Australian National Champions 2009

Following the Australian National Champions in Sydney for AFF #4

The 6 National Champions kindly offered to answer a series of questions on their results and “Achievements” for the Competition and their careers.

Australian National Champion 2009: Mens Foil Harry Huang Vic.

1. When and why did you start Fencing?
A:1995.and was picked by coachs.
2. How many countries have you competed in, where is your favourite, and where would you love to Fence?
A:5 countries.i like KH.
3. What was your drive and/or inspiration for winning the 2009 National Fencing Championships?
A:to be in AUS.
4. Now (that you won this year) what are your future aspirtations? 
A:to win it again.
5.Why do you believe you succeeded this year?
A:i have been training hard this year.
6. Was there anything you did better this year than previous years? 
A:focusing on training.

7. Whats next for you in 2009? (Training, Break, Work?)


8. What competitions will you do Internationally or plan to do / if any in 2010?

A:AFF.or more.

9. Can you give us a motto you try to achieve in your fencing? (a guide to future Australian champions)

A:training harder,dont just talk too much.

10. If you could some define your idea of “Perfect Fencing,” what would it be?

A:hard training.

Thanks So much Harry. 

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