gold), Daisy Drew (70+Gold).
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st Andrey Tyschencko NSW, 2nd Simon Bowering SA, =3rd Vince Newton NSW, =3rd Richard Purdie NSW (50+Gold), Gary Sudran (70+Gold).
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millett QLD, 2nd Annabelle Ballard NSW (60+Gold), =3rd Susan Hon Vic, =3rd Christina Hon Vic.
Veterans Mens Sabre: 1st Davide Wheeler NSW, 2nd Derek Flood Vic, 3rd Martin Treasure Vic, =3rd Harriet Jordan NSW (Womens Gold), Alex Sherbakoff NSW (60+Gold), Gary Sudran (70+Gold).
More details on AFF website
August 21st, 2015
Categories: Australian News, Calendars | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Veterans World Championships in Lemoges France 20-25 October.
Congratulations to all the Australian selected team members
Womens Epee: Sarah Osvath, Anna Ballard, Juta Schortmann, Alison Blom, Isobel Ellis.
Womens Foil: Jenny Bonney-Millet, Anna Ballard, Fiona Budniak, Harriet Jordan.
Mens Epee: Steven Javens, Norbert Riedl, Volker Hrovat, Bruno Charlesworth, Peter Osvath.
Womens Sabre: Min Yi Du, Harriet Jordan.
August 5th, 2015
Categories: Australian News, International News, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #2 Robyn Chaplin Tournament Adelaide 6-8 June
Veterans Mens Epee: 1st Iain Davidson SA, 2nd Darren Ferguson SA, =3rd Peter Osvath Vic, =3rd Bruno Charlesworth Vic.
Veterans Womens Epee: 1st Sarah Osvath NSW, 2nd Abigail Nutt NSW, =3rd Annabelle Ballard NSW, =3rd Nadine Ferguson SA.
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st Andrey Tyschenko NSW, 2nd Adam Reynolds Vic, =3rd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Vince Newton NSW.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st Jenney Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd Annabelle Ballard NSW, =3rd Fiona Budniak NSW, =3rd Abigail Nutt NSW.
Veteran Mens and Womens Sabre: 1st Davide Wheeler NSW, 2nd Damian Kneale WA, =3rd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Harriet Jordan NSW (Womens Gold).
More details on AFF website
June 9th, 2015
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #2 Robyn Chaplin Tournament Adelaide 6-8 June
Mens Epee: 1st James Lewis WA, 2nd Alex Burgun SA, =3rd Zac Casagrande Qld, =3rd Jeremy Shelley Act.
Womens Foil: 1st Claire Daniel Qld, 2nd Jackie Budniak NSW, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW, =3rd Lishan Sung NSW.
Mens Foil: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucas Webber Vic, =3rd Matthew Donald NSW, =3rd Edourd Renneville NSW.
Womens Epee: 1st Sarah Osvath NSW, 2nd Evelyn Halls Vic, =3rd Dianna Gu Vic, =3rd Bernadette Lee WA.
U23 Womens Foil: 1st Emily Marotta Vic, 2nd Lishan Sung NSW, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Caitlyn Trussell NSW.
Mens Sabre: 1st Sutherlan Scudds WA, 2nd Alex Andre NSW, =3rd Jasper Rowley NSW, =3rd Adam Wilcock NSW.
Womens Sabre: 1st Priscilla Del Castillo NSW, 2nd Grace White NSW, =3rd Sally Bennett NSW, =3rd Cheryl Chan NSW.
U23 Mens Foil: 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW, =3rd Noah Whiffin Vic.
More details on AFF website
June 9th, 2015
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Helen Smith on being awarded an Order of Australia in the Queens Birthday Honours list of 2015!
A wonderful achievement and significant recognition to one of Australia’s best ever Fencers, Olympian, and tireless worker
on numerous Committees, boards and Current Commonwealth Federation President.
more details on AFF website
June 9th, 2015
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #2 Robyn Chaplin Tournament Adelaide 6-8 June
Saturday 6 June
9:0 Mens Epee:
10:45 Womens Foil:
1:45 Veterans Mens Epee:
1:45 Veterans Womens Epee:
Sunday 7 June
9:0 Mens Foil:
10:45 Womens Epee:
1:45 Veteran Mens Foil:
1:45 Veteran Womens Foil:
2:0 U23 Womens Foil: .
Monday 8 June
9:30 Mens Sabre:
10:15 Womens Sabre:
12:30 U23 Mens Foil: .
2:0 Veteran Mens and Womens Sabre:
More details on AFF website
May 29th, 2015
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Fencing technology has come a long way….
Australian invention leading the way, get involved by supporting the Kickstarter campaign..
Check out the new wireless system on Kickstarter’s Link
May 6th, 2015
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #1 D.H.McKenzie – 10-12 April
Brisbane Sports Stadium, Queensland
Men’s Sabre
: 1st Jasper Rowley NSW, 2nd Simon Leitch QLD, =3rd Zak Leonard WA, =3rd Adam Wilcock NSW.
Women’s Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Diana Sher Vic, =3rd Anne Deveraux Vic, =3rd Sarah Osvath NSW.
Women’s Sabre
: 1st Helen Philips Vic, 2nd Sam Auty Vic, =3rd Cheryl Chan NSW, =3rd Marissa Black WA.
Men’s Epee: 1st Will Bishop NZ, 2nd Zac Casagrande Qld, =3rd James Lewis WA, =3rd Luc Cartillier Qld.
Women’s Foil:
1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Katherine Kwa NSW, =3rd Claire Daniel Qld, =3rd Jacqueline Budniak NSW.
Men’s Foil
: 1st Lucas Webber Vic, 2nd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Sholto Douglas NSW.
More details on AFF website
April 11th, 2015
Categories: Australian News, Calendars, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following the tradition of the National Open Champion questionnaire,
the 6 2014 Veteran Champions kindly contributed some answers following their Championship win.
Australian 2014 National Veteran Champion:
Abby Nutt – Womens Epee.
1: How long have you been Fencing?
A. 1982 when I started high school as they had fencing at my school.
What made you start?
A. My brother Nigel was already fencing and he used to come home and practice on me with sticks. My goal was to start fencing so I could beat him. I still haven’t reached my goal. Got close this year with a 5-4 result.
How long did it take for you to feel competitive?
A. Probably straight from the start!
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A. I started fencing Nationally when I was about 13 or 14. Internationally was after I finished school in 1988/88.
3: What made you choose your weapon?
A. When I was about 13 or 14 they brought the ruling in that girls could fence épée from the age of 15 so I started as soon as I could. I fenced both foil and épée for many years until my coach said I should choose one weapon to excel in so I chose épée. You don’t have to rely on a good referee to get hit.
Have you fenced the other 2?
A. I still fence foil in national Vet competitions and occasionally at other times.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: Macquarie University Fencing Club.
5: How important is competition in Australia for you?
A: Very. I love competition. I fence differently in competition than in training. Competition makes you more determined to do well.
6: What are your ambitions for 2015 and beyond? Travel / competition?
A: I would like to do well in the Open national events as I’m recovering from an elbow injury which took me out of competition for close to 2 years. I would like to compete at more overseas veteran competitions including the next Commonwealth Veteran Championships and ultimately I would like to compete and do well at World Veterans when I am old enough.
7: Do you have a favourite location to fence (National/Internationally)?
A: Nationally I really like fencing in Canberra. It’s a great venue and they run the competition well. Internationally I like going to places I haven’t been before.
8: What if any other cross training activities do you play/train?
A: I play soccer and touch footy. I’m also a member at my local gym.
11: What advice would you give veteran Australians?
A: Keep fencing. Doesn’t matter how old you are. You don’t have to be overly competitive if you don’t want to. Fence for the enjoyment of it.
12: What is the best / worst thing about Veteran Fencing in Australia?
A: Best – very friendly people. Worst – not enough women fencing.
Thanks very much Abby !
December 24th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Champion questionsairre, the 6 Open 2014 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2014 National Champion: Seamus Robinson – Mens Epee Champion.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: Almost 30 years. About 6 months to feel competent.
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: 25 years.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: Its the most realistic and natural as well as free. Also Foil.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: Germany.
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: Essential.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2015 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: To compete at Asian and World Champs
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: Kolobkov, German and Russian fencing schools.
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: Running, body weight exercises, cycling, skateboarding.
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: Smaller than the last few.
10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: Train whenever I have time.
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Be the first to arrive and last to leave the club, and Fence the hardest Fencers as many times as you can.
Practice footwork.
Always try to improve.
Go overseas.
12: What is the best / worst thing about Fencing in Australia?
A: Close to friends and family. Far from high level comp and training.
Thanks so much Seamus..
December 18th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Champions History – Doc: Australian Fencing Champions 2014 and Past
The historical list of all the Australian National Champions.
December 7th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #4 Australian Veteran National Championships
A.I.S Indoor Sports Stadium, Canberra ACT
Oceania Veterans Sabre: 1st Radu Vintila NSW, 2nd Min Yi Du NSW (Womens Gold & 50+),
=3rd Mike Howard NSW, =3rd Damian Kneale WA. Roger Alcock Vic (70+), Peter Major ACT (60+)
State Veteran Sabre Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd WA, =3rd NSW B, =3rd ACT.
Veterans Men’s Epee
: 1st Iain Davidson SA, 2nd Georg Mittermair ACT, =3rd David Cook Vic, =3rd Simon Hamm Vic.
Veterans Women’s Epee
: 1st Abigail Nutt NSW, 2nd Sarah Osvath NSW, =3rd Julie Seggie NSW, =3rd Annabelle Slowiaczek NSW.
State Veteran Epee Teams: 1st ACT, 2nd Vic, =3rd NSW ‘A, =3rd NSW ‘B.
Veteran Men’s Foil: 1st Nigel Nutt ACT, 2nd Andrey Tyshchenko NSW, =3rd Steve Johnson WA (50+), =3rd Georg Mittermair SA. Mark Goile (60+)
Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd Fiona Budniak NSW, =3rd Maria Kirby SA, =3rd Anna Slowiaczek NSW.
State Veteran Foil Teams: 1st NSW ‘A, 2nd ACT ‘A, =3rd Vic, =3rd NSW ‘B.
December 6th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #4 Australian National Championships – ACT 5th-9th December
A.I.S Indoor Sports Stadium, Canberra
Men’s Sabre
: 1st Donghwan Kim NSW, 2nd Sutherlan Scudds WA, =3rd Phillip Miller NSW, =3rd Alexandre Douglas NSW.
Women’s Epee: 1st Sarah Osvath NSW, 2nd Evelyn Halls Vic, =3rd Ursula Menz SA, =3rd Lisa Gemell WA.
Women’s Sabre
: 1st Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Priscilla Del Castillo NSW, =3rd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Kitty Simpson QLD.
Women’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSW ‘A, 2nd Victoria, =3rd Qld, =3rd NSW ‘B.
Men’s Sabre Teams
: 1st NSW ‘A, 2nd WA ‘A, =3rd Qld, =3rd NSW ‘B.
Women’s Epee Teams
: 1st Victoria, 2nd NSW A, =3rd SA, =3rd NSW ‘B.
Sun 7 December
Men’s Epee: 1st Seamus Robinson Vic, 2nd John Downes NSW, =3rd Kristian Radford Vic, =3rd James Lewis WA.
Women’s Foil:
1st Claire Daniel Qld, 2nd Emily Marrotta Vic, =3rd Evelyn Halls Vic, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW.
Men’s Foil
: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucas Webber Vic, =3rd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Matthew Donald NSW.
Women’s Foil
Teams: 1st NSW ‘A, 2nd Qld, =3rd NSW ‘B, =3rd Vic.
Men’s Epee Teams
: 1st Qld ‘A, 2nd NSW ‘A, =3rd Vic, =3rd SA.
1:30 Men’s Foil Team: 1st Vic ‘A, 2nd NSW ‘A, =3rd Vic ‘B, =3rd NSW ‘B.
More details on AFF website Link
Australian Champions History – Doc: Australian Fencing Champions 2014 and Past
December 4th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Calendars, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Commonwealth Championships in Largs, Scotland, 10-15th November.
Individual Results
Mens Epee: 3rd John Downes, 28th Alex Hunter, 29th Matt Baker, 43rd Ross Austen, 45/60 Zac Casagrande.
Womens Sabre: 17th Kitty Simpson, 18th Cheryl Chan, 20th Sally Bennet, 26th Anna Crawford, 29/37 Marissa Black,.
Womens Foil: 16th Claire Daniels, 17th Alicia Kwag, 20th Jackie Budniak, 22nd Jenny Bonney-Millet, 24/32 Margarita Sokolovskaja.
Mens Sabre: 12th Zac Leonard, 20th Adam Wilcock, 24th Simon Leitch, 33th Gareth Maclean, 36/44 Andrew Scott,
Mens Foil: 5th Sholto Douglas, 12th Matt Foster, 16th Patrick Daley, 34th Lucas Webber, 36/50 Dylan Devenish.
Womens Epee: 5th Jo Halls, 9th Annie Deveraux, 15th Dianna Gu, 17th Andrea Horvath, 23/53 Amy Reynolds.
Watch live with this link for results and live matches
Team Results
Mens Epee Team 6th: Beat Jersey in 16, but lost to England in 8.
Womens Sabre Team 5th: Bye into 8, but lost to Wales.
Womens Foil Team 5th: bye into 8, but lost to Canada.
Mens Sabre Team 5th: bye into 8, but lost to Wales.
Mens Foil Teams Bronze: 3rd seed with a bye into 8, then beat Canada, lost semi final 45:43 to Scotland, Beat Singapore to win the Bronze Medal.
Womens Epee Teams 4th: bye into 8 and beat Scotland to make semi, but lost to South Africa but lost to England to finish 4th.
Medal Table:
4 4 2 Singapore
4 1 6 England
3 3 5 Scotland
1 2 2 Wales
0 1 1 South Africa
0 1 0 Jamaica
0 0 2 Australia
November 10th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Commonwealths, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #3 Perth Tournament WA
More details on AFF website
Women’s Foil:
1st Emily Marotta Vic, 2nd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW, =3rd Katherine Kwa NSW.
Men’s Sabre
: 1st Donghwan Kim NSW, 2nd Jasper Rowley NSW, =3rd Zak Leonard WA, =3rd Adam Wilcock NSW.
Veteran Men’s & Women’s Sabre
: 1st Damian Kneale WA, 2nd Martin Treasure Vic, =3rd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Gary Sudran WA, Harriet Jordan (Womens Gold).
Club Teams: Women’s Foil: 1st ‘Fencing Club’ QLD , 2nd ‘Swords Club’ NSW, =3rd ‘Excalibur’ WA, =3rd ‘UNI NSW’ NSW.
Club Teams: Men’s Sabre: 1st ‘Sydney Sabre’ NSW, 2nd ‘Uni NSW’ NSW, =3rd ‘Excalibur’ WA, =3rd Cavaliers WA.
Men’s Epee
: 1st Cosmin Mihailescu Vic, 2nd John Downes NSW, =3rd Kristian Radford Vic, =3rd James Lewis WA.
Women’s Sabre
: 1st Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Luyan Cau Vic, =3rd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Grace White NSW.
Veteran Men’s Epee
: 1st Simon Hamm Vic, 2nd Emmanuel Bobby WA, =3rd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Nigel Nutt ACT.
Veteran Women’s Epee
: 1st Julie Seggie NSW, 2nd Carol Bond Vic, =3rd Kylie Caunt WA, =3rd Jutta Schortmann Qld.
Australian Under 23 Men’s Sabre Championship
: 1st Kim Dongwhan NSW, 2nd Zak Leonard WA , =3rd Jasper Rowlen NSW, =3rd Alexandre Douglas NSW.
Club Teams: Men’s Epee
: 1st ‘Southern Highlands’ NSW, 2nd ‘VRI’ Vic, =3rd ‘UWA A’ WA, =3rd ‘Fencing Club’ Qld.
Club Teams: Women’s Sabre: 1st ‘VRI’ Vic, 2nd ‘Uni NSW’ NSW, =3rd ‘Excalibur’ WA , =3rd ‘Cavaliers’
Men’s Foil: 1st Matthew Donald NSW, 2nd Sholto Douglas NSW, =3rd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Ed Fitzgerald Vic.
Women’s Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Diana Sher Vic, =3rd Annie Deveraux Vic, =3rd Andrea Horvath SA.
Veteran Men’s Foil: 1st Nigel Nutt ACT, 2nd Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld (Womens Gold), =3rd Adam Reynolds Vic, =3rd Andrey Tytschenko NSW.
Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd Jane Allardice Vic.
Australian Under23 Women’s Sabre Championship: 1st Helen Phillips Vic, 2nd Kitty Simpson Qld, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Grace White NSW.
More details on AFF website
September 3rd, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Team results for the World Championships
Kazan Russia, 15th-23rd July.
Womens Epee: 35th Diana Sher, 36th Joanna Halls, 104th Evelyn Halls, Dianna Gu 110/132.
Mens Epee: Kristian Radford 111/187.
Mens Foil: 126th Simon Capon, Dylan Devenish 129/133.
Womens Foil: 54th Margarita Sokolovskaja, 70th Jackie Budniak, Jenny Bonney-Millett 76/85.
Mens Sabre: 110th Adam Wilcock, Zak Leonard 117/125.
Womens Sabre: 95th Sally Bennet, 99th Natalie Molen-Grigull Lisa Blyth 100/104.
Womens Sabre: 20th/22.
Womens Epee: 25th/29 losing a great close match 45:34 against the 8th ranked French.. great effort, having the lead in the early bouts.
Womens Foil: 20th/22.
July 21st, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Results for the Asian Championships held in Suwon City South Korea, 2-7 July.
A Tournament totally dominated by Korea winning all but 4 Gold medals (losing each to China) Fie.ch
Womens Epee: 9th Dianna Gu, 10th Diana Sher, 19th Joanna Halls, 23rd /45 Evelyn Halls.
Mens Epee: 40th Zac Casagrande, 49th John Downes, 50th Kristian Radford, 56th/63 Nick Davies.
Mens Foil: 15th Matt Foster, 40th Sholto Douglas, 42nd Patrick Daley, 49th/57 Ned Fitzgerald.
Womens Foil: 30th Margarita Sokolovskaja, 35th Jackie Budniak, 36th Claire Daniel, 37th/41 Alicia Kwag.
Mens Sabre: 34th Mitchel Fox, 35th Jasper Rowley, 37th Adam Wilcock, 39th/48 Zak Leonard .
Womens Sabre: 24th Lisa Blyth, 37th Natalie Molen-Grigull, 39th Sally Bennet, 42nd/43 Alice Clementson.
Womens Epee: 6th / 10 (won de to make 8, but lost to Chinese Tapai)
Mens Epee: 10th / 15
Mens Foil: 9th /14
Womens Foil: 7th / 11 (won de to make 8, but lost to Singapore)
Mens Sabre: 9th /10
Womens Sabre: 10th / 11
July 9th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFC #2 Robyn Chaplin Tournament Adelaide
Mens Epee: 1st John Downes NSW, 2nd Luc Cartillier QLD, =3rd James Lewis WA, =3rd Alex Burgun SA.
Womens Foil: 1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Margarita Sokolovskaja NSW, =3rd Claire Daniel QLD, =3rd Emily Marotta Vic.
Veterans Mens Epee: 1st Kyle MacDonald NZ, 2nd Peter Osvath Vic, =3rd Darren Ferguson SA, =3rd Simon Hamm Vic.
Veterans Womens Epee: 1st Sarah Osvath NSW, 2nd Julie Seggie NSW, =3rd Isobel Ellis WA, =3rd Jutta Schortmann QLD.
Mens Foil: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucas Webber Vic, =3rd Matthew Donald NSW, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW.
Womens Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Diana Sher Vic, =3rd Adrienne Toth Vic, =3rd Sarah Osvath NSW.
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st Peter Barry SA, 2nd Richard Purdie NSW, =3rd Adam Reynolds Vic =3rd Andrey Tyschenko NSW.
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st Anna Slowiaczek NSW, 2nd Jenny Bonney-Millett QLD, =3rd Julie Pearce Vic, =3rd Fiona Budniak NSW.
U23 Womens Foil: 1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Alicia Kwag QLD, =3rd Emily Marotta Vic, =3rd Leah Mangion NSW.
Mens Sabre: 1st Dongwan Kim NSW, 2nd Sutherlan Scudds WA, =3rd Simon Leitch QLD, =3rd Phillip Miller NSW.
Womens Sabre: 1st Samantha Auty Vic, 2nd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Eve Sauer NSW, =3rd Grace White NSW.
U23 Mens Foil: 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Jesse Morris NSW, =3rd Lucas Webber Vic, =3rd Patrick Daley NSW.
Veteran Mens and Womens Sabre: 1st s NSW, 2nd NSW, =3rd Derek Flood Vic, =3rd Harriet Jordan NSW(Womens Gold). Steve Johnson WA (50+), Gary Sudran WA (70+).
More details on AFF website
June 8th, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Ned Fitzgerald for qualifying for the Youth Olympics in China in August!
The AOC website has a good article Read
May 9th, 2014
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Plovdiv, Bulgaria April 3-12.
Cadet Womens Epee: Emily Principe 92nd, Alanah Maclaurin 108th, Rachel Aistrope 100/118.
Cadet Mens Epee: Lachlan Bunney 110th, Indiana Moir 137/140.
Cadet Mens Foil: Ned Fitzgerald 28th, Tyler Reynolds 41st, Matt Foster 47th/120.
Cadet Womens Foil: Alicia Kwag 51st, Beatrice Hay 53rd/88.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Alexandre Douglas 61st, Boston Fawkes 81st, Matthew Tadros 88th/104.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard 80/82.
Junior Womens Epee: Amy Reynolds 42nd, Annie Deveraux 68th, Alanah Maclaurin, Leah Tausan 124/127.
Junior Mens Epee: Indiana Moir 135th, Lachlan Bunney 144/172.
Junior Mens Foil: Patrick Daley 65th, Tyler Reynolds 81st, Lucas Webber 103/133.
Junior Womens Foil: Alicia Kwag 75th, Beatrice Hay 76th, Georgina Barratt 81/95.
Junior Womens Sabre: Hannah Biskupic 71st, Sian Webster 86th, Mathilda Barnard 91/93.
Junior Mens Sabre: Boston Fawkes 49th, Jasper Rowley 71st, Alexandre Douglas 89/120.
Junior Womens Foil: 19th/20
Junior Mens Foil: 23rd/30
Junior Womens Epee: 22nd/30
Junior Mens Sabre: 21st/29
Junior Womens Sabre: 23rd/23
April 8th, 2014
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFF Circuit #1 : Melbourne 21-23 March.
Mens Sabre: 1st Donghwan Kim NSW, 2nd Jasper Rowley NSW, =3rd Zak Leonhard WA, =3rd Adam Wilcock NSW.
Womens Sabre: 1st Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Marissa Black WA, =3rd Grace White NSW.
Mens Foil: 1st Lucas Webber Vic, 2nd Edison Cai Wei Ting NSW, =3rd Sam Mooney Grand NSW, =3rd Douglas Sholto NSW.
Womens Epee: 1st Diana Sher Vic, 2nd Jess Beer NZL, =3rd Evelyn Halls Vic, =3rd Anne Deveraux Qld.
Mens Epee: 1st Zach Casagrande Qld, 2nd Will Dolley Vic, =3rd Michael Nelson Qld, =3rd James Lewis WA.
Womens Foil: 1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Emily Marotta Vic, =3rd Claire Daniel Qld, =3rd Margarita Sokolovskaja NSW.
Veteran Results
Veteran Mens Foil: 1st Andrey Tyschenko NSW, 2nd Chris Jones Vic, =3rd Adam Reynolds (50+), =3rd Vince Newton NSW. Mark Goile (60+), Roger Alcock (70+).
Veteran Womens Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd Fiona Budniak NSW, =3rd Julie Pearce Vic, =3rd Anna Slowiaczek NSW.
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st Martin Treasure Vic, 2nd Michael Howard NSW, =3rd Kenneth Kwan NSW, =3rd Radu Vintila NSW. (50+) Shayne Pay SA, (70+) Gary Sudran WA. Harriet Jordan Womens Winner.
Veterans Mens Epee: 1st Luc Cartillier Qld (50+), 2nd Kyle MacDonald NZ, =3rd Peter Osvath Vic (60+), =3rd Bobby Emmanuel WA. (70+) Gary Sudran
Veteran Womens Epee: 1st Jutta Schortmann Qld (50+), 2nd Anna Slowiaczek NSW, =3rd Carol Bond Vic, =3rd Isobel Ellis WA.
March 22nd, 2014
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to the selected Australian Team members for the World Junior/Cadet Championships in
Plovdiv, Bulgaria April 3-12.
Cadet Womens Epee: Rachel Aistrope, Alanah Maclaurin, Emily Principe.
Cadet Mens Epee: Lachlan Bunney, Indiana Moir.
Cadet Mens Foil: Matt Foster, Ned Fitzgerald, Tyler Reynolds.
Cadet Womens Foil: Beatrice Hay, Alicia Kwag.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Alexandre Douglas, Boston Fawkes, Matthew Tadros.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard.
Junior Womens Epee: Annie Deveraux, Amy Reynolds, Leah Tausan, Alanah Maclaurin (Team only).
Junior Mens Epee: Lachlan Bunney, Indiana Moir.
Junior Mens Foil: Patrick Daley, Ned Fitzgerald, Tyler Reynolds, Matt Foster (Team only).
Junior Womens Foil: Georgina Barratt, Beatrice Hay, Alicia Kwag.
Junior Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard. Hannah Biskupic, Sian Webster.
Junior Mens Sabre: Alexandre Douglas, Boston Fawkes, Jasper Rowley, Matthew Tadros (Team only)
February 24th, 2014
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to the selected Australian Team members for the Asian Junior/Cadet Championships in
Amman Jordan 7-16 March.
Cadet Womens Epee: Emily Principe.
Cadet Mens Foil: Matt Foster, Ned Fitzgerald, Tyler Reynolds.
Junior Womens Epee: Annie Deveraux, Emily Principe, Amy Reynolds, Leah Tausan,
Junior Mens Foil: Patrick Daley, Matt Foster, Ned Fitzgerald, Tyler Reynolds.
Junior Womens Sabre: Sian Webster
February 24th, 2014
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Champion questionsairre, the 6 2013 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2013 National Champion: Kristian Radford – Mens Epee Champion.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I started fencing almost 13 years ago at my high school in Adelaide. I’ve felt competent at a few points over that time, but I’ve always realised at a later point that I was mistaken. I just hope that I will continue to improve.
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: I entered my first Under 15 and Under 17 Nationals in 2004. Open Nationals was in Adelaide that year so I fenced that too. My first international competition was Challenge Australia in 2006, and I first fenced overseas in 2009 at some Junior competitions.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: I started off in foil, and I have fenced all three weapons at times. I had some minor success when I first tried epee, but the main reason I decided to focus on it when I was 16 was simply that I enjoyed it more than the other weapons.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: I like competing anywhere my family and friends can come and watch. For training, I enjoy the State Fencing Centre in Melbourne because of the built-in fencing pistes. It’s a luxury!
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: Both groups of people have always been vital to my fencing. I’ve worked with a number of coaches and spent time living and training in different places, and I feel that my fencing is a product of all of these influences.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2014 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: I tend to take things one step at a time. Next year I’m hoping to compete at the Asian and World Championships for the first time
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: I’ve always loved watching great fencers, both Australian and international athletes. But success only came for me after I stopped trying to fence like other people and became comfortable with my own way of doing things.
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: I’m not playing any other sports at the moment.
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: There were quite a few differences. The biggest thing was that the Men’s Epee event was fenced over two days, which I haven’t had to do at a national competition before. Also, I really liked that the Men’s Epee finals were broadcast online.
10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: The exact composition changes frequently. I’m currently living in Melbourne, and at the moment a typical week involves fencing with the State Squad twice a week and training at VRI Fencing Club twice a week.
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Don’t be afraid to lose bouts at training. Training is for learning, not for winning.
12: What is the best / worst thing about Fencing in Australia?
A: The worst thing is our distance from the rest of the fencing world. The best thing is the passion for the sport shared by so many people in the Australian fencing community.
Thanks so much Kristian..
December 31st, 2013
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Champions questionairre, the 6 2013 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2013 National Champion: Diana Sher – Womens Epee Champion.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I have been fencing for seven years. My father, Vlad Sher encouraged me to start. I was not overly enthusiastic to begin with. I think the first time I felt really competent was when I won my very first medal at the U15 State Champs. At that point I realized my passion for the sport.
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: Nationally I have been competing for around five years and around three years on the International Junior circuit.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: As my father is the National Epee Coach he taught me Epee from day one. I never had the chance to try the others.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: My favorite place to train and to fence is Paris. The training there is really intense and everyone takes it very seriously. The atmosphere is very friendly and welcoming. Being over there encourages me to train. Spending time in Paris isn’t too bad either.
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: I think I have a very unique situation. My coach is also my father. Maintaining a healthy and solid relationship between father and daughter, as well as strong relationship between coach and student can often be hard. Dad and I have to work especially hard at it.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2014 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: 2014 will mark my official start as a senior fencer. I have had some good results in juniors, and I am hoping I can use the skills learnt to tackle the senior division. I plan to take it competition by competition, and see where the road leads.
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: I do not have a favorite international fencer. I admire athletes who are dedicated, committed and passionate about what they do. Also I admire different characteristics from a variety of fencers on the international circuit.
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: At present there are no sports that I participate in other than fencing. As a child I played Tennis.
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: This is the very first time I have won this particular competition. It is a nice feeling to have such a breakthrough.
10: What is your weekly training regime?
A: I fence four days per week. On the other days I like to mix it up a bit, sometimes I go for runs. On other days I go to the gym. Keeping training interesting is important.
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Train hard.
12: What is the best / worst thing about Fencing in Australia?
A: One of the worst things about fencing in Australia is the travel and the cost of competing at an international level. This requires constant dedication and a lot of self-motivation.
Thanks so much Diana…..
December 19th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Champions questionairre, the 6 2013 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2013 National Champion: Ping Yuan – Womens Foil Champion.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I have been fencing for 18 years. I was invited by the fencing coach and then started to do the fencing. It took me 2 years to feel competent.
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: Since I was 17 years old, have represented my country to compete in the National and International level.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: I think foil is the most graceful and hardest one in three weapon, and also it has high technical content. I’ve fenced the epee, but only for fun.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: The Chinese National fencing training centre, I spent 6 years training there. Not only have “feeling”, but also get lots of excellent results for fencing.
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: It’s important to every ‘sportsman’ with a good coach and good training environment. Unfortunately since I left the Chinese National team in 2008 and moved to NZ, I haven’t got a single coach and haven’t got good training environment and good enough training partner.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2014 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: Try to compete in the 2014 Commonwealth Game and defeat Gold medalist.
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: I’ve a favorite fencer who is Valentina Vezzali (Womens Foil – Italy)
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: Golf.
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: Australia National Championships is the best event which is held in Oceania Region.
10: What is your weekly training regime?
A: Since move to NZ in 2008 haven’t done any training at all.
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: My advice will be, that I wish next time the referee can be more professional and fair bit more, specially the semi-final and final. Because I had really experience this time, it was very obviously and clear point but the referee gave the point to wrong side.
12: What is the best / worst thing about Fencing in Australia?
A: The venue of competition is very professional and good, but suggest if the competition be placed in a more convenient location (such like in Sydney) which be more convenient and cheaper for the international fencers to come and compete.
Thanks so much Ping…..
December 15th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Champions questionairre, the 6 2013 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2013 National Champion: Martino Minuto – Mens Foil Champion.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I started fencing when I was 5 years old, so 20 years ago now…I started because I loved cartoons like zorro and d’artagnan, and my parents couldnt handle any longer to have me around destroying their house with swords and foils 🙂 so I tried fencing, and I kept doing it…
how long to feel competent ? I still dont feel competent nowadays 😉
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: I started competing at national levels at around 8-9 years old…when I was 10-11 i made my first intarnational events for youth categories, and at 13 I started with my official FIE carreer, first in junior and around 17 in seniors
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: In Italy everyone “so” young starts with foil…we call it the Queen Weapon…it was good for me so I kept it, happy about my choice….I tried for fun the other weapons….but actually I won a youth national in epee, and last year I took silver in senior team national championships in sabre, almost beating the Olympic silver medallist in my bout…
If you are a good foilist, you can dare to fence the other weapons, for fun…the oppoisite is much harder…thats why everybody starts with foil…
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: Now, after I tried it, my favourite place to train is definately in Australia, in Melbourne, at VRI 🙂
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: Extremely important…my coach is the same since when i was 5…in fencing the coach is a “maestro”, a feature that is hard to find as important in other sports I guess…and of course, good training partners are necessary to test the preparation level, and put theory into practice.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2014 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: For 2014 my major focus is World Championships in august, and I will prepare my best for those…outside of Fencing I just graduated “my masters”…I will start a 3rd degree and study the German language….but my main goal is getting the only medal that between the different categories I am still missing, the Olympic gold one….that’s my main ambition for the future..
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: I didnt model my Fencing on anyone…I worked very hard to develop my own Fencing “style”…but at the same time I learned and got inspiration from most of the fencers, basically from everyone…learn from everyone, but keep being yourself….
I have 4 great fencers I look up to…in order of age : Alexander Romankov, Mauro Numa, Alessandro Puccini, Sergei Golubitsky…
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: I competed many years in Alpine Skiing..and nowadays i have a diploma as a Skiing Coach…and my summer passion has always been windsurfing.
Apart from that, I love almost every sport, since I am an athlete… 😉
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: Not many differences actually….the venue in canberra was amazing, wonderful..never seen something like this at nationals, and sometimes even at worlds….the level is different in any country, but as long as all the competitiors go for the title, it is never easy 🙂
Oh the organization with my friend Mrs Denise was very strict and extremely well done, I appreciated it a lot…we don’t have this overseas..
10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: Unfortunately i don’t have a weekly training regime, but a daily training regime 😉 I most likely train for 5-6 hours every day…having 1 or 2 sessions, depending on the days…
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: I cant give too much advice to future Australian champions, as long as I still want to compete internationally for some years 😉 joking….
Well, as I said many times, I see great potentials in Australian Fencing…true….my advice is to keep working hard, keep playing fair, keep having passion’s, and the results will for sure come…
12: What is the best / worst thing about Fencing in Australia?
A: long question 🙂 ….
I like many many things with Australian Fencing, thats why I came 2 times to support it in Melbourne…
I like the way everybody works hard…the passion every athlete and coach put in the game….I like the fair play you have in this country, this is one of the thing I like the most…it is beautiful….I can see no other countries where competitions would be refereed from fencers themselves, it would come out a big mess, and many fightings….I like the sport spirit and mood that Australia has everwhere, and of course put in fencing too….
I am a big fan of Australian fencing…I’m now very proud and honored to be part of its champions list 🙂
Just couple of bad things with this sport in Australia…
Not enough support from the government and Olympic committe makes it extremely hard for the fencers and thier family to travel, go to competitions and make the experience necessary to challenge at world levels…
In my personal opinion, without judging the work of anyone, I find it really hard that fencers who join tha national team have to pay for it, and a big fee!…National team in sport is up to merits, not to money….it is already expensive enough for them to keep training and travelling…no need to make them pay also to be in the national team….
and last thing, I heard that lately there were some unclear issues about the ranking for Australian foilists, which messed up the real situation, in a not proper merit way…..
My personal opinion, since I love Australia and its fair play, is that they would keep this fair play….if Australia decides for a ranking system, and not a coach’s decisions one, then the ranking should show the real results, merits and strength of the athletes….it is very easy to do it….jut need to put people work together, and play fair…everybody is basically a volunteer in our sport….let’s keep the fair play.
Good luck Australian Fencing 🙂

Thanks so much Marti……”You are a credit to your Country and a pleasure to have as a guest in ours, Best of luck in all your future ambitions ” Ed.
December 10th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Attached is an updated file of the Australian National Champions since records were kept in Australia.
Australian Champions: Australian National Champions
Keep an eye out for the National Champions questionnaires coming soon…….
(Updated 10/12/13)
December 9th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Canberra, ACT Australian Instiute of Sport December 2013
Men’s Foil: 1st M.Minuto Ita/Vic, 2nd C.Weiting NSW, =3rd S.Glaister Vic, =3rd M.Foster Vic.
Women’s Sabre: 1st S.Auty Vic, 2nd Cheryl Chan NSW, =3rd M.Black NSW, =3rd N.Molen Grigull.
Women’s Sabre teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd Vic, =3rd Qld, =3rd NSW B.
Women’s Epee:
1st D.Sher Vic , 2nd S.Osvath, =3rd A.Toth Vic, =3rd A.Horvath SA.
Men’s Foil teams
: 1st NSW ‘A’, 2nd Vic ‘A’, =3rd Vic ‘B’, =3rd NSW ‘A’.
Veteran Men’s Sabre
: 1st D.Kneale WA, 2nd M.Howard NSW, =3rd C.Gwynn NSW, =3rd R.Vintila NSW.
Veteran Women’s Sabre: 1st H.Jordan NSW, 2nd M.Du NSW, =3rd J.Menary SA, =3rd C.Murphy ACT.
Men’s Epée: 1st K.Radford Qld, 2nd D.Osvath Vic, =3rd R.Lewith Vic, =3rd E.Fernon NSW.
Women’s Epée Teams: 1st Vic ‘A’, 2nd Vic ‘B’, =3rd NSW ‘A’, =3rd Qld.
Veterans Men’s Foil: 1st A.Tyshchenko NSW, 2nd N.Nutt ACT, =3rd P.Aitchenson NSW, =3rd I.Metzke Vic.
Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st J.Bonney-Millet Qld, 2nd F.Budniak NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd A.Slowiaczek NSW.
Women’s Foil: 1st P.Yuan NZL, 2nd M.Sokolovskaja NSW, =3rd E.Marotta Vic, =3rd C.Daniel Qld.
Men’s Sabre: 1st J.Rowley NSW, 2nd S.Leitch Qld, =3rd S.Young NSW, =3rd A.Wilcock NSW.
Men’s Epee Team: 1st NSW ‘A’, 2nd SA, =3rd ACT ‘A’, =3rd WA.
Women’s Foil Teams: 1st NSW ‘A’, 2nd Qld, =3rd NSW ‘B’, =3rd ACT.
Men’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSW ‘A’, 2nd NSW ‘B’, =3rd WA ‘A’, =3rd Qld ‘A’.
Veterans Men’s Epee: 1st N.Nutt ACT, 2nd G.Mittermair SA, =3rd L.Cartillier Qld, =3rd K.Macdonald NZ.
Veteran Women’s Epee: 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd J.Seggie NSW, =3rd A.Slowiaczek NSW, =3rd A.Dobson-Block Vic.
December 4th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to TC Reynolds on his silver for 2nd place last weekend.
European Fencing Confederation, Manchester UK a very large field of 204!
Great Effort.
Followed up by a Fantastic win in the Bristol Open (one of UK’s top competitions and highly sought after)
TC beat Keith Cook (GB Team member and alternate for London Olympics) in the 16!, then beat no #6 (in 8) and no #2 (in 4) to make the final, beating Ben Peggs (2012 champion) to clinch the title..
Congratulations TC.

September 24th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFF Circuit #3 : Melbourne 23-25 August
Men’s Sabre: 1st Phillip Miller NSW, 2nd John Chow NSW, =3rd Adam Wilcock NSW, =3rd Sebastian Young NSW.
Womens Sabre: 1st Priscilla Del Castillo NSW, 2nd Sam Auty Vic, =3rd Helen Phillips Vic, =3rd Grace White NSW.
Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st Radu Vintila NSW, 2nd Graham Conlon NZ, =3rd Derek Flood Vic, =3rd Tim Magill Vic.
Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st Cerri McLean NSW.
Men’s Epee: 1st Seamus Robinson Vic, 2nd Will Dolley Vic, =3rd Kristian Radford Qld, =3rd John Downes NSW.
Women’s Epee: 1st Diana Sher Vic, 2nd Ioana Mihailescu Vic, =3rd Dianna Gu Vic , =3rd Adrienn Toth Vic.
Veteran Men’s Foil: 1st Derek Flood Vic, 2nd Andrey Tyschenko NSW, =3rd Jacob Cybulski Vic, =3rd Geoff Webber Vic.
Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd Anna Slowiaczek NSW, =3rd Fiona Budniak NSW, =3rd Christina Hon Vic.
Men’s Foil: 1st Martino Minuto ITA, 2nd Sholto Douglas NSW, =3rd Dean Williams Vic, =3rd Sam Mooney-Grand NSW.
Women’s Foil: 1st Alicia Kwag NSW, 2nd Emily Marotta Vic, =3rd Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, =3rd Katherine Kwa NSW.
Veteran Men’s Epee: 1st Quin Downs NZ, 2nd Mark Rance NZ, =3rd Bruno Charlesworth Vic, =3rd Alexander Leahy Vic.
Veteran Women’s Epee: 1st Anna Slowiaczek NSW, 2nd Cerri Mclean ACT, =3rd Carol Sullivan Vic, =3rd Isobel Ellis WA.
More detailed results on the AFF website.
Note Change of entry conditions through the AFF not the states anymore.
August 24th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Team Fencing in the World Championships, Hungary 5-12 August.
Womens Epee: Jo Halls 65th, Sarah MacFarlane 102nd, Diana Sher 115th.. all through to next round, Evelyn Halls 124th unfortunately missed the cut. Unfortunately all 3 lost their first d/e. 153 Fencers.
Mens Epee: Matteo Barchiesi missed the cut, Ross Austen 153rd lost d/e, Will Dolley 163rd lost d/e, James Lewis 91st through to 2nd d/e but unfortunately lost. 207 Fencers.
Womens Foil: Jackie Budniak, Jenny Bonney-Millett, Claire Daniel, unfortunately no poule wins..
Mens Foil: Simon Capon unfortunately no poule wins.
Womens Sabre: Cheryl Chan, Caitlin Taylor, Chelsea Taylor unfortunately lost d/e.
Mens Sabre: Zak Leonard, Sutherlan Scudds, Adam Wilcock lost his first d/e, unfortunately not through to next round.
Team Events:
Mens Sabre: ranked 29th, lost 45:15 to very strong #4 Romania (Silver Medallists).
Womens Foil: ranked 18th lost 45:13 to #15 Venezuela in 32.
Mens Epee: ranked 30 beat #35 Mongolia 45:22, lost 31:45 against #3 Hungary in 16…Hungary went on to win the Gold medal.
Womens Epee: ranked 31 lost 34:45 against #2 Russia first match..Russia went on to win the Gold medal, and 34 was the highest score against them!
Womens Sabre: ranked 24 lost 22:45 to #9 France.
.. Website Results link:
Medal tally link
Check out this promotional video for this years World Champs in Hungary..
Its been out for a little while now, but its still fun and great promotion..
August 5th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to the Australian Team Selected Australian Veteran Fencers for the World Championships in Bulgaria 1-6 October.
Mens Foil: Richard Purdie.
Womens Foil: Fiona Budniak, Jenny Bonney-Millett, Anna Slowiaczek.
Womens Epee: Alison Blom, Sarah Osvath, Anna Slowiaczek, Vicky Wilks.
Mens Sabre: Alexy Sherbakoff.
Womens Sabre: Min Yi Du.
July 8th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Commonwealth Veterans | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
5-10 July Marrackville, Sydney
Womens U15 Sabre: 1st Helen Philips Vic, 2nd Hannah Biskupic NSW, =3rd Mathilda Barnard NSW, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld.
Mens U15 Foil: 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW.
Womens U15 Sabre Teams: 1st Imogen Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Kristina Bergmark NSW, =3rd Alexandria Brown Qld.
Womens U15 Foil: 1st Aarya Berthier SG , 2nd Amita Berthier SG, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW.
Mens U15 Epee: 1st Gabe Spano Vic, 2nd Lachlan Bunney WA, =3rd Sheldon Ogilvie NZ, =3rd Nigel Sim SIN.
Mens U15 Foil Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd Vic A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW B.
Womens U15 Foil Teams: 1st Qld, 2nd NSW A, =3rd NZ, =3rd NSW B.
Mens U15 Epee Teams: 1st SIN, 2nd Vic, =3rd Qld, =3rd WA.
Womens U15 Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd NSW, 3rd Qld.
Mens U15 Sabre: 1st Alexandre Douglas NSW, 2nd Boston Fawkes NSW, =3rd Jing Lam SIN, =3rd Joel Seow SIN.
Mens Cadet Foil: 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW, =3rd Matt Foster Vic.
Mens Cadet Foil Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd Vic A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW B.
Womens Cadet Sabre: 1st Helen Philips Vic, 2nd Hannah Biskupic NSW, =3rd Mathilda Barnard NSW, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld.
Womens Cadet Epee: 1st Orla Mundy Vic, 2nd Wai Ling Chan NZ, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Emily Patten Vic.
Womens Cadet Epee Teams: 1st Qld, 2nd NZ, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW.
Mens Cadet Sabre: 1st Matthew Tadros NSW, 2nd Boston Fawkes NSW, =3rd Alexandre Douglas NSW, =3rd Damian Poh SIN.
Mens Cadet Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd SIN A, =3rd QLD A, =3rd SIN B.
Womens Cadet Sabre Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd WA, =3rd QLD, =3rd NSW.
Womens Cadet Foil: 1st Aarya Berthier SG , 2nd Amita Berthier SG, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW.
Mens Cadet Epee: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucian Nightingale NZ, =3rd Lachlan Crook Qld, =3rd Sholto Douglas NSW.
Mens Cadet Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd QLD A, =3rd SIN, =3rd NZ.
Womens Cadet Epee Teams: 1st QLD, 2nd NZ, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW.
June 24th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Denise Dapre, who was awarded Queens Birthday Honours for her contributions and Service to Australian Fencing.
A great acknowledgement for Denise and the Sport!
Ausfencing Link
June 24th, 2013
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Robyn Chaplin Memorial Tournament AFF#2: Adelaide
Mens Foil: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucas Webber Vic, =3 Steve Glaister Vic, =3 Jahan Penny Dimry SA.
Womens Foil: 1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Margarita Sokolovskaja NSW, =3 Alicia Kwag Qld, =3 Julia Lyashenko NSW.
Veterans Mens Epee: 1st Nigel Nutt ACT, 2nd Bruce Dawson SA, =3 Mark Rance NZ, =3 Andrey Tyshchenko NSW.
Veterans Womens Epee: 1st Cerri Wilson ACT, 2nd Anna Slowicaczek NSW, =3 Jane Menary SA, =3 Cathy Whitehead WA.
Mens Epee: 1st Kristian Radford Qld, 2nd John Downes NSW, =3rd Alex Burgun SA, =3rd Luke Mansfield NSW.
Womens Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Jenny Jackson Vic, =3 Amy Reynolds Vic, =3 Adrienn Toth Vic.
Veterans Mens Foil: 1st Andrey Tyshchenko NSW, 2nd Nigel Nutt ACT, =3 Richard Purdie NSW, =3 Peter Barry NSW.
Veterans Womens Foil: 1st Jackie Budniak NSW, 2nd Anna Slowiaczek NSW, =3 Suzanne Newton NSW
Womens Sabre: 1st Cheryl Chan NSW, 2nd Grace White NSW, =3 Anna Crawford Qld, =3 Priscilla Del Castillo NSW.
Mens Sabre: 1st Adam Wilcock NSW, 2nd Phillip Miller NSW, =3 Simon Leitch Qld, =3 Sebastian Young Young NSW.
Veterans Mens Sabre: 1st Micahel Howard NSW, 2nd Damian Kneale WA, =3 Attilla Brungs NSW, =3 Steve Johnson WA.
Veterans Womens Sabre: 1st Harriet Jordan NSW, 2nd Cerri McLean ACT, 3rd Jane Menary SA.
June 7th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
A number of Australia’s top fencers competed in Australia’s Team at the Asian Zone Championships in Shanghai this week.
Mens Epee: 7th Seamus Robinson, Will Dolley 44th, James Lewis 48th, Matteo Barchiesi 62nd.
Womens Epee: 2nd Silver Jo Halls!, Diana Sher 11th, Sarah McFarlane 44th /46.
Mens Foil: Simon Capon 33rd.
Mens Sabre: Sutherlan Scudds 38th, Adam Wilcock 43rd, Zak Leonhard 50th, Mitch Fox 52nd.
Womens Sabre: Lisa Blyth 29th, Caitlin Taylor 35th, Chelsea Taylor 35th, Sally Bennett 38th.
Womens Foil: Jackie Budniak 25th, Jenny Bonney-Millett 29th, Claire Daniel 30th.
more results to come..
June 7th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, International News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Results at the Junior and Cadet World Championships in Porec, Croatia 6-15 April.
Cadet Mens Foil: Edward Fitzgerald 33rd, Douglas Sholto 41st, TC Reynolds 47th/102.
Cadet Womens Foil: Alicia Kwag 44th/73.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Boston Fawkes 75th/79.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard 60th/64.
Cadet Womens Epee: Alexandra Hughes 87th/106.
Junior Mens Sabre: Boston Fawkes 76th/105.
Junior Womens Foil: Alicia Kwag 77th, Emily Marotta 84th, Georgina Barratt 90th/91.
Junior Womens Epee: Diana Sher 11th, Leah Tausan 73rd , Amy Reynolds 108th/119.
Congratulations to Diana on her top 16 Finish at the Junior World Championships.. Very strong showing again..
Junior Mens Epee: Henry Mayall-VanderVelde 123rd/142.
Junior Mens Foil: Alasdair Dunham 66th, Ned Fitzgerald 89th, Lucas Webber 107th/127.
Junior Womens Sabre: Anna Crawford 70th, Natalie Molen Grigull 77th, Mathilda Barnard 80th/86.
Junior Womens Foil: Australia 20th/20.
Junior Womens Epee: Australia 17th/26.
Junior Mens Foil: Australia 22nd/28.
Junior Womens Sabre: Australia 20th/20.
More details available on the JWC Website Link
Medal Tally
1. Italy – 5Gold, 3Silver, 7Bronze=15
2. USA – 3Gold, 4Silver, 3Bronze=10
3. Russia – 3Gold, 1Silver, 5Bronze=9
4. Germany – 1Gold, 3Bronze=4
5. Hungary – 1Gold, 1Silver, 1Bronze=3
6. Ukraine – 2Gold, 1Bronze=3
7. France – 2Silver, 1Bronze=3
8. South Korea – 2Silver=2
9. Spain – 1Silver, 1Bronze=2
10-12. China, Hong Kong, Israel – 1Gold
13-16. Belarus, Greece, Latvia, Sweden – 1Silver
17-23. Argentina, Brasil, Czech Republic, Estonia, Japan, Mexico, Venezuela – 1Bronze.
April 10th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, International News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFF Circuit #1 : D H McKenzie, Brisbane Yeronga Sports Centre.
Men’s Epee: 1 Seamus Robinson Vic, 2nd James Lewis WA, =3rd Luc Cartillier QLD, =3rd Will Dolley Vic.
Women’s Epee: 1 Adrienn Toth Vic, 2nd Evelyn Halls Vic, =3rd Diana Gu Vic, =3rd Sarah Osvath NSW.
Veteran Men’s Foil: 1 Andrey Tyschenko NSW, 2nd Richard Purdie NSW, =3rd Geoff Webber Vic, =3rd Michael Seibel NSW.
Veteran Women’s Foil: 1 Jenny Bonney-Millett QLD, 2nd Fiona Budnaik NSW, =3rd Suzanne Newton NSW, =3rd Christina Hon Vic.
Men’s Foil: 1 Matt Foster Vic, 2nd Edison Wei Tang Cai NSW, =3rd Patrick Daley NSW, =3rd Jeremy Hart.
Women’s Foil: 1 Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Margarita Sokolovskaja NSW, =3rd Jackie Budnial NSW, =3rd Kitty Simpson QLD.
Veteran Men’s Epee: 1 Gus Cladera QLD, 2nd Jose Goldman QLD, =3rd Quinn Downs NZL, =3rd Richard Purdie NSW.
Veteran Women’s Epee: 1 Anna Slowiaczek NSW, 2nd Cathy Whitehead WA, =3rd Jane Menary SA, =3rd Isobel Ellis WA.
Mens Sabre: 1 Sutherlan Scudds WA, 2nd Adam Wilcocks NSW, =3rd Zak Leonhard WA, =3rd Sebastian Young BFA.
Women’s Sabre: 1 Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Lisa Blyth WA, =3rd Cheryl Chane NSW, =3rd Priscilla Del Castillo NSW.
Veteran Women’s Sabre: 1 Harriet Jordan NSW, 2nd Jane Menary NSW .
Veteran Men’s Sabre: 1 Michael Howard NSW, 2nd Attila Brungs NSW, =3rd Norman Campbell QLD, =3rd Gary Sudran WA.
More Details on AFF Competitions Link
April 5th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Four Australians competed in a Senior Womens Epee in Barcelona, Spain. In a massive field of almost 200..
Jo Halls 77th, Evelyn Halls 90th, Sarah MacFarlane 134th, Chloe Esposito 177th / 198!
Shows the strength in Womens Epee and the numbers now competing at International level.
(NB Both Jo and Evelyn have been competing strongly in recent weeks.. for more details search the www.fie.ch results).
March 12th, 2013
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Junior and Cadet Asian Championships in Bangkok Thailand, 2-11 March 2013.
Cadet Mens Epee: Indiana Moir 52nd/56.
Cadet Womens Epee: Alex Hughes 16th, Millie Mayall-Vandervelde 44th/64.
Cadet Mens Foil: Matt Foster 10th, Jesse Morris 13th, Sholto Douglas 16th, Ed Fitzgerald 28th/64.
Cadet Womens Foil: Leah Mangion 28th, Beatrice Hay 34th, Alicia Kwag 38th/44.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Matthew Tadros 17th, Boston Fawkes 28th, Alexandre Douglas 46th/48.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Tori Leonhard 19th, Hannah Biskupic 36th, Alexandria Brown 37th, Mathilda Barnard 38th/39.
Junior Results
Junior Mens Epee: Chelton Thompson 32nd, Henry Mayall-Vandervelde 42nd, Daniel Locke 64th, Indiana Moir 66th/72.
Junior Womens Epee: Gold 1st Diana Sher!, Amy Reynolds 7th, Leah Tausan 35th, Ashley Syme 51st/.
Junior Mens Foil: Lucas Webber 11th, Ed Fitzgerald 32nd, Alasdair Dunham 37th, Sam Liao 47th/72.
Junior Womens Foil: Alicia Kwag 21st, Emily Marotta 23rd, Leah Mangion 33rd, Georgina Barratt 34th/51.
Junior Mens Sabre: Boston Fawkes 43rd, Jadryn Dick 46th, Jasper Rowley 57th, Hamish Graham 58th/66.
Junior Womens Sabre: Alice Clementson 12th, Natalie Molen Grigull 22nd, Anna Crawford 23rd, Mathilda Barnard 30th/47.
Cadet Teams:
Cadet Mens Foil: Australia 5th/13.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Australia 8th/9.
Cadet Womens Foil: Australia 8th/11.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Australia 7th/13.
Junior Teams:
Junior Mens Foil: Australia 7th/17.
Junior Womens Epee: Gold Australia 1st/15.
Junior Womens Sabre: Australia 7th/12.
Junior Womens Foil: Australia 9th/13.
Junior Mens Sabre: Australia 15th/16.
Junior Mens Epee: Australia 14th/16.

March 6th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Australia’s First Inductee into the FIE’s Hall of Fame… Helen Smith
The inaugral 100 members selected for the award included one of Australia’s most famous Fencer’s, holding Numerous Championships & Title Holder, President and hardest working personality within the sport.
For more details AFF Link
Congratulations Helen.
February 19th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, International News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFF Circuit #1 : Brisbane, Yeronga 5-7 April
Friday – April 5
8.00 – 12.30 pm AFT Foil Camp
12.30 – 5.00 pm AFT Sabre Camp
9:00 Men’s Epee
10:45 Women’s Epee
13:45 Veteran Men’s Foil
13:45 Veteran Women’s Foil
Saturday – April 6
9:00 – 4:00 AFT Epee Camp
9:00 Men’s Foil
10:30 Women’s Foil
14:00 Veteran Men’s Epee
14:00 Veteran Women’s Epee
Sunday – April 7
9:00 Mens Sabre
10:30 Women’s Sabre
13:45 Veteran Women’s Sabre
13:45 Veteran Men’s Sabre
Yeronga, Sports Centre
More details on accommodation and location etc coming… Also on the AFF website.
Weapons Check: Thursday 4th April Times TBA and 1 hour prior to each event.
February 19th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Diana Sher, following up her win in Italy’s U23 Epee, Diana came 7th in a Coupe de la Paix, Junior Womens Epee in Maalot, Israel.
Congratulations Diana! Who is now ranked 18th in the World.
Great Result, and consistency leading into the Junior Worlds soon..
February 19th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Diana Sher, following up her win in Italy’s U23 Epee, Diana came 5th in a huge field of 182.
Junior Womens Epee Vigor Challenge, Sweden.
With 2 other Aussies: Amy Reynolds (58th) and Leah Tausan (84th).
February 5th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, International News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Diana Sher, winner of the Gold Medal at the U23 European Womens Epee in Busto Arsizio, Italy this Australia Day weekend!
A pretty good entry of 61 Athletes. With 2 other Aussies: Amy Reynolds (in 16) and Leah Tausan (in 32).
A Fantastic Result. FV Link and Podium Photo
January 29th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, International News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to the Australians selected to compete at the Junior and Cadet Asian Championships in Bangkok Thailand, 2-11 March 2013.
Cadet Mens Epee: Indiana Moir.
Cadet Womens Epee: Alex Hughes, Millie Mayall-Vandervelde.
Cadet Mens Foil: Sholto Douglas, Ed Fitzgerald, TC Reynolds, Jesse Morris.
Cadet Womens Foil: Beatrice Hay, Alicia Kwag, Leah Mangion.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Alexandre Douglas, Boston Fawkes, Matthew Tadros.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard, Hannah Biskupic, Alexandria Brown, Tori Leonhard.
Junior Mens Epee: Daniel Locke, Indiana Moir, Chelton Thompson, Henry Mayall-Vandervelde.
Junior Womens Epee: Amy Reynolds, Diana Sher, Ashley Syme, Leah Tausan.
Junior Mens Foil: Alasdair Dunham, Ed Fitzgerald, Sam Liao, Lucas Webber.
Junior Womens Foil: Georgina Barratt, Alicia Kwag, Leah Mangion, Emily Marotta.
Junior Mens Sabre: Jadryn Dick, Boston Fawkes, Hamish Graham, Jasper Rowley.
Junior Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard, Alice Clementson, Anna Crawford, Natalie Molen Grigull.
Team Manager: Alex Andre, Coaches: Vlad Sher (E), Hugh Cotman (F), Antonio Signorello (S)
Congratulations and good luck to all.
January 12th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to the Australians selected to compete at the Junior and Cadet World Championships in Porec Coratia, 6-15 April 2013.
Cadet Womens Epee: Alex Hughes.
Cadet Mens Foil: Sholto Douglas, Ed Fitzgerald, TC Reynolds, (Res Jesse Morris)
Cadet Womens Foil: Alicia Kwag.
Cadet Mens Sabre: Boston Fawkes.
Cadet Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard.
Junior Mens Epee: Henry Mayall-Vandervelde.
Junior Womens Epee: Amy Reynolds, Diana Sher, Leah Tausan, Team: Alex Hughes.
Junior Mens Foil: Alasdair Dunham, Ed Fitzgerald, Lucas Webber, Team: Simon Capon.
Junior Womens Foil: Georgina Barratt, Alicia Kwag, Emily Marotta.
Junior Mens Sabre: Jadryn Dick, Boston Fawkes.
Junior Womens Sabre: Mathilda Barnard, Anna Crawford, Natalie Molen Grigull.
Team Manager: Alex Andre, Coaches: Vlad Sher (E), Aleksey Danilov (F).
Congratulations and good luck to all.
January 12th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Fencing Champion Questionairre, the 2012 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2012 National Champion: Sutherlan Scudds – Mens Sabre.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I have been fencing since 1997 so around 15 years. I started because of my mother who found a pamphlet at the local grocery store. I guess I was to restless a kid! I didn’t feel personally competent till I was around 15/16. Thought I can’t say I ever truly feel competent.
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: National level I think since 2003 where I competed at under 17 level and 2004 at open level. International level since 2006.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: Sabre was most suited to me. I am aggressive and very physical generally so it was a good fit plus I was getting the best results in it. I have fenced foil, I liked it but never felt competent.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: Favorite competition was Worlds in 2010 in France.. That competition was amazing. Favorite training was with the Romanian Mens Sabre team in Romania earlier this year. We did a training camp in a ski resort called Poiana Brasov. It was crazy.
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: They are everything. I would not be anywhere as good without help from Steven Lim, Antonio Signorello and the othe Aussie sabruers.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2013 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: Work wise I’ll be hopefully beginning my law career. Competitions will involve at lead World and Asian champs and world uni games next year.
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: Aldo Montano and Daryl Homer.
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: I do a little bit of boxing to speed up my arms and for cross training.
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: haha no difference I treat them All the same!
10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: I train 6 days a week. Weights on three days, fencing three days and sprints one day.
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Results come from training. Train hard and you will in. Train harder than your opponents and you will beat them.
12: What is the best and worst thing about fencing in Australia?
A: The best thing is the volunteer work. So many people put in so much effort for nothing and that is amazing for any sport of any thing. Worst thing has to be the lack of funding.
Thanks so much Sutherlan, good luck for 2013 and beyond.
December 21st, 2012
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following on the tradition of the National Fencing Champion Questionairre, the 2012 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2012 National Champion: Edison Wei Ting Cai – Mens Foil .
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I’ve been fencing 8 years since I was 14 yrs. I think 3-4years it took for me to feel competent .
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: I’ve been in national competitions in Aus for just 1 year, also 3 times to take part in Australian National competitions.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: I just play foil..because I can pay attention to one weapon and do the best, that is what I think.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: I think UTS club is the best when I saw it.
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: This is most important part of fencing, because a coach can give me some advice and help u do the best .
6: What are your future ambitions for 2013 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: For me, I’m an international student, I’m studying also working and training and I will still do again, also to do everything the best, just like this year 2012, so amazing for me. I love it .
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: No, just my style and i have not modeled myself on anyone, I just think how the action suits me . yeah.of course, I like the Italian guy Baldini.
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: Yeah, I always play basketball, badminton and soccer. That’s it .
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: I think everyone is the best fencing in Australia, they have a lot of skill of fencing and are different, so I just learn different skills and find out how the win the compatition .
10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: Two times a week in UTS club
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Hahaha no advice for future champion, because I will win again! .. lol… But I want to still to say that hard working in fencing, one day you will win the competition.
12: What is the best and worst thing about fencing in Australia?
A: Friends and every club lady, they help me to know Australian fencing and do favours and things for me.
Thanks Edison, good luck for 2013 and beyond.
December 17th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Attached is an updated file of the Australian National Champions since records were kept in Australia.
Australian Champions: Australian National Champions
Keep an eye out for the National Champions questionnaires coming soon…….
December 10th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Veteran Men’s Sabre: 1st Michael Howard NSW, 2nd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Kim Moir Vic, =3rd Damian Kneale Vic.
Veteran Women’s Sabre: 1st Alex Andre NSW, 2nd Jane Menary NSW, =3rd Joshi Pitman ACT, =3rd Cerri Mclean ACT.
Veteran Men’s Foil
:1st Andrey Tyschenko NSW, 2nd Nigel Nutt ACT, =3rd Steve Johnson WA, =3rd Ian Metzke Vic.
Veteran Women’s Foil:1st Anna Slowiaczek NSW, 2nd Fiona Budniak NSW, =3rd Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, =3rd Abby Nutt NSW.
Veteran Women’s Epee: 1st Abby Nutt NSW, 2nd Sarah Osvath NSW, =3rd Anna Slowiaczek NSW, =3rd Cerri McLean ACT.
Veteran Men’s Epee: 1st Georg Mittermair ACT, 2nd Nigel Nutt ACT, =3rd Kyle McDonald NZ, =3rd Mark Rance NZ.
Oceania Veteran Mens Epee Teams: 1st Australia, 2nd New Zealand.
AFF Results Link
The Melbourne Age had some good pre-Nationals photos on the website Link
December 8th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Men’s Foil: 1st Wei Tang Cai NSW, 2nd Steven Glaister Vic, =3rd Lucas Webber Vic, =3rd Jeremy Hart QLD.
Womens Sabre: 1st Sam Auty Vic, 2nd Natalie Molen Grigull NSW, =3rd Alice Clementson NSW, =3rd Mathilda Barnard NSW.
Womens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd NSW B, =3rd WA, =3rd Vic.
Men’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd QLD A.
Women’s Epee
: 1st Jo Halls Vic, 2nd Dianna Sher Vic, =3rd Sarah McFarlane Vic, =3rd Sarah Osvath NSW.
Men’s Epee
: 1st Romain Courtois NSW, 2nd Nick Davies NSW, =3rd Roy Groncki Vic, =3rd Daniel Osvath Vic.
Men’s Epee Teams
: 1st NSW A, 2nd S.A, =3rd NZ A, =3rd QLD A.
Women’s Foil
: 1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Claire Daniel Qld, =3rd Min Hul Chua SIN, =3rd Chloe Wong SIN.
Men’s Sabre:1st Sutherlan Scudds WA, 2nd Adam Wilcock NSW, =3rd Mitch Fox NSW, =3rd Frederick Jaccard NSW.
Women’s Foil Teams: 1st NSWA, 2nd Qld, =3rd NSW B, =3rd Vic.
Men’s Sabre Teams:
1st WA A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Qld, =3rd Vic.
Women’s Epee Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd Vic B, =3rd NSW A, =3rd NSW B.
AFF Results Link
December 7th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFF Nationals #4 : Canberra 7-11 December
Friday – December 7
9:00 Men’s Foil
11:00 Womens Sabre
13:30 Veteran Men’s Sabre
2:30 Womens Sabre Teams (after Womens Sabre Individual)
Saturday – December 8
9:00 Men’s Foil Teams
10:30 Women’s Epee
13:30 Veteran Men’s Sabre
13:30 Veteran Women’s Sabre
4:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Sabre Teams (after Individual)
4:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Sabre Teams (after Individual)
Sunday – December 9
9:00 Men’s Epee
11:00 Women’s Epee
1:30 Veteran Men’s Foil
1:30 Veteran Women’s Foil
4:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Foil Teams (after Individual)
4:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Foil Teams (after Individual)
1:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Epee Teams (after Individual)
Monday – December 10
9:00 Men’s Epee Teams
10:30 Women’s Foil
1:30 Men’s Sabre
1:30 Veteran Women’s Epee
1:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Epee Teams (after Individual)
Tuesday – December 11
9:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Epee Teams (after Mens Epee Individual)
9:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Epee Teams (after Mens Epee Individual)
10:00 Women’s Foil Teams
11:00 Men’s Sabre Teams
More details on accommodation and location etc coming… Also on the AFF website.
Weapons Check: Thursday 6th December 6-7:30pm and 1 hour prior to each event.
Details for Results and Entry List Link
December 4th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to the Australian Veterans selected to represent Australia at the Inaugral Oceania Vets Team competition in Canberra 7-11 December
Mens Epee: Adrian Paxman, Adam Reynolds
Womens Epee: Sarah Osvath, Carol Sullivan
Mens Foil: Adam Reynolds, Andrey Tyschenko
Womens Foil: Jenny Bonney-Millett, Anna Slowiaczek
Mens Sabre: Damian Kneale, Kim Moir
Womens Sabre: Alex Andre, Jane Menary
The remaining team members will be selected upon results on the day of competition / rankings.
November 15th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Team at the World Veterans Championships, Krems, Austria 16th – 21st October
Womens Foil: (50+) 3rd Jenny Bonney-Millett, 20th Anna Slowiaczek, 32nd Fiona Budniak.
Mens Foil: (60+) 37th John Timmins.
Womens Epee: (60+) 33rd Alison Blom,
Womens Epee: (50+) 5th Victoria Wilks, 27th Caryl Oliver, 39th Anna Slowiaczek.
Mens Epee: (50+) 7th Georg Mittermair, 79th Bruno Charlesworth,
Mens Epee :(60+) 49th Duncan Fairweather, 51st John Timmins.
Mens Epee: (70+) 13th Volker Hrovat,
Womens Sabre: (50+) 28th Caryl Oliver, 31st Joshi Pittman.
Mens Sabre: (70+) 16th Volker Hrovat,
Mens Sabre: (60+) 9th Alex Sherbakoff.
Website Link:
October 18th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, International News, Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
AFF Nationals #4 : Canberra 7-11 December
Friday – December 7
9:00 Men’s Foil
11:00 Womens Sabre
13:30 Veteran Men’s Sabre
2:30 Womens Sabre Teams (after Womens Sabre Individual)
Saturday – December 8
9:00 Men’s Foil Teams
10:30 Women’s Epee
13:30 Veteran Men’s Sabre
13:30 Veteran Women’s Sabre
4:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Sabre Teams (after Individual)
4:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Sabre Teams (after Individual)
Sunday – December 9
9:00 Men’s Epee
11:00 Women’s Epee
1:30 Veteran Men’s Foil
1:30 Veteran Women’s Foil
4:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Foil Teams (after Individual)
4:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Foil Teams (after Individual)
1:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Epee Teams (after Individual)
Monday – December 10
9:00 Men’s Epee Teams
10:30 Women’s Foil
1:30 Men’s Sabre
1:30 Veteran Women’s Foil
1:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Epee Teams (after Individual)
Tuesday – December 11
9:00 Oceania Veteran Mens Epee Teams (after Mens Epee Individual)
9:00 Oceania Veteran Womens Epee Teams (after Mens Epee Individual)
10:00 Women’s Foil Teams
11:00 Men’s Sabre Teams
More details on accommodation and location etc coming… Also on the AFF website.
Weapons Check: Thursday 6th December 6-7:30pm and 1 hour prior to each event.
Details soon for AFT Epee Camp, AFT Foil Camp, AFT Sabre Camp
October 16th, 2012
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
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