The M.A.S.K
We are proud to announce the release of all 3 versions of the M.A.S.K
(Multipurpose Adjustable Scoring Kit)
Version 1: Training on your own – similar to a weapons tester, (With FIE 14 millisecend timing).
Testing your own foils and bodywires,
Using as a light system for hitting a target board.
(Which can also be purchased through Sword Fighters Australia).
Using in a lesson to accurately judge hits landed correctly.
Regular Price $80
Version 2: Adding a M.A.S.K Light system to your regular mask, allows for hits to be seen on the front of your fencing mask without looking sideways at a box.
Regular Price $120, or for only an additional $40 if you already purchased version 1.
Version 3: The complete system, included with updated software and the M.A.S.K Light system, allows the user to fence with available off target and on target lame hits.
Regular Price $200,
Or for the updating price if you have purchased a Version 1 or Version 2 M.A.S.K System.
For more details email
Contact Chris 0409 013 171.
Video coming soon.