Once again Sword Fighters Australia was proud to be associated with the Annual Warrnambool Childrens Festival.
The Festival is a huge undertaking for the Warrnambool City Council and all the staff involved plus all the performers and the fantastically involved volunteers.
Activity areas for 2013 included; Fencing, Farm Yard Animals, Face Painting, Wooden Tool making, toy making, Beach Area for Sand Castles, Laser Tag, Lego, Ten Pin Bowling, Animation & Video Area, Workshop Stage for Dance, Circus Skills, Hip Hop, & the Main Stage for all the Performers Singers / Dancers /Performers eg Cosentino and the Wiggles etc.

For more information. There’s even a downloadble app for smart phones..
Fun4Kids Link here
and a Video from last years events Video Link
June 24th, 2013
Categories: Active After School, Fencing Events, Fencing Parties, Fencing Sessions, Fun-4-Kids Festival, Holiday Programs, Kids Fencing | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Training Time: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30
Any athlete wishing to participate, please contact veterans@fencingvictoria
Chris Jones 0409 013 171
Session : 27th June, come along and join the squad: Skill: Change Touch, No hit the same.
Next Session: July 11th
@ 6:30 Level 1, 204-206 Arden St North Melbourne.
Public transport:* by train (closest station is North Melbourne -10 minute walk down Laurens Street)* by tram
Closest stop is No 15 on Abbotsford Street on route 57 -8 minute walk down Arden Street.
Proudly supporting VicVets…

June 24th, 2013
Categories: Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
5-10 July Marrackville, Sydney
Womens U15 Sabre: 1st Helen Philips Vic, 2nd Hannah Biskupic NSW, =3rd Mathilda Barnard NSW, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld.
Mens U15 Foil: 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Matt Foster Vic, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW.
Womens U15 Sabre Teams: 1st Imogen Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Kristina Bergmark NSW, =3rd Alexandria Brown Qld.
Womens U15 Foil: 1st Aarya Berthier SG , 2nd Amita Berthier SG, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW.
Mens U15 Epee: 1st Gabe Spano Vic, 2nd Lachlan Bunney WA, =3rd Sheldon Ogilvie NZ, =3rd Nigel Sim SIN.
Mens U15 Foil Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd Vic A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW B.
Womens U15 Foil Teams: 1st Qld, 2nd NSW A, =3rd NZ, =3rd NSW B.
Mens U15 Epee Teams: 1st SIN, 2nd Vic, =3rd Qld, =3rd WA.
Womens U15 Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd NSW, 3rd Qld.
Mens U15 Sabre: 1st Alexandre Douglas NSW, 2nd Boston Fawkes NSW, =3rd Jing Lam SIN, =3rd Joel Seow SIN.
Mens Cadet Foil: 1st Sholto Douglas NSW, 2nd Ned Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd Jesse Morris NSW, =3rd Matt Foster Vic.
Mens Cadet Foil Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd Vic A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW B.
Womens Cadet Sabre: 1st Helen Philips Vic, 2nd Hannah Biskupic NSW, =3rd Mathilda Barnard NSW, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld.
Womens Cadet Epee: 1st Orla Mundy Vic, 2nd Wai Ling Chan NZ, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Emily Patten Vic.
Womens Cadet Epee Teams: 1st Qld, 2nd NZ, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW.
Mens Cadet Sabre: 1st Matthew Tadros NSW, 2nd Boston Fawkes NSW, =3rd Alexandre Douglas NSW, =3rd Damian Poh SIN.
Mens Cadet Sabre Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd SIN A, =3rd QLD A, =3rd SIN B.
Womens Cadet Sabre Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd WA, =3rd QLD, =3rd NSW.
Womens Cadet Foil: 1st Aarya Berthier SG , 2nd Amita Berthier SG, =3rd Alicia Kwag Qld, =3rd Beatrice Hay NSW.
Mens Cadet Epee: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucian Nightingale NZ, =3rd Lachlan Crook Qld, =3rd Sholto Douglas NSW.
Mens Cadet Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd QLD A, =3rd SIN, =3rd NZ.
Womens Cadet Epee Teams: 1st QLD, 2nd NZ, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW.
June 24th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Congratulations to Denise Dapre, who was awarded Queens Birthday Honours for her contributions and Service to Australian Fencing.
A great acknowledgement for Denise and the Sport!
Ausfencing Link
June 24th, 2013
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Training Time: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30
Any athlete wishing to participate, please contact veterans@fencingvictoria
Chris Jones 0409 013 171
Session : 20th June, come along and join the squad: Skill: 1 Fencer Attack’s, the other Parry Riposte’s, 1st counter attack, continuation and remise.
Next Session: June 27th
@ 6:30 Level 1, 204-206 Arden St North Melbourne.
Public transport:* by train (closest station is North Melbourne -10 minute walk down Laurens Street)* by tram
Closest stop is No 15 on Abbotsford Street on route 57 -8 minute walk down Arden Street.

Humourous photo…. for vets!
Screw bingo!
Please note some of the information for Vets on the AFF and FV websites, potential team events, and Singapore Comps…
June 20th, 2013
Categories: Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Training Time: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30
Any athlete wishing to participate, please contact veterans@fencingvictoria
Chris Jones 0409 013 171
Session : 13th June, come along and join the squad: Skill: Foot Tempo Parry, Stop Hit, Distance Hit.
Next Session: June 20th
@ 6:30 Level 1, 204-206 Arden St North Melbourne.
Public transport:* by train (closest station is North Melbourne -10 minute walk down Laurens Street)* by tram
Closest stop is No 15 on Abbotsford Street on route 57 -8 minute walk down Arden Street.

Humourous photo…. for vets!
Screw bingo!
Please note some of the information for Vets on the AFF and FV websites, potential team events, and Singapore Comps…
June 13th, 2013
Categories: Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Sword Fighters Australia Products for the home or office!

Popular and selling upon demand!

For Prices and ordering please email : info@swordfightersaustralia.com
Download the SFA Products Order Form
June 13th, 2013
Categories: Fencing Artistic, Fencing Equipment, General, Kids Fencing | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Robyn Chaplin Memorial Tournament AFF#2: Adelaide
Mens Foil: 1st Ned Fitzgerald Vic, 2nd Lucas Webber Vic, =3 Steve Glaister Vic, =3 Jahan Penny Dimry SA.
Womens Foil: 1st Lishan Sung NSW, 2nd Margarita Sokolovskaja NSW, =3 Alicia Kwag Qld, =3 Julia Lyashenko NSW.
Veterans Mens Epee: 1st Nigel Nutt ACT, 2nd Bruce Dawson SA, =3 Mark Rance NZ, =3 Andrey Tyshchenko NSW.
Veterans Womens Epee: 1st Cerri Wilson ACT, 2nd Anna Slowicaczek NSW, =3 Jane Menary SA, =3 Cathy Whitehead WA.
Mens Epee: 1st Kristian Radford Qld, 2nd John Downes NSW, =3rd Alex Burgun SA, =3rd Luke Mansfield NSW.
Womens Epee: 1st Evelyn Halls Vic, 2nd Jenny Jackson Vic, =3 Amy Reynolds Vic, =3 Adrienn Toth Vic.
Veterans Mens Foil: 1st Andrey Tyshchenko NSW, 2nd Nigel Nutt ACT, =3 Richard Purdie NSW, =3 Peter Barry NSW.
Veterans Womens Foil: 1st Jackie Budniak NSW, 2nd Anna Slowiaczek NSW, =3 Suzanne Newton NSW
Womens Sabre: 1st Cheryl Chan NSW, 2nd Grace White NSW, =3 Anna Crawford Qld, =3 Priscilla Del Castillo NSW.
Mens Sabre: 1st Adam Wilcock NSW, 2nd Phillip Miller NSW, =3 Simon Leitch Qld, =3 Sebastian Young Young NSW.
Veterans Mens Sabre: 1st Micahel Howard NSW, 2nd Damian Kneale WA, =3 Attilla Brungs NSW, =3 Steve Johnson WA.
Veterans Womens Sabre: 1st Harriet Jordan NSW, 2nd Cerri McLean ACT, 3rd Jane Menary SA.
June 7th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Training Time: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30
Any athlete wishing to participate, please contact veterans@fencingvictoria
Chris Jones 0409 013 171
Session : 6th June, come along and join the squad: Skill: C6 Riposte, C6 disengage riposte to flank.
Next Session: June 13th
@ 6:30 Level 1, 204-206 Arden St North Melbourne.
Public transport:* by train (closest station is North Melbourne -10 minute walk down Laurens Street)* by tram
Closest stop is No 15 on Abbotsford Street on route 57 -8 minute walk down Arden Street.

Humourous photo…. for vets!
Screw bingo!
Please note some of the information for Vets on the AFF and FV websites, potential team events, and Singapore Comps…
June 7th, 2013
Categories: Veterans Squad | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
A number of Australia’s top fencers competed in Australia’s Team at the Asian Zone Championships in Shanghai this week.
Mens Epee: 7th Seamus Robinson, Will Dolley 44th, James Lewis 48th, Matteo Barchiesi 62nd.
Womens Epee: 2nd Silver Jo Halls!, Diana Sher 11th, Sarah McFarlane 44th /46.
Mens Foil: Simon Capon 33rd.
Mens Sabre: Sutherlan Scudds 38th, Adam Wilcock 43rd, Zak Leonhard 50th, Mitch Fox 52nd.
Womens Sabre: Lisa Blyth 29th, Caitlin Taylor 35th, Chelsea Taylor 35th, Sally Bennett 38th.
Womens Foil: Jackie Budniak 25th, Jenny Bonney-Millett 29th, Claire Daniel 30th.
more results to come..
June 7th, 2013
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, International News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |