Sword Fighter “Tiggy”

Sword Fighters Australia has created a new Fencing Game.

Sword Fighter Tiggy,” is turning out to be a hugely popular game, taking on similar principles to “scarecrow tiggy” a common school playground game.

In Sword Fighter Tiggy its Red team versus Blue team.

When a  Sword Fighter gets “tagged” or hit, they have to stand still like a Scarecrow with their arms extended and with their plastic foil pointing vertically towards the ground.

A team mate can “save” their Sword Fighter Scarecrow team mate by passing their own foil into the open hand of the Sword Fighter Scarecrow and remove their foil. 

Opposition team Sword Fighter’s must not hit opponents in the back, or whilst Sword Fighters  are exchanging foils.

A ‘two second’ rule applies to freeing Sword Fighter Scarecrows, and for safety and reducing exuberance – no running!!

The game ends when one team is stationary in Sword Fighter Scarecrow stance. Only then may masks be removed.

Its a great fun game.

Sword Fighter Tiggy – Enjoy!!

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