Fencing Tip of the Week

April 2008 [4]

The Beat

By definition; is an offensive action moving the opponent’s blade from one line to another by a bouncing action performed with the top third of the blade.

Intent:  Direction is important, knocking the opponent’s weapon sideways or down away from a defensive position.  Ideally a reaction is sought to evade the opponents defence, or to startle and attack swiftly to score a point on an opponent.

Practice:  With purpose, the fingers should start first, then with forearm strength knock the blade away, the hand and point should then move swiftly towards the target and touch.  Relax entire body before action begins; therefore not ‘telegraphing’ your intent.

Tip:  Place a blade in front of a practice target (or a practice partner).  Bounce the weapon off the opponent’s, to gain feel and touch.  Then increase speed of the beat and of the forward moving arm, eventually a situation will be reached where the opponents’ reaction is not fast enough to stop the touch occurring…

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