Australian National Champions 2012 – ‘Sword Fighter Dozen’
Following on the tradition of the National Fencing Champion Questionairre, the 6 2012 Champions kindly contributed some answer following their Championship win.
“The Sword Fighter Dozen”
Australian 2012 National Champion: Lisan Sung – Womens Foil.
1: How long have you been Fencing? What made you start? How long did it take for you to feel competent?
A: I started fencing at the age of 8. I was a very active kid when I was young so my parents thought it was a good sport for me to start.
2: How long have you been Competing at National / International level?
A: I started competing Nationally at the age of 9, and Internationally at the age of 13.
3: What made you choose your weapon?, have you fenced the other 2?
A: I started with the Foil and I have always loved it. I have tried the other weapons but never found them interesting.
4: Where is your favourite place to fence or to train?
A: I don’t have a particular place that I favor over the others, just as long as the people are friendly and the fencing is good i’m fine with fencing anywhere.
5: How important have a coach and training partners been to you?
A: I personally think it is very important to have a good coach to assist in building your game. My coach has helped me to improve all aspects of my fencing and has helped me prepare for competitions mentally and physically.
6: What are your future ambitions for 2013 and beyond? work / training / competition?
A: In 2013 and beyond, I plan to complete my HSC, and to improve on my results nationally and internationally. My future ambition is to compete at the Olympics.
7: Who if anyone have you modeled your fencing on? Or do you have a favourite Fencer (Internationally)?
A: Valentina Vezzali
8: What if any other sports do you play/train?
A: Golf, Swimming and Pilates.
9: What difference if any did this national event have to others?
A: This championship win is a good finish to end off the season, but it is also the beginning. We shouldn’t take wins for granted, so it motivates me to work harder, and to make the next season even better.
10: What is your weekly training Regime?
A: Mon & Wed- Fencing training at UTS. This consists of a private lesson, footwork, blade work, and free fencing. Fri & Sat- Fitness training.
11: What advice would you give future Australian champions?
A: Aim high and don’t stop until you get there. Never Give Up.
12: What is the best and worst thing about fencing in Australia?
A: Positive and friendly atmosphere.
Thanks Lishan, good luck for 2013 and beyond.