December 21st, 2010
Categories: Fencing Equipment, Kids Fencing, Vouchers | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following the Australian National Champions in Brisbane for AFF #4. The 6 National Champions kindly offered to answer a series of questions on their results and “Achievements” for the Competition and their careers.
Australian National Champion 2010: Mens Foil Joe Slowiaczek NSW.
1. When and why did you start Fencing? A:I started fencing as an after school activity in 2000 at Primary School. I thought it looked a fun thing to do, my mother told me I wouldn’t like it…she was wrong!! 2. How many countries have you competed in, where is your favourite, and where would you love to Fence? A:Countries I’ve competed in are;
Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, Turkey
I’ve also trained in Italy (Pisa & Rome) China (Shanghai and Guangzhou) Madrid and London.
My favorite country is probably France, but my favorite country I’ve fenced in would have to be Spain, there are lots of good fencing memories for me there because that is where in 2006 I achieved 3rd place in a junior world cup. 3. What was your motivation for winning the 2010 National Fencing Championships? A: To start to return to the level I was at a few of years ago, and then to go on and improve.
4. Do you think Fencing in France in the World Champs helped you? A: It’s been a while since I competed overseas, so it was a helpful reminder and incentive. 5. Now (that you won this year) what are your future goals? A: I would love to make it to the Olympics. 6. Why do you believe you succeeded this year? A: I put it down to drive, motivation and experience this year, I have come close in the past and I knew that this year was the year for me. 7. Was there anything you did better this year than previous years? A: I would have to say my fencing. I was more calm, controlled and driven at this comp than I have been in previous years.
8. Whats next for you in 2010/2011? (Training, Break, Travel?)
A: A short Christmas break, then back to training, I’d like to compete overseas next year, especially in Asia, but the cost is always an issue.
9. What competitions will you do Internationally or plan to do / if any in 2011?
A: This will all be determined by finances, but hopefully the Asian competitions.
10. Can you give us a motto/philosophy you follow in your fencing? (for future Australian champions)
A: History favors the brave, it has been a motto and a state of mind that I have tried to adopt throughout my entire fencing game. I have seen so many people lose bouts because they have been scared or hesitant in there actions, and I know I have won many points I possibly should not have won, by putting everything on the line and just doing what, deep down I know I can do.
11. If you could provide encouragement for Juniors coming through what would it be?
A: Even the World’s top fencers have bad competitions, try and learn from them if they happen, and not be discouraged, believe in yourself and know you can never stop learning.
Thanks So much Joe..
December 21st, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Tips, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
There are a number of videos on the web, and this Youtube one is well done: Youtube Link.
This is a slow motion foil fencing clip of Ota JPN v Sanzo ITA Youtube Link.
There are many videos on parries, footwork etc and sometimes its not so easy to pick the technically correct ones from the not so good ones! 😉
I suggest you speak to your coach after watching a few. Fencing.net has a nice collection.
And then there are the zany!! search Youtube for Painmen Fencing. ouch.
December 20th, 2010
Categories: Fencing Tips, Fencing Video | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Check out this French deodorant ad….Zidane! Youtube Link
December 20th, 2010
Categories: Fencing Artistic, Fencing Video | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following the Australian National Champions in Brisbane for AFF #4.
The 6 National Champions kindly offered to answer a series of questions on their results and “Achievements” for the Competition and their careers.
Australian National Champion 2010: Mens Epee Seamus Robinson Vic.
1. When and why did you start Fencing? A:.1985- before my 10th Birthday i loved everything to do with swords, and I started at the old VRI in the Ballroom at Flinders St Station, I started foil beginners course and had lessons with Ernie Simon until I was 17 when I started working with Vlad Sher in Epee after i won the u/17 World Champs in Epee. 2. How many countries have you competed in, where is your favourite, and where would you love to Fence? A:A lot- all over europe- mid east, asia and south america. I like competing in warm climates where there is a beach nearby.
Saying that- i love stockholm and paris. 3. What was your motivation for winning the 2010 National Fencing Championships? A: I felt I had good form and made improvements and i wanted to prove it.
4. Do you think Fencing in Japan has helped you? A: Yes because the intensity had improved my fitness and i have gained a new perspective 5. Now (that you won this year) what are your future goals? A:Next competition i can go to i want to win. 6.Why do you believe you succeeded this year? A: i trained hard on my fitness and especially my footwork. 7. Was there anything you did better this year than previous years? A:My footwork is better than it has ever been.
8. Whats next for you in 2010/2011? (Training, Break, Travel?)
A:training, coaching japanese highschool kids and hopefully travel for competitions.
9. What competitions will you do Internationally or plan to do / if any in 2011?
A:i dont know yet- depends on work.
10. Can you give us a motto/philosophy you follow in your fencing? (for future Australian champions)
A:keep pushing yourself and have fun.
11. If you could provide encouragement for Juniors coming through what would it be?
A:If you want to be better than everyone else then you have to train harder than everyone else-
This doesnt mean mindless repetition but constantly trying to improve all aspects of your game. Even if
you can beat everyone in your club- try doing something different to hit them or put pressure on yourself in
different ways. i was able to improve in japan fencing mostly high school kids. If some fencers in your club
can beat you- thats great! fence them as much as you can.
Thanks so much….
December 15th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
The Senior, Junior & Cadet National Rankings have been updated for 2010. Link Senior Rankings
December 14th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following the Australian National Champions in Brisbane for AFF #4.
The 6 National Champions kindly offered to answer a series of questions on their results and “Achievements” for the Competition and their careers.
Australian National Champion 2010: Womens Epee Evelyn Halls Vic.
1. When and why did you start Fencing? A:. I started fencing at school when I was about 10 – my sister Jo wanted to learn and they needed an extra person to make up the class. 2. How many countries have you competed in, where is your favourite, and where would you love to Fence? A: I have lost count of how many countries I have competed in (it has been more than 20 years since I started competing internationally!). My favourite place to compete is probably Budapest, as that’s where I won my first World Cup medal in 1997, only 18 months after switching from foil to epee. 3. What was your motivation for winning the 2010 National Fencing Championships? A: I am always motivated to win the National Championships. In the past, my performances in Australia have not always been as good as overseas, so that’s something I am trying to make up for now! I’m always trying to set new goals to challenge myself – eg at the moment, I have 8 National titles to my name, so I’m chasing Helen (9) and Frankie (11).
4. Do you think Fencing in France in the World Champs helped you? A: France was the first World Champs I’ve been to for 3 years, so it helped me reacquaint myself with fencing at the top level again. 5. Now (that you won again this year) what are your future goals? A: At the moment, fencing is third priority in my life, behind my family and my career, so my training time is limited and my fencing goals need to fit with the other things in my life. I would like to try and achieve some decent results in international competitions again, although it remains to be seen whether this is realistic. I would also like to try and win a National title in each of my teens, 20s, 30s, 40s (and 50s!). 6.Why do you believe you succeeded this year? A: I think that my understanding of epee fencing and my use of the correct tactics in all my matches allowed me to overcome my limited preparation. 7. Was there anything you did better this year than previous years? A: I was happier with the standard of my fencing this year, as compared to last year when it was not so pretty to watch ….
8. Whats next for you in 2010/2011? (Training, Break, Travel?)
A: Back to work and tracking down some great presents to bring a smile to Gabby’s face on Christmas Day! I need to try and find some time to improve my general fitness and also my footwork, which is not quite good enough for international fencing at the moment.
9. What competitions will you do Internationally or plan to do / if any in 2011?
A: Subject to work commitments, I would like to try and do a couple of World Cups, Asian Champs and World Champs.
10. Can you give us a motto/philosophy you follow in your fencing? (for future Australian champions)
A: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” (Thomas Edison)
11. If you could provide encouragement for Juniors coming through what would it be?
A: Fencing is a difficult sport to master – rather than trying to improve everything at once, I have found that the best approach is to focus on fixing your 1 or 2 biggest faults, tailor your lessons, bouting and footwork practice to target those for the weeks, months (or even years!) it takes to improve, before moving on to the next area for improvement, and so on, and so on …..
Thanks So much..
December 13th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Tips, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following the Australian National Champions in Brisbane for AFF #4.
The 6 National Champions kindly offered to answer a series of questions on their results and “Achievements” for the Competition and their careers.
Australian National Champion 2010: Mens Sabre Sutherlan Scudds WA.
1. When and why did you start Fencing? A: I started fencing when I was 7. My mother found a pamphlet on a club called Notre Dame Knights. 2. How many countries have you competed in, where is your favourite, and where would you love to Fence? A: So, so many. I think about 20 at least. Paris this year takes the cake, that competition was amazing, the French know how to put on a good competition. As far as training goes, I want to continue fencing in Italy, as it is a wonderful place. Korea and China also interest me. But for competitions I am open to anywhere. Not Bulgaria again though. 3. What was your motivation for winning the 2010 National Fencing Championships? A:To be remembered. I had one a few National rounds over the last few years, but nothing really matters when compared to the championships. It means a lot to me to have my name on that sabre trophy.
4. Do you think Fencing in France in the World Champs helped you? A: Absolutly! Perhaps not as much as the camp with the italian team before but I fenced World Championships very well, by far the best I have ever fenced out of Australia and it did my confidence a world of good. 5. Now (that you won this year) what are your future goals? A: I want to go to the Olympics, but not just to have one bout and then watch, I want to be competitive. I want to improve my ranking from 100 in the world to around 70, and start making at least top 64’s regularly at world cup level. And of course, keep winning National Championships. 6.Why do you believe you succeeded this year? A: I trained hard. Simple but true, I don’t see myself as the most natural athlete in the world but I moved states and started training (gym and fencing) 6 days a week, often doing two-a-days. It’s the same approach I will have next year. 7. Was there anything you did better this year than previous years? A: I think I can attribute a lot to my new coach Antonio Signorello, he opened my eyes to the way sabre is fenced internationally and has improved my fencing ten-fold.
8. Whats next for you in 2010/2011? (Training, Break, Travel?)
A: Have a few days off till the weekend, then back to training. Summer will be mainly fitness and one-on-one lessons with my coach. In late January we will start fencing again. No breaks though, I am still to far behind the best in the world I need to take all the chances of catching up given to me. Then from January I will be back to full time training.
9. What competitions will you do Internationally or plan to do / if any in 2011?
A: I think we will do three world cups following April when Olympic qualifiers start. They will be Athenes, Madrid (Spain) and Varsovie (Poland). After that we have Asian Championship in July in Korea and then finally World Championships in Italy.
10. Can you give us a motto/philosophy you follow in your fencing? (for future Australian champions)
A: Success come to those who train the hardest.
11. If you could provide encouragement for Juniors coming through what would it be?
A: Stick with the sport, it is a growing sport, especially in Australia. If you become good at fencing it will not only be reflected in your Fencing results, but in all other areas of your life.
Thanks So much..
December 12th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Tips, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Victoria has won the Cyclone Cup for the 3rd year in a row at the National Championships this week in Brisbane..Link :
December 9th, 2010
Categories: Australian News | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Following the Australian National Champions in Brisbane for AFF #4.
The 6 National Champions kindly offered to answer a series of questions on their results and “Achievements” for the Competition and their careers.
Australian National Champion 2010: Womens Sabre Caitlin Taylor Vic/ USA.
1. When and why did you start Fencing? A: I had been a dancer all my life and wanted to try something new. After watching Pirates of the Caribbean, I started fencing in February 2007. 2. How many countries have you competed in, where is your favourite, and where would you love to Fence? A: I’ve only fenced in Australia and the United States (I’ve held off on world cup events until now in order to represent Australia internationally). I enjoy every country I visit and the ability to experience different cultures. I would love to fence in India. 3. What was your motivation for winning the 2010 National Fencing Championships? A: I really wanted to make a good impression on my new teammates, the coaches, and other Australian Fencing affiliates J
4. Do you think Fencing internationally France has helped you? A: Training in France helped me tremendously: the coaches showed me different techniques, and the teammates taught me how to enjoy every detail in the sport of fencing. 5. Now (that you won this year) what are your future goals? A: After winning this year, I hope to help team Australia qualify for the Olympics and do well, both individually and as a team, internationally. 6.Why do you believe you succeeded this year? A: I have a passion for fencing, and work my absolute hardest to attain the goals I set for myself. 7. Was there anything you did better this year than previous years? A: I trained intelligently, both on and off the strip, keeping all parts of my game at the highest intensity I am capable of at the moment.
8. Whats next for you in 2010/2011? (Training, Break, Travel?)
A: I will continue studying at Brown University in the United States while simultaneously training for upcoming tournaments (collegiately, nationally, and internationally).
9. What competitions will you do Internationally or plan to do / if any in 2011?
A: I hope to do as many Junior and Senior World Cup events as I can this season.
10. Can you give us a motto/philosophy you follow in your fencing? (for future Australian champions)
A: Hard work, dedication, and a smile can get you anywhere if you put your mind and body to the task at hand.
11. If you could provide encouragement for Juniors coming through what would it be?
A: Fencing is an amazing sport that offers opportunity, excitement, and the best friends you could ever ask for. Try your best and go for it!
December 9th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Tips, National Interviews | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
As of January 1st 2011, All Australian Foil competitions will require a conductive bib.
FIE standards require clear or white wires and most new Lame’s have an attachment strip.
Masks are available for sale just email or go to the products page.
December 9th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Equipment | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
DH MacKenzie (AFF#1)
16th – 18th April
Chapman (AFF#2)
South Australia
11th – 13th June
Challenge Australia
24th – 26th June
Cadet/U15 Nationals
Western Australia
9th – 13th July
Australian Capital Territory
12th – 14th August
Schools Championship
5th October
Junior Nationals |
6th – 9th October
Open and Veteran Nationals
New South Wales
2nd – 6th December
December 7th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Attached is a file of the Australian National Champions since records were kept in Australia..
Australian Champions : National Champs
December 6th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Brisbane 3-7 December 2010.
.Mens Foil: 1 Andrey Tyshcenko NSW, 2 Steve Johnson WA, =3 Adrian Quintarelli Vic, =3 James Hill Qld (Gold 50+), Gary Sudran WA (Gold 60+), Volker Hrovat NSW (Gold 70+).
.Womens Sabre: 1 Harriet Jordan NSW, 2 Alex Andre NSW, 3 Jane Menary SA.
.Mens Sabre: 1 Alex Telegin Qld, 2 Ninel Borka Qld, =3 Jaroslaw Janczewski Vic, =3 Gary Sudran WA (Gold 50+).
.Womens Épée: 1 Sarah Osvath NSW, 2 Caryl Oliver Vic (Gold 50+), =3 Harriet Jordan NSW, =3 Julie Seggie NSW, Alison Blom NSW (Gold 60+).
.Womens Foil: 1 Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld, 2 Ros Seeney Qld, 3 Daisy Drew Vic (Gold 60+).
.Mens Epee: 1 Luke Cartillier Qld, 2 Chris Betts Vic, =3 Bruno Charlesworth Vic, =3 Kyle Macdonald NZ, Duncan Fairweather NSW (Gold 50+), Volker Hrovat NSW (Gold 70+).
Congratulations to all competitors and winners..
December 6th, 2010
Categories: Australian News, Fencing Events, National Rankings | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |
Australian Nationals Brisbane 2010.
. Womens Sabre: 1 Caitlin Taylor Vic, 2 Jess Brooks NSW, =3 Cheryl Chan NSW, =3 Catherine Tierney Vic.
. Mens Foil: 1 Joe Slowiaczek NSW, 2 Saleh Safar Vic, =3 Feng Yeng ACT, =3 Stephen Dooley NSW.
. Womens Sabre Teams: 1 NSW, 2 Vic, =3 WA, =3 SA.
. Womens Épée: 1 Evelyn Halls Vic, 2 Jo Halls Vic, =3 Dianna Sher Vic, =3 Catherine McKay Vic.
. Mens Foil Teams: 1 NSW A, 2 Qld A, =3 Vic A, =3 WA.
. Mens Épée: 1 Seamus Robinson Vic, 2 Luke Cartillier Qld, =3 Will Dolley Vic, =3 John Downes NSW.
. Womens Épée: 1 Vic A, 2 Vic B, =3 SA, =3 WA.
. Mens Sabre: 1 Sutherlan Scudds WA, James Walsh Qld, =3 Alex Telegin Qld, =3 Mike Harcourt Qld.
. Mens Épée Teams: 1 Qld A, 2 NSW A, =3 Vic A, =3 NSW B.
. Mens Sabre Teams: 1 Qld A, 2 Qld B, =3 NSW, =3 WA.
. Womens Foil: 1 Ania Kardas Vic, 2 Claire Daniel Qld, =3 Lishan Sung NSW, =3 Jenny Bonney-Millett Qld.
. Womens Foil Teams: 1 NSW A, 2 Qld A, =3 NSW B, =3 WA.
December 3rd, 2010
Categories: Fencing Events | Author: cjones | Comments: No Comments |