Australian Champions History
Australian National Champions
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Australian Champions HistoryAustralian National Champions Keep up with the History of Australian Fencing -: Australian Veteran Championships 2019Canberra 2019 Veteran Womens Foil: 1st L.Shay VIC, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd J.Allardice VIC, =3rd A.Ballard NSW. Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st R.Vintial NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA , =3rd G.Foster NSW, =3rd M.Treasure VIC. Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st M Y Du NSW, 2nd M Yeung NSW, =3rd E.K.Gulland WA, =3rd H.Jordan NSW. Veteran Mens Foil: 1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd R.Purdie NSW, =3rd A.Reynolds VIC, =3rd G.Mittermair ACT. Veteran Mens Epee: 1st T.Song NSW, 2nd M.Pesman NSW, =3rd L.Cartillier QLD, =3rd G.Scott VIC. Veteran Womens Epee : 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd M.Black NZL, =3rd C.Murphy ACT, =3rd M.Yeung NSW. Teams Womens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC, =3rd ACT, =3rd VIC B. Mens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd Vic, =3rd ACT A, =3rd ACT B. Mens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd ACT, =3rd VIC. Womens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd VIC, =3rd ACT. Mens Epee Teams: 1st ACT A, 2nd QLD A, =3rd VIC, =3rd NSW A. Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW B , 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC, =3rd SA. Australian National ChampionshipsCanberra, ACT 2019. Mens Sabre: 1st M.Kang QLD (KOR) , 2nd S.Andrews NSW, =3rd Z.Leonhard WA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW. Womens Foil: 1st E.Bofinger NSW, 2nd F.Clarke NSW, =3rd G.Salmas VIC , =3rd E.Simon VIC. Mens Foil: 1st S.Douglas NSW, 2nd C.Nagle VIC, =3rd L.Webber VIC, =3rd C.Ferguson SA. Womens Epee: 1st S.Scott NSW, 2nd D.Gu VIC, =3rd NSW S.Osvath, =3rd A.Murrel VIC. Mens Epee: 1st S.Robinson QLD, 2nd A.Burgun SA, =3rd D.Yates VIC, =3rd S.Douglas NSW, Womens Sabre: 1st V.Vasileva NSW, 2nd G.Hardge NSW, =3rd E.Johnson WA, =3rd A.Kwag QLD. Teams Womens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd VIC. Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd. NZL. Mens Epee Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd QLD A, =3rd ACT A, =3rd WA. Womens Foil Teams: 1st VIC A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B. Mens Foil Teams: 1st VIC A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B. Mens Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd WA A, =3rd VIC, =3rd QLD, The M.A.S.KWe are proud to announce the release of all 3 versions of the M.A.S.K (Multipurpose Adjustable Scoring Kit)
Version 1: Training on your own – similar to a weapons tester, (With FIE 14 millisecend timing). Testing your own foils and bodywires, Using as a light system for hitting a target board. (Which can also be purchased through Sword Fighters Australia). Using in a lesson to accurately judge hits landed correctly. Regular Price $80
Version 2: Adding a M.A.S.K Light system to your regular mask, allows for hits to be seen on the front of your fencing mask without looking sideways at a box. Regular Price $120, or for only an additional $40 if you already purchased version 1.
Version 3: The complete system, included with updated software and the M.A.S.K Light system, allows the user to fence with available off target and on target lame hits. Regular Price $200, Or for the updating price if you have purchased a Version 1 or Version 2 M.A.S.K System.
For more details email Contact Chris 0409 013 171. Video coming soon. Australian National Championships 2019Canberra 22- 26 November 2019. 22 November 9:00 Mens Sabre 9:30 Womens Foil 12:30 Veteran Mens Sabre 1:00 Veteran Womens Sabre 23 November 8:30 Mens Foil 12:00 Veteran Womens Foil 12:15 Mens Sabre Teams 2:00 Veteran Mens Foil 24 November 8:30 Womens Epee (Epee Teams following) 9:00 Mens Foil Teams 12:30 Veteran Mens & Womens Foil Teams 2:00 Womens Sabre 25 November 8:30 Mens Epee 9:00 Womens Sabre Teams 2:00 Womens Epee Teams 26 November 8:30 Veteran Mens Epee (&Teams) 9:00 Veteran Womens Epee (& Teams) 2:00 Mens Epee Teams
Weapons Test 1 hour prior to each event and Thursday 21 November |