Australian National Champions 2014 – The Sword Fighter Dozen

Following on the tradition of the National Champion questionsairre, the 6 Open 2014 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.

“The Sword Fighter Dozen”

Australian 2014 National Champion: Seamus Robinson – Mens Epee Champion.

1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?

A: Almost 30 years. About 6 months to feel competent. 

2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?

A: 25 years. 

3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?

A: Its the most realistic and natural as well as free. Also Foil. 

4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?

A: Germany.

5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?

A: Essential.

6: What are your future ambitions for 2015 and beyond? work / training / competition?

A: To compete at Asian and World Champs 

7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?

A: Kolobkov, German and Russian fencing schools.

8: What if any other sports do you play/train?

A: Running, body weight exercises, cycling, skateboarding.

9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?

A: Smaller than the last few.

10: What is your weekly training Regime?

A: Train whenever I have time. 

11:  What advice would you give future Australian champions?

A: Be the first to arrive and last to leave the club, and Fence the hardest Fencers as many times as you can.     
Practice footwork.
Always try to improve.
Go overseas.

12: What is the best / worst thing about Fencing in Australia?

A: Close to friends and family. Far from high level comp and training.

Thanks so much Seamus..

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