Australian National Champions 2012 – ‘Sword Fighter Dozen’

Following on the tradition of the National Fencing Champion Questionairre, the 2012 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.

“The Sword Fighter Dozen”

Australian 2012 National Champion: Sutherlan Scudds – Mens Sabre. 

1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?

A: I have been fencing since 1997 so around 15 years. I started because of my mother who found a pamphlet at the local grocery store. I guess I was to restless a kid! I didn’t feel personally competent till I was around 15/16. Thought I can’t say I ever truly feel competent.

2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: National level I think since 2003 where I competed at under 17 level and 2004 at open level. International level since 2006.

3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: Sabre was most suited to me. I am aggressive and very physical generally so it was a good fit plus I was getting the best results in it. I have fenced foil, I liked it but never felt competent.

4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: Favorite competition was Worlds in 2010 in France.. That competition was amazing. Favorite training was with the Romanian Mens Sabre team in Romania earlier this year. We did a training camp in a ski resort called Poiana Brasov. It was crazy.

5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: They are everything. I would not be anywhere as good without help from Steven Lim, Antonio Signorello and the othe Aussie sabruers.

6: What are your future ambitions for 2013 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: Work wise I’ll be hopefully beginning my law career. Competitions will involve at lead World and Asian champs and world uni games next year.

7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: Aldo Montano and Daryl Homer.

8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: I do a little bit of boxing to speed up my arms and for cross training.

9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: haha no difference I treat them All the same!

10: What is your weekly training Regime? 
A: I train 6 days a week. Weights on three days, fencing three days and sprints one day.

11:  What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Results come from training. Train hard and you will in. Train harder than your opponents and you will beat them.

12: What is the best and worst thing about fencing in Australia?
A: The best thing is the volunteer work. So many people put in so much effort for nothing and that is amazing for any sport of any thing. Worst thing has to be the lack of funding.

Thanks so much Sutherlan, good luck for 2013 and beyond. 

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