AFC #1 Sydney Veterans 2022

Australian Veteran Fencing Circuit Sydney March 2022

Veteran Individual

      Mens Foil:  Gold A.Calixte NSW (FRA), Silver A.Albano NSW, Bronze P.Aitchison NSW, Bronze R.Purdie NSW

Womens FoilGold J.B.Millet Qld, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze J.Lyashenko NSW, Bronze H.Byrne NSW.

       Mens EpeeGold M.Baker NSW, Silver N.Sakhrani NSW, Bronze E.Desjardina
NSW, Bronze S.Summerfield Vic.

Womens Epee: Gold S.Osvath NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze N.Ferguson SA, Bronze M.Yeung NSW.

     Mens SabreGold D.Wheeler NSW, Silver R.Vinitila NSW, Bronze G.Foster NSW, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.

Womens SabreGold M.Yeung NSW, Silver M.Y.Du NSW, Silver H. Jordan NSW, Vic, Bronze C. Walker Vic.

AFC #1 Sydney March 2022

Australian Fencing Circuit Sydney March 2022

Open Individual

       Mens Foil:  Gold S.Douglas NSW, Silver J.Morris NSW, Bronze N.Zeitoun Vic, Bronze Y.Fontain NSW.

Womens FoilGold G.Salmas Vic, Silver V.Hull NSW, Bronze M.Muralidharan Vic, Bronze T.Lukins NSW.

     Mens EpeeGold A.English Vic, Silver L.Crook Qld, Bronze L.Yang NSW, Bronze J.Downes WA.

Womens EpeeGold G.Janse Van Rensburg NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze S.Scott NSW, Bronze E.Principe NSW.

     Mens SabreGold S.Andrew NSW, Silver E.Hoarau WA, Bronze Y.Shim NSW, Bronze C.Hely NSW.

Womens SabreGold Z.Djamirse NSW, Silver G.Hardge NSW, Bronze Y.Zou NSW, Bronze M.Yi Du NSW.


Extraordinary times

2022, we start the recovery from Covid and Russia invades Ukraine.. Extraordinaty times.

Fie President Usmanov resigns under pressure from Western nations on Russian oligarchs.

Russian and Belarussian athletes banned from competition.


We hope and believe in a peaceful world..


Lets hope we can return to peaceful and better times..


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