Sword Fighters Australia Training

Sword Fighters Australia                                                                                                            


Fencing in 2025 please contact Chris  for more details

         Training Sessions are open to Registered Members of a Fencing Victoria Club.

NB: Sessions not held at State Fencing Centre North Melbourne will be held at MSAC, or Hampton/Brighton Fencing Club, or Narre Warren Guide Hall or Melbourne Uni (Tin Alley East Basketball Crt or at En Pointe Piste upon appointment).     


Session Times:

Saturday lessons’s 9:3-4:30pm  (State Fencing Centre: Arden Street. – A.K.A North Melb Football Club).

Mondays 5-9pm and by appointment (M.S.A.C.)

Tuesdays @ Narre Warren 4:30-5:30 – Narre Waren North Guide Hall.

Wednesdays @ Brighton 5-8pm – St Leonards Uniting Church Hall.

Thursdays @ North Melbourne by appointment alongside State Veterans Squad.  (S.F.C: Arden St).

Fridays @ Melbourne University by appointment. 6-8:30

Saturday Training Sessions 12-4pm (S.F.C: Arden St).


FV club members also welcome to attend Sword Fighters Australia club sessions $15, please contact Chris

For more information contact 0409 013 171  chris@swordfightersaustralia.com    


Keep up to date on Session times and new Information.. 

Equipment: Is also available for sale :     Mail Order: Form

Email Chris or Pieter for details.

Fencing Victoria Webcam Link 

Business Cards




Endeavour Hills  Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm

Narre Warren Guide Hall – Memorial Drive. 

For more info email: chris@swordfightersaustralia.com 0409 013 171

Membership details Flyer … Contact Chris, Link: Fencing Victoria Membership


Brighton  Wednesdays 5-8pm


5:00-8 pm

St Leonards Uniting Church [2 Wolseley Grove Brighton] 

For more info email: chris@swordfightersaustralia.com 0409 013 171


Veterans  Thursdays 4:00-8:30pm

FV State Fencing Centre, 204 Arden St North Melbourne. 

For more info email: chris@swordfightersaustralia.com 0409 013 171


Fencing Victoria Calendar 2023 on FV website 



updated January  2025

AFC #4 Melbourne 2025

AFC #4 – March 28-30

Details are now available from the Ausfencing.org website for March AFC #4 competition.

Further details here:  Link


Thursday 27th

Weapons Check for 2 hours and then 1 hour prior to each event


Friday 28th

Mens Sabre

Womens Epee

Vets M W Sabre


Saturday 29th

Mens Foil

Womens Sabre

Vets M W Epee


Sunday 30th

Mens Epee

Womens Foil

Vets M W Foil

updated Jan 2025

CDL 2025 Dates

Coeur de Lion 2025

Please keep a note for possible changes..

#1 cdl results 2025.1


#2 March 22

#3 April 19

#4 May 10

#5 June 7

#6 July 12






updated January 11

2025 Sword Fighters Australia Memberships

Merry Christmas and a Happy Festive Season to everyone…


2025 Memberships are out now.

(For more details please email chris@swordfightersaustralia.com).


Otherwise Please keep a look out in your email inbox for details.


For those competing in AFF or State Comps next year those links can be found here. FV

Happy New Year.


Next AFF Competition Confirmed

2024/25 – Australian Fencing Circuit (AFC)#4

March 28, 2025March 30, 2025
Victorian State Fencing Centre

Coeur de Lion

Coeur De Lion Foil Competition 2024.

                   Monthly Saturday Comp’s at State Fencing Centre  2pm


#1 cdl-results-2024.1

#2 cdl-results-2024.2

#3 cdl-results-2024.3

#4 cdl-results-2024.4

#5 cdl-results-2024.5

#6 cdl-results-2024.6

#7 cdl-results-2024.7

#8 cdl-results-2024.8

#9 cdl-results-2024.9 

#10 cdl results 2024.10


2025.. dates released once FV calendar is! 

See you then..


updated 8/12/24

Olympics 2024 Paris

Paris 2024 Olympic Games.


 Womens EpeeV.Kong HGK,  A.Mallo-Breton FRA,  E.Muhari HUN,

      Mens Sabre:  S.U.Oh KOR,  F.Ferioni TUN,  L.Samele ITA,

   Womens FoilL.Keifer USA,  L.Scruggs USA,  E.Harvey CAN,

        Mens EpeeK.Kano JPN,  Y.Borel FRA,  M.El-Sayad EGY,

Womens SabreM.Apthy-Brunet FRA,  S.Balzer FRA,  O.Kharlan UKR,

          Mens FoilK.L.Cheung HGK, F.Macchi ITAN.Itkin USA,


  Womens EpeeItaly,     France,      Poland,

       Mens SabreKorea,  Hungary,  France,

    Womens FoilUSA,     Italy,          Japan,

        Mens EpeeHungary,  Japan,  Czech Rep,

Womens SabreUkraine,  Korea,    Japan,

          Mens Foil: Japan,     Italy,       France,

Grand Palais

The ABC has a nice article on the Grand Palais the location for 2024 Fencing..




Olympics Paris 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games. – Medal Tally 

Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
JPN 2 1 2 5 ME, WTF, MTE, WTS, MTF
USA 2 1 2 5 WF, WF, MF, WTF, MTF
KOR 2 1 3 MS, MST, WTS,
HKG 2 2 WE, MF
FRA 1 4 2 7 WE, ME, WS, WS, MST, MTF, WTE
ITA 1 3 1 5 MS, MF, WTE, WTF, MTF,
HUN 1 1 1 3 WE, MTE, MST,
UKR 1 1 WS, WST,
CAN 1 1 MS,
TUN 1 1 MS,
EGY 1 1 ME,

Olympics 1 week away

The 2024 Paris Games are 1 week away..


The BBC Website has a really interesting article on the history of 100 years since the last Paris games..



Olympics 2024

The Final and Official List of athletes and dates are now available from the FIE for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Schedule Link

Athlete Events Link


27 July

Mens Sabre

Womens Epee

28 July

Womens Foil

Mens Epee

29 July

Womens Sabre

Mens Foil


30 July

Womens Epee Teams

31 July

Mens Sabre Teams

1 August

Womens Foil Teams

2 August

Mens Epee Teams

3 August

Womens Sabre Teams

4 August

Mens Foil Teams

CDL Competition 2024

Coeur De Lion Foil Competition 2024.

                   Monthly Saturday Comp’s at State Fencing Centre  2pm


#1 cdl-results-2024.1

#2 cdl-results-2024.2

#3 cdl-results-2024.3

#4 cdl-results-2024.4

#5 cdl-results-2024.5

#6 cdl-results-2024.6

#7 cdl-results-2024.7

#8 cdl-results-2024.8

#9 cdl-results-2024.9 

#10 cdl results 2024.10


2025.. dates released once FV calendar is! 

See you then..


please note date change


updated 8/12/24

AFF National Championships 2024

DH McKenzie  – Oceanic Fencing Championships – Brisbane

Open Men’s Sabre: 1st Y.Shim NSW, 2nd A.Raja NSW, =3rd A.Brown WA, =3rd E.Hoaura WA. 

Open Men’s Sabre Teams: 1st SA. 2nd WA, =3rd NSW , =3rd QLD. 

Veteran Men’s Foil: 1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd A.Reynolds NSW, =3rd C.Jones Vic, =3rd D.Chachs Vic. 

Veteran Men’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, 3rd QLD. 

Open Women’s Sabre:  1st Z.Djamirze NSW, 2nd W.So Qld, =3rd G.Hardge NSW,  =3rd Y.Zee NSW. 

Open Women’s Sabre Teams:  1st NSW A,2nd NSW B, Vic3rd Qld.

Open Men’s Foil: 1st J.Glasson NSW, 2nd T.Telnykh NSW, =3rd H.Bosnic Vic, =3rd Y.Fontaine NSW. 

Open Men’s Foil Teams: 1st NSWA, 2nd NSW B A, =3rd Vic A, =3rd Qld A.

Veteran Men’s Sabre: 1st A.King SA, 2nd D.Wheeler Qld, =3rd R.Vintila Vic, =3rd D.Kneale WA.

Veterans Men’s Sabre Teams:  1st WA, 2nd Qld, 3rd Vic. 

Open Women’s Foil: 1st S.Glasson NSW, 2nd A.Whelan NSW, =3rd G.Sweeney Vic, =3rd R.Leung NSW.

Open Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd Qld A.

Mens Epee: 1st C.Gouge NZ, 2nd N.Zeitoun Vic, =3rd S.Diachenko Vic, =3rd A.English Vic.

Mens Epee Teams: 1st VicA, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd SA.

Open Womens Epee: 1st J.Van Rensburg NSW, 2nd S.Scott NSW, =3rd E.Halls Vic, =3rd D.Gu Vic.

Open Womens Epee Teams: 1st NZ, 2nd Vic , =3rd NSW A, =3rd NSW B.

Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st LShay Vic, 2nd J.Bonney-Millett Qld, =3rd J.Lyaschenko NSW, =3rd A.Ballard NSW.

Veteran Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A=3rd Vic B, =3rd SA.

Veterans Women’s Sabre:  1st T.Nguyen NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd M.Yi Du NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW. 

Veteran Women’s Sabre Teams:  1st NSW, 2nd NSW, 3rd Qld. 

Veteran Mens Epee: 1st E.Desjardins NSW, 2nd D.Cook Vic, =3rd L.Carillier Qld, =3rd D.Zatselyapin WA.

Veteran Mens Epee Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd Qld, =3rd Vic A, =3rd WA.

Veteran Womens Epee: 1st L.Gemell NSW, 2nd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd K.Weatherald WA, =3rd A.Nutt NSW.

Veteran Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd NSW B, =3rd Vic A, =3rd Vic B.


full results link


Para Fencer

Australian Para Fencer hoping for wildcard to Paris


link to ABC


Coeur de Lion

Coeur De Lion Foil Competition 2024.

                   Monthly Saturday Comp’s at MSAC “Table Tennis Area” or State Fencing Centre


#1 cdl-results-2024.1

#2 cdl-results-2024.2


#3 May 4th

#4 June 8th

#5 July 6th

#6 August 10th

#7 September 14th

#8 October 12th

#9 November 9th

#10 December 7th

alternative locations State Fencing Centre and MSACArena “Aka Basketball Stadium A”

For more details please contact Chris 0409 013 171

Qualifiers for Olympics

World Qualifier’s for the 2024 Olympics are completed

Australias 6 representatives fenced valiantly and had good results.

6 Asian rep’s for the Paris games.

Womens Foil – Philippines 

Men’s Foil – Taipei 

Women’s Epee – Singapore 

Men’s Epee – Hong Kong 

Women’s Sabre – Kazakhstan 

Men’s sabre – China 


follow the fie here



CDL results 2024

Coeur De Lion Foil Competition 2024.

                   Monthly Saturday Comp’s at State Fencing Centre or MSAC “Table Tennis Area” 


#1 cdl-results-2024.1

#2 cdl-results-2024.2

#3 cdl-results-2024.3

#4  cdl-results-2024.4


#5 July 6th

#6 August 10th

#7 September 14th

#8 October 12th

#9 November 9th

#10 December 7th

alternative locations State Fencing Centre and MSACArena “Aka Basketball Stadium A”

For more details please contact Chris 0409 013 171

AFC #1 2024

AFC #1 Sydney 2024


              Open Women’s Foil: M.Muralidharan VIC, 2nd R.Leung NSW, =3rd G.Silk GBR, =3rd G.Barratt SA.

            Open Men’s Foil: R.Ciccarelli NSW, 2nd W.Chan Vic, =3rd S.Mooney-Grand NSW, =3rd Y.Fontaine NSW.

 Open Women’s Sabre: G.Hardge NSW, 2nd W.So NSW, =3rd Y.Zou NSW, =3rd H.Kim KOR.

            Open Men’s Sabre: P.Oshaghi SA, 2nd H.Bulmer NZL, =3rd B.Fawkes-Kotevski NSW, =3rd A.Lette NSW.


   Veteran Men’s Sabre: R.Vintila NSW, 2nd G.Stehle VIC NSW, =3rd R.Kuhaupt WA, =3rd A.Yee NSW.

Veteran Women’s Sabre: M.Y.Du NSW, 2nd T.Nguyen NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.

      Veteran’s Foil: A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd A.Calixte NSW, =3rd C.Jones Vic, =3rd P.Aitchison NSW.


AFC #1 Melbourne 2024


              Open Women’s Epee: J.Yan NZL , 2nd J.Falinska NSW, =3rd C.Curtis VIC, =3rd E.Principe NSW.

            Open Men’s Epee: A.English VIC, 2nd D.McClelland Vic, =3rd N.Zeitoun VIC, =3rd S.Labaki QLD.

 Vet Women’s Epee: S.Osvath NSW, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd L.Gemell NSW, =3rd J.Schortmann QLD.

            Vet Men’s Epee: E.Desjardins NSW, 2nd L.Cartillier QLD, =3rd P.Osvath VIC, =3rd A.Paxman WA.



Vale Henry De Silva – Fencing and Veteran Legend

A lovely article on a great man, hero to veteran fencers and without whom Veteran Fencing would be ..well.. different.

HENRY DE SILVA 1933–2024

AFF Calendar update

The AFF has finally updated the remaining national comps for 2024.

July 6-10 Adelaide – Youth and Cadet Champs

July 20-21 Canberra – Schools champs

August 3-4 Melbourne – International Vet Challenge

September 7-8 Perth – AFC #1

October 25-27 Melbourne – AFC #2

November 29-1/December Adelaide – AFC #3


find on AFF link


CDL 2024

Coeur De Lion Foil Competition 2024.

                   Monthly Saturday Comp’s at MSAC “Table Tennis Area” or State Fencing Centre


#1 cdl-results-2024.1

#2 cdl-results-2024.2


#3 May 4th

#4 June 8th

#5 July 6th

#6 August 10th

#7 September 14th

#8 October 12th

#9 November 9th

#10 December 7th

alternative locations State Fencing Centre and MSACArena “Aka Basketball Stadium A”

For more details please contact Chris 0409 013 171

Sword Fighters Australia Training Sessions

Updated Sword Fighters Australia Fencing Sessions 2024


Sword Fighters Australia memberships for 2024 are online now.

2024 Membership for Sword Fighters Australia please contact Chris.


Your 2024 membership gives you access to different locations and training.


Saturdays : MSAC “The MSAC Arena”  12-3 or determined sessions.

Mondays : MSAC  “Table Tennis Arena” 5-9pm

Tuesdays : Narre Wareren Girl Guide Hall 5-6pm

Wednesdays : Brighton – St Leonards Church Hall 5-8pm

Thursdays : Veterans Sessions @ Arden Street North Melbourne AKA State Fencing Centre 5-9pm

Fridays : in conjunction with Melbourne Uni FC 6-8:30 @Uni Melb.




For more info please contact

Chris 0409 013 171



Australian National Champions

Australian National Champions History

National Champions : Australian-Fencing-Champions-2023

National Championships 2023

December – Oceanic Fencing Championships – Melbourne

Open Men’s Sabre: 1st S.Anderson NSW, 2nd P.Oshaghi SA, =3rd B.Fawkes NSW, =3rd H.Bulmer NZL. 

Open Men’s Sabre Teams: 1st NSWA. 2nd Vic A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd WA. 

Veteran Men’s Foil: 1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd C.Jones Vic, =3rd C.Bosnic Vic, =3rd A.Reynolds NSW. 

Veteran Men’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, 3rd Vic B. 

Open Women’s Sabre:  1st G.Hardge NSW, 2nd Z.Djamirze NSW, =3rd K.Tin Qld  =3rd Y.Zou NSW. 

Open Women’s Sabre Teams:  1st NSW A,2nd NSW B, 3rd Vic. 

Open Men’s Foil: 1st N.Fitzgerald WA, 2nd J.Glasson NSW, =3rd H.Bosnic Vic, =3rd A.Thian WA. 

Veteran Men’s Sabre: 1st D.Wheeler Qld, 2nd D.Kneale WA, =3rd D.Chachs Vic, =3rd D.McFadyen Qld.

Veterans Women’s Sabre:  1st M.Yi Du NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd A.Zhao NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW. 

Veteran Women’s Sabre Teams:  1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd Vic. 

Open Men’s Foil Teams: 1st WA, 2nd Vic A, =3rd QLD, =3rd NSW A.

Open Women’s Foil: 1st S.Glasson NSW, 2nd G.Sweeney Vic, =3rd A.Whelan NSW, =3rd R.Leung NSW.

Open Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW B.

Open Womens Epee: 1st E.Principe NSW, 2nd K.Egan Vic, =3rd S.Tweddle NZ, =3rd G.Van Rensberg NSW.

Open Womens Epee Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW B, =3rd NZ, =3rd NSW A.

Veteran Women’s Foil: 1st LShay Vic, 2nd J.Lyashenko NSW, =3rd N.Dunstan Vic, =3rd C.Stokes NSW.

Veteran Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, 3rd Vic B.

Veteran Mens Epee: 1st N.Sakhari NSW, 2nd D.Cook Vic, =3rd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd A.Paxman WA.

Veteran Mens Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd Qld, =3rd NSW A, =3rd WA.

Veteran Womens Epee: 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd M.Black NZ, =3rd N.Ferguson SA, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.

Veteran Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd SA, 3rd Vic.

Mens Epee: 1st D.Yates Vic, 2nd J.Patchen Qld, =3rd T.Telnykh NSW, =3rd M.Baker NZ.

Mens Epee Teams: 1st VicA, 2nd QLD A, =3rd Vic B, =3rd NSW A.


full results Link

World Veteran Championships 2023

Australia has had its most successful day (and tournament) in winning 4 medals

at the 2023 Veteran World Championships in Florida


Mens Epee 70+ Peter Osvath Gold

Mens Foil 60+ Adam Reynolds Silver

Womens Epee 60+ Sarah Osvath Silver

Womens Epee 50+ Abby Nutt Bronze


Australia has finished 5th on the medal table. 

Fencing in Paris

It’s not often that Fencing is mentioned in the Australian media pre Olympics

link to ABC article


2023 Memberships

Sword Fighters Australia                                                                                                            

Fencing Sessions….. 2023 Season is upon us.

Please follow the links to sign up for 2023,

please contact Chris  for more details                              

Adult Membership-link
Junior Membership-link

Training Sessions are open to Registered Members of a Fencing Victoria Club.


Coeur De Lion 2023

CDL Dates for 2023

#1 cdl-results-2023.1

#2 cdl-results-2023.2

#3 cdl-results-2023.3

#4  cdl-results-2023.4








#11 4th November


updated 18 October 2023

National Fencing Championships 2022

Nationals: Adelaide 2022


Open Individual

           Men’s Epee: S.Robinson QLD, 2nd L.Crook QLD, =3rd A.English Vic, I.Hayes Vic.

     Women’s Foil: J.Lukins NSW, 2nd G.Salmas Vic, =3rd M.Muralidharan Vic, =3rd S.Glasson NSW.

 Women’s Epee1st , E.Halls Vic  2nd G.Janse Van Rensburg NSW, =3rd U.Menz SA,  =3rd A.Nutt NSW.

         Men’s Foil:  1st J.Glasson NSW, 2nd M.Foster Vic, =3rd N.Fitzgerald Vic,  =3rd J.Hull NSW

 Women’s Sabre1st G.Hardge NSW, 2nd Z.Djamirze NSW, =3rd Y.Zelin NSW,  =3rd M.Y.Du NSW

     Men’s Sabre: 1st Y.Shim NSW, 2nd T.Davis Vic, =3rd E.Hoarau WA,  =3rd Z.Radnoti NSW.

Open Teams

Women’s Foil Teams: 1st Vic A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic B, NSW B.

     Mens Epee Teams: 1st Vic, 2nd QLD, =3rd SA A, NZ A.

Women’s Epee Teams1st NSW A, 2nd NSW B, =3rd Vic A, Vic B

       Men’s Foil Teams1st Vic, 2nd NSW, =3rd SA A, NZ A.

     Men’s Sabre Teams1st WA, 2nd NSW A, =3rd Vic A,  =3rd NSW B.

Women’s Sabre Teams1st NSWA, 2nd NSW B, 3rd Vic.


V Women’s Epee:.1st M.Yeung NSW, 2nd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd M.Black NZ, =3rd A.Nutt NSW.

      V Men’s Epee1st D.Cook Vic, 2nd D.Ferguson SA, =3rd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd L.Cartillier QLD.

V Women’s Foil1st J.Bonney-Millett Qld, 2nd J.Lyaschenko NSW, =3rd L.Shay Vic,  =3rd A.Ballard NSW.  

      V Men’s Foil1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd C.Jones Vic, =3rd C.Bosnic Vic,  =3rd D.Ferguson SA.

V Men’s Sabre1st D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd D.Kneale WA, G.Foster NSW.

 V Women’s Sabre1st M.Y.Du NSW, 2nd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd M.Yeung NSW,  =3rd C.Walker Vic.

Veteran Teams

 V Women’s Epee :.1st NSW, 2nd NSW, =3rd WA, =3rd Vic.

    V  Men’s Epee : 1st SA, 2nd Vic, =3rd WA, =3rd NSW.

   V Women’s Foil1st Vic A, 2nd NSW, 3rd Vic B

     V Men’s Foil1st NSW, 2nd Vic, 3rd SA.

V Women’s Sabre1st NSW, 2nd Vic,

National Championship Adelaide 2022


completed 2022… see you in Melbourne 2023!

AFC 4 Melbourne

AFC #4 Melbourne 2022


          Open Men’s Epee: L.Crook QLD, 2nd  SA, =3rd N.Zeitoun Vic, I.Hayes Vic.

     Open Women’s Foil: M.Muralidharan Vic, 2nd J.Shi Vic, =3rd G.Huber Vic, =3rd V.Hull NSW.

            Open Men’s Foil: M.Foster Vic, 2nd J.Leung Vic, =3rd J.Glasson NSW, =3rd R.Cicciaralli NSW.

 Open Women’s Sabre: G.Hardge NSW, 2nd Y.Zou NSW, =3rd K.Cheung Vic, =3rd M.Y.Du NSW.

    Open Women’s Epee: E. Halls Vic, 2nd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd E.Principe NSW, =3rd S.Scott NSW.

         Open Men’s Sabre: A.Brown WA, 2nd P. Palakwongse NSW, =3rd S.Andrews NSW, =3rd Z.Radnoti NSW.


   Veteran Men’s Sabre: G.Stehle Vic, 2nd G.Foster NSW, =3rd D.Chachs Vic, =3rd B.Simpson NZ.

Veteran Women’s Sabre: M.Y.Du NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd C.Walker Vic.

Veteran Women’s Foil: S.Lidor Vic , J.Bonney-Millet Qld, =3rd N.Dunstan Vic, =3rd J.Lyaschenko NSW.

      Veteran Men’s Foil: A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd C.Jones Vic, =3rd D.Chachs Vic, =3rd M.Prince NSW.

Veteran Women’s Epee: M.Yeung NSW, 2nd J.Seggie NSW, =3rd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd T.Ijas Vic.

      Veteran Men’s Epee: M.Baker NZ, 2nd D.Cook Vic, =3rd D.Ferguson SA, =3rd PKurtyka NSW.


AFC #3 Perth Veterans

AFC #3 Perth WA 2022

Verteran Events

Mens Epee: A.Paxman WA, M.Pesman NSW, =3rdD.Kneale WA, =3rd L.Santos WA

Mens Foil:  A.Reynolds NSW, P.Barry SA, =3rd C.Bosnic Vic, =3rd A.Reyes WA

Womens Epee: I.Ellis WA,  C.Syme ACT, =3rd K.Weatherald WA, =3rd B.Ramage NSW

Mens Sabre: D.Wheeler NSW, D.Kneale WA =3rd C.Stronach WA, =3rd R.Kuhaupt WA

Womens Foil: (Mixed results) 5th B.Ramage NSW, 6 C.Stokes NSW.

Womens Sabre: (Mixed results) 5th E.Gulland WA, 7 I.Elleis WA, 8 G.Wecker WA.


AFC #3 Perth WA 2022 Teams

Congratulations to Sword Fighters Australia Team Foil 

Winners in Perth

T.Reynolds, M.Faria and C.Bosnic win Club Teams Challenge


AFC #3 Perth 2022

AFC #3 Perth WA 2022

Open Events

Womens: V.Vasileva NSWL.Blyth WA, =3rd L.Fallon NSW, =3rd M.Marchwicka WA 

Mens Epee: N.Zeuituon Vic,  L.Crook QLD, =3rd D.McClelland Vic, =3rd R.Chandran SA

Mens Foil:J. Glasson NSW, T.Reynolds VIC, =3rd M.Foster Vic, =3rd N.Fitzgerald

Womens Epee: E.Halls Vic,  K.Nonis WA, =3rd K.Cheung Vic, =3rd S.Scott NSW

Mens Sabre: Y.Shim NSW, E.Hoarau WA =3rd H.Chung Vic, =3rd A.Brown WA

Womens Foil: T.Lukins NSW, M. Muralidharan Vic, =3rd A.Whelan NSW, =3rd V.Hull NSW.



World Championships 2022

         World Championships Cairo Egypt, 2022


   Mens Sabre: A.Szilagyi HUN   M.Pianfetti FRA,  I Teodosiu ROU, S.Bazadze GEO.

Womens Epee: S.Song KOR   A.Ndolo GER,   MV.Kong HKG, R.Fiamingo ITA.

      Mens Epee: R.Cannone FRA   K.Minobe JAP,  N.Loyola BEL, I.Reizlin UKR.

Womens Foil: Y.Thibus FRA   A.Errigo ITA,   M.Bolder ROU, L.Kiefer USA.

         Mens Foil: E.Lefort FRA   T.Marrini ITA,   K.Cheung HKG, N.Itkin USA.

Womens Sabre: E.Misaki JPN   A.Bashta AZE,   A.Navarro ESP, Georgiadou GRE.

Team Events

     Mens Sabre:  Korea  Hungary  Italy

Womens Epee:  Korea   Italy   Poland

        Mens Epee:  France  Italy  Japan

    Womens Foil:  Italy   USA  France 

            Mens Foil:  Italy  USA  France 

 Womens Sabre:  Hungary  France  Japan


World and Olympic Champions List world-champion-and-olympic-champions-2022



                                       Medal Table2022 world Championships



































Hong Kong




























AFC #1 Sydney Veterans 2022

Australian Veteran Fencing Circuit Sydney March 2022

Veteran Individual

      Mens Foil:  Gold A.Calixte NSW (FRA), Silver A.Albano NSW, Bronze P.Aitchison NSW, Bronze R.Purdie NSW

Womens FoilGold J.B.Millet Qld, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze J.Lyashenko NSW, Bronze H.Byrne NSW.

       Mens EpeeGold M.Baker NSW, Silver N.Sakhrani NSW, Bronze E.Desjardina
NSW, Bronze S.Summerfield Vic.

Womens Epee: Gold S.Osvath NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze N.Ferguson SA, Bronze M.Yeung NSW.

     Mens SabreGold D.Wheeler NSW, Silver R.Vinitila NSW, Bronze G.Foster NSW, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.

Womens SabreGold M.Yeung NSW, Silver M.Y.Du NSW, Silver H. Jordan NSW, Vic, Bronze C. Walker Vic.

AFC #1 Sydney March 2022

Australian Fencing Circuit Sydney March 2022

Open Individual

       Mens Foil:  Gold S.Douglas NSW, Silver J.Morris NSW, Bronze N.Zeitoun Vic, Bronze Y.Fontain NSW.

Womens FoilGold G.Salmas Vic, Silver V.Hull NSW, Bronze M.Muralidharan Vic, Bronze T.Lukins NSW.

     Mens EpeeGold A.English Vic, Silver L.Crook Qld, Bronze L.Yang NSW, Bronze J.Downes WA.

Womens EpeeGold G.Janse Van Rensburg NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze S.Scott NSW, Bronze E.Principe NSW.

     Mens SabreGold S.Andrew NSW, Silver E.Hoarau WA, Bronze Y.Shim NSW, Bronze C.Hely NSW.

Womens SabreGold Z.Djamirse NSW, Silver G.Hardge NSW, Bronze Y.Zou NSW, Bronze M.Yi Du NSW.


Extraordinary times

2022, we start the recovery from Covid and Russia invades Ukraine.. Extraordinaty times.

Fie President Usmanov resigns under pressure from Western nations on Russian oligarchs.

Russian and Belarussian athletes banned from competition.


We hope and believe in a peaceful world..


Lets hope we can return to peaceful and better times..



Coeur de Lion 2022

(Also find on the FV Calendar Link )

CDL Dates

#1 cdl-results-2022.1

#2 cdl-results-2022.2

#3 cdl-results-2022.3

#4 cdl-results-2022.4

#5 cdl-results-2022.5

#6 cdl-results-2022.6

#7 cdl-results-2022.7 

#8 cdl-results-2022.8

#9 cdl-results-2022. 9

#10 cdl-results-2022. 10





Narre Warren Fencing Club

Sword Fighters Australia memberships for 2022 are online now.

Link 2022 Membership


Any questions please let me know.

Your 2022 membership gives you access to different locations and training.


Narre Warren -: Tuesday Nights


For more info please contact

Chris 0409 013 171


State Fencing Centre Training

Sword Fighters Australia memberships for 2022 are online now.

Link 2022 Membership


Any questions please let me know.

Your 2022 membership gives you access to different locations and training.


North Melbourne -: Saturdays

Thursday’s -: High Performance Lessons


For more info please contact

Chris 0409 013 171


M.S.A.C Training – Albert Park

Sword Fighters Australia memberships for 2022 are online now.

Link 2022 Membership


Any questions please let me know.

Your 2022 membership gives you access to different locations and training.


MSAC Mondays 5-9pm


For more info please contact

Chris 0409 013 171



Monday Sessions are also in conjunction with our Sister club Rogue FC.

Epee being predominant weapon.

Please contact Rogue FC for more info. LINK


Hampton/Brighton Fencing Club

Sword Fighters Australia memberships for 2022 are online now.

Link 2022 Membership


Any questions please let me know.

Your 2022 membership gives you access to different locations and training.


Hampton/St Leonards Uniting Church Hall -: Wednesday Nights


For more info please contact

Chris 0409 013 171


2022 Fencing Club Memberships

Sword Fighters Australia Fencing Club Memberships for 2022 are online now.

Link 2022 Membership


Any questions please let me know.

Your 2022 membership gives you access to different locations and training.


For more info please contact

Chris 0409 013 171



     updated 12/1/2022

CDL Calendar

Coeur de Lion Calendar

(Also find on the FV Calendar Link )

CDL Dates

#1 cdl-results-2022 


#2 12th March

#3 9th April 

#4 7th May

#5 4th June 

#6 9th July

#7 6th Aug 

#8 9th September

#9 7th October 

#10 5th November


FV Calendar 2022

Keep up to date with the updated FV Calendar for 2022.

Fencing Victoria and AFF Caledar for season 2022..






updated 26/12/21

CDL 2022

Coeur De Lion 2022

The Coeur De Lion will recommence in 2022!

With an emphasis on community and returning to the fun world of competition.

10 events for the year, with 6 events making up your best results for the year.

Still 3 pools, with a Gold, Silver and Bronze poule allowing for development and monthly reference to asses how you’ve ranked over the year.

Time: 3pm Saturdays on a monthly basis.

Finishing later in the afternoon, planning on adjourning to a restaurant for social gathering/dinner.

(NB please check the latest FV Calendar for date changes)

#1 February 2021

next dependant on COVID19.



updated 16/12/21

2021 National Veterans Results

Australian National Veteran Championships, Melbourne December 2021

Veteran Individual

Mens Foil:  Gold A.Tyshcenko NSW, Silver A.Reynolds NSW, Bronze C.Bosnic Vic, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.

Womens FoilGold S.Lidor Vic, Silver J.Bonney Millet Vic, Bronze A.Ballard NSW, Bronze A.Nutt NSW.

Mens EpeeGold D.Cook Vic, Silver S.Summerfield Vic, Bronze P.Osvath Vic, Bronze S.Javens Vic.

Womens EpeeGold S.Osvath NSW, Silver A.Nutt NSW, Bronze A.Ballard NSW, Bronze T.Buchanan NSW.

Mens SabreGold R.Vintila NSW, Silver G.Foster NSW, Bronze G.Stehle Vic, Bronze D.Chachs Vic.

Womens SabreGold M.Y.Du NSW, Silver L.Lagergren Vic, Bronze C.Walker Vic, Bronze T.Buchanan NSW.



      Mens Foil:  Gold NSW, Silver Vic,  

Womens FoilGold Vic A, Silver NSW, Bronze Vic B,

       Mens EpeeGold  Vic A, Silver Vic B,

Womens EpeeGold NSW A, Silver Vic A, Bronze Vic B, 

      Mens SabreGold NSW, Silver Vic,

Womens SabreGold NSW, Silver Vic A, Bronze Vic B, 

for more info link (Ausfencing.org select the event).

2021 National Results

Australian National Championships, Melbourne December 2021

Open Individual

      Mens Foil:  Gold J.Lim Vic, Silver M.Foster Vic, Bronze T.Colgan Vic, Bronze J.Glasson NSW.

Womens FoilGold A.Tyschenko NSW, Silver E.Simon Vic, Bronze M.Muralidaran Vic, Bronze V.Hull NSW.

    Mens EpeeGold L.Crook Qld, Silver A.English Vic, Bronze N.Zeituon Vic, Bronze M.Bianchin Vic.

Womens EpeeGold E.Halls Vic, Silver M.Anderson QLD, Bronze A.Awong NSW, Bronze G.Janse Van Rensburg NSW.

   Mens SabreGold T.Davis Vic, Silver G.Yako NSW, Bronze A.Douglas NSW, Bronze J.Roncolato NSW.

Womens SabreGold Y.Zou NSW, Silver T.H.Yen NSW, Bronze G.Hardge NSW, Bronze M.YDu NSW.



       Mens Foil:  Gold NSW A, Silver VIC A, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW B.

Womens FoilGold NSW A, Silver VIC A, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW B.

       Mens EpeeGold VIC A, Silver QLD, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW.

Womens EpeeGold NSW A, Silver VIC A, Bronze VIC B, Bronze NSW B,

      Mens SabreGold NSW A, Silver NSW B, Bronze VIC A, Bronze VIC B.

Womens SabreGold NSW, Silver VIC,

for more info link (Ausfencing.org select the event).

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Team Events

Fencing 2020 Tokyo streaming on the C7 app…. keep an eye out for results in each discipline : >Link


Olympic Team Medals and results published after each event.


 Women’s Epee:   Gold  EST      Silver  KOR      Bronze  ITA 

      Men’s sabre:   Gold  KOR      Silver  ITA       Bronze  HUN

    Womens Foil:   Gold  ROC      Silver  FRA      Bronze  USA

       Men’s Epee:   Gold  JAP       Silver  ROC      Bronze  KOR

Womens Sabre:   Gold  ROC     Silver  FRA       Bronze   KOR 

         Men’s Foil:   Gold  FRA      Silver  ROC      Bronze  USA


World Champions – Olympic Champions List

World Champions & Olympic Champions List.

Wonderful historical reference of the foundation Olympic Sport.


Tokyo 2020 Medal Tally

Medal Tally Tokyo Olympics 2020

Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total Event
ROC 3 4 1 8 WF, WF, WS, MTE, WS, WTF, WTS, MTF
FRA 2 2 1 5 ME ,WS, WTF, WTS, MTF
KOR 1 1 3 5 MTS, MS, WTE, MTE, WTE
EST 1   1 2 WE, WTE
HUN 1   1 2 MS, MTS
USA 1 1 2 WF, MTF
CHI 1     1 WE
HKG 1     1 MF
ITA   3 2 5 MS, MF, WTE, MTS, WTF
ROU   1   1 WE
HUN 1 1 ME
UKR   1 1 ME
CZE     1 1 MF



Tokyo 2020

Fencing 2020 Tokyo streaming on the C7 app…. keep an eye out for results in each discipline : >Link


In an incredible championships, through Covid interruptions huge upsets in indivicual events ensued.


Medals and results published after each event.

Womens Sabre:  Gold  S.Pozdniakova ROC  Silver  S.Velikaya ROC    Bronze M.Brunet FRA 

         Men’s Foil:  Gold  K.Cheung HKG         Silver D.Garozzo ITA         Bronze A.Choupenitch CZE 

    Womens Foil:  Gold  L.Kiefer USA           Silver I.Deriglazova ROC   Bronze L.Korebeynikova ROC  

       Men’s Epee:  Gold  R.Cannone FRA      Silver G.Siklosi HUN           Bronze I.Reizlin UKR

Women’s Epee:  Gold  Y.Sun CHI                 Silver A.Popescu ROU          Bronze K.Lehis EST

     Men’s sabre:   Gold  A.Szilagyi HUN       Silver L.Samele ITA               Bronze J.Kim KOR


Brisbane 2032



Very exciting time for Australia as Brisbane is awarded the Olympics for 2032…!


11 years to go….


So many sporting and Fencing careers..


This is what dreams are made of  ….




Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Fencing 2020 Tokyo website is very thorough and useful.. keep an eye out for results in each discipline : >Link

Live Streaming via this youtube > Link


Medals and results published after each event. 28 July-1August.


Aug 1 Mens Foil teams


Discover the list of Athletes competing for their Country in the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Courtesy of the FIE Tokyo Games site: > Link


Olympic Athletes Qualified

Discover the list of Athletes competing for their Country in the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Courtesy of the FIE Tokyo Games site: Link


Olympics Article

Nice Article from the BBC on Tunisian Foilist determination: Link


2021 En Pointe Wireless System

Australian Company ‘EnPointe’ Wireless System.

Australia has a small (compared to world wide Fencing powerhouses) but dedicated Fencing Community.

Emerging out of Melbourne “EnPointe” has created and Manufactured an alternative to ground wired and expensive European Scoring Boxes.

Wireless will eventually overtake traditional ground or wired systems, and in a world where light weight, tech savvy systems are easy to use and require a small storage area, Fencing Clubs will be gravitating towards EnPointe Wireless Systems, that are Revolutionary-Practical-Affordable.


Contact EnPointe: sales@enpointefencing.com

Check out their range : Link


2021 Memberships

The 2021 Season is upon us.

Please follow the Link to sign up for 2021.

NB Only Fully paid up 2020 Sword Fighters Australia Members can choose the 2021 Rollover option.

Memberships for Junior or Senior Members & State Fencing sessions can also be found on the FV online affiliation website page -choose Sword Fighters Australia Club and go from there.



Fencing 101

Nice little video articles from the FIE Magazine on all three weapons









Another great idea as a dummy, with adjustable blade height, and target zones.

Humour in a crisis

Dummy Ideas

Here’s a few other ideas for target practice.


Using a ladder is a good “back” for the dummy and allows manoeuvrability, indoors a coatrack is handy too.


Can use different ideas and works for alternate target practice too ie Epee.

David Dummy


Fencing Target Dummy

Having had a go at making a dummy, heres a few ideas for creating your own target setup at home.

Foil Stand for adjusting weapon height and position etc.

Jacket Stand, with a coathanger for the jackets and stuffed with pillows for bulking up


Finished Target, with Bungy Cord wrapped around post for stability.


In action.

finished dummy video

target dummy

Posted by Sword Fighters Australia on Sunday, April 19, 2020


Fencing Remote Training

Here’s a great idea for those in isolated situations still wanting training ideas.. Courtesy of Ben Peggs Instagram..

View this post on Instagram

Lockdown in London has been challenging. However, a mark of an athlete is their ability to adapt and overcome obstacles placed in from of them. Thankfully the weather has been kind to me and I’ve managed to find a way to keep my technical training on point. Meet my new training partner – aka ‘Shadow’, for the next few weeks ? Luckily he doesn’t fight back! ? If you want to build your own, you’ll need a few pillows, two towels, an old laundry stand, and a few bungees. The fencing kit part can be found @leonpaullondon ? @britishfencing does this look like a new training tool that could be used for the Athlete Development Programme? ?? #quarantinetraining #lockdown #technicaltraining #adaptandovercome #challengeyourself #balconyantics #sunshine #london #fencing #neighborhoodfencer #stayhome #staysafe #aspirationfund #fencinginspires #nationallottery @uk_sport

A post shared by Ben Peggs (@benpeggs) on


COVID 19 Situation

Due to the Global and Australian Health Situation, Fencing has been shut down for the time being.

We are doing Remote 1:1 lessons for those keen to continue training and having regular lessons.

For more details contact Chris 0409 013 171

CDL 2020

Coeur De Lion Dates for 2020


(NB please check the latest FV Calendar for date changes)

#1 cdl-results-2020.1

#2 cdl-results-2020.2

next dependant on COVID19.

#4 23rd May 

#5 27th June

#6 25th July  

#7 8th August 

#8 19th September 

 #9 17th October  

#10 7th November  

updated 10/5/20

Australian Champions History

Australian National Champions

Keep up with the History of Australian Fencing -:


Australian Veteran Championships 2019

Canberra 2019

   Veteran Womens Foil: 1st L.Shay VIC, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd J.Allardice VIC, =3rd A.Ballard NSW.

       Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st R.Vintial NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA , =3rd G.Foster NSW, =3rd M.Treasure VIC.

Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st M Y Du NSW, 2nd M Yeung NSW, =3rd E.K.Gulland WA, =3rd H.Jordan NSW.

           Veteran Mens Foil1st A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd R.Purdie NSW, =3rd A.Reynolds VIC, =3rd G.Mittermair ACT.

       Veteran Mens Epee1st T.Song NSW, 2nd M.Pesman NSW, =3rd L.Cartillier QLD, =3rd G.Scott VIC.

Veteran Womens Epee1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd M.Black NZL, =3rd C.Murphy ACT, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.


  Womens Foil Teams: 1st NSW, 2nd VIC, =3rd ACT, =3rd VIC B.

          Mens Foil Teams1st NSW, 2nd Vic, =3rd ACT A, =3rd ACT B.

      Mens Sabre Teams 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd ACT, =3rd VIC.

Womens Sabre Teams 1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd VIC, =3rd ACT.

         Mens Epee Teams 1st ACT A, 2nd QLD A, =3rd VIC, =3rd NSW A.

Womens Epee Teams1st NSW B , 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC, =3rd SA.

Australian National Championships

Canberra, ACT 2019.

       Mens Sabre: 1st M.Kang QLD (KOR) , 2nd S.Andrews NSW, =3rd Z.Leonhard WA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW.

    Womens Foil: 1st E.Bofinger NSW, 2nd F.Clarke NSW, =3rd G.Salmas VIC , =3rd E.Simon VIC.

          Mens Foil: 1st S.Douglas NSW, 2nd C.Nagle VIC, =3rd L.Webber VIC, =3rd C.Ferguson SA.

 Womens Epee1st S.Scott NSW, 2nd D.Gu VIC, =3rd NSW S.Osvath, =3rd A.Murrel VIC.

         Mens Epee1st S.Robinson QLD, 2nd A.Burgun SA, =3rd D.Yates VIC, =3rd S.Douglas NSW,

Womens Sabre1st V.Vasileva NSW, 2nd G.Hardge NSW, =3rd E.Johnson WA, =3rd A.Kwag QLD.


Womens Sabre Teams1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd VIC.

 Womens Epee Teams1st NSW A, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd. NZL.

        Mens Epee Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd QLD A, =3rd ACT A, =3rd WA.

   Womens Foil Teams1st VIC A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.

          Mens Foil Teams1st VIC A, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.

      Mens Sabre Teams1st  NSW, 2nd WA A, =3rd VIC, =3rd QLD,

The M.A.S.K

We are proud to announce the release of all 3 versions of the M.A.S.K

(Multipurpose Adjustable Scoring Kit)


Version 1: Training on your own – similar to a weapons tester, (With FIE 14 millisecend timing).

Testing your own foils and bodywires,

Using as a light system for hitting a target board.

(Which can also be purchased through Sword Fighters Australia).

Using in a lesson to accurately judge hits landed correctly.

Regular Price $80


Version 2: Adding a M.A.S.K Light system to your regular mask, allows for hits to be seen on the front of your fencing mask without looking sideways at a box.

Regular Price $120, or for only an additional $40 if you already purchased version 1.


Version 3: The complete system, included with updated software and the M.A.S.K Light system, allows the user to fence with available off target and on target lame hits.

Regular Price $200,

Or for the updating price if you have purchased a Version 1 or Version 2 M.A.S.K System.


For more details email chris@swordfightersaustralia.com

Contact Chris 0409 013 171.

Video coming soon.

Australian National Championships 2019

Canberra 22- 26 November 2019.

22 November 

9:00 Mens Sabre

9:30 Womens Foil

12:30 Veteran Mens Sabre

1:00 Veteran Womens Sabre

23 November

8:30 Mens Foil

12:00 Veteran Womens Foil

12:15 Mens Sabre Teams

2:00 Veteran Mens Foil

24 November

8:30 Womens Epee (Epee Teams following)

9:00 Mens Foil Teams

12:30 Veteran Mens & Womens Foil Teams

2:00 Womens Sabre

25 November 

8:30 Mens Epee

9:00 Womens Sabre Teams

2:00 Womens Epee Teams

26 November 

8:30 Veteran Mens Epee (&Teams)

9:00 Veteran Womens Epee (& Teams)

2:00 Mens Epee Teams


Weapons Test 1 hour prior to each event and Thursday 21 November

2019 World Championships

World Championships Budapest 2019

Mens Sabre

GOLD S.Oh KOR,  2ndA.Szatmari HUN, =3rd M.Abedini IRI, =3rd L.Curatoli ITA.

Aus: 109 J.Siu, 118 A.Douglas, 139 W.Campbell, Z.Leonhard 141/159.

Womens Epee

GOLD E.Moelhausen BRA,  2ndS.Lin CHN, =3rd MWV.Wong HKG, =3rd O.Kryvytska UKR.

Aus: 105 E.Patten, 139 M.Anderson, 149 D.Gu, A.Deveraux 159/188.

Mens Foil

GOLD ,E.Lefort FRA,  2ndM.Mepstead GBR=3rd YK.SonvKOR, =3rd D.Zherebchenko RUS.

Aus: 26 S.Douglas, 81 C.Nagle, 99 N.Fitzgerald, L.Webber 166/187.

Womens Sabre

GOLD O.Kharlan UKR,  2ndS.Velikaya RUS=3rd T.Gkountoura GRE, =3rd B.Pascu ROM.

Aus: 131 S.Auty, C.Fox-Harding 134/146.

Mens Epee

GOLD G.Siklosi HUN,  2ndS.Bida RUS=3rd I.Reizlin UKR, =3rd A.Santarelli ITA.

Aus: 111 K.Radford, 159 M.Biachin, 165 I.Hayes, S.Rawlins 220/222.

Womens Foil

GOLD I.Deriglazova RUS,  2ndP.Ranvier FRA=3rd E.DiFrancisca ITA, =3rd A.Errigo ITA.

Aus:96 V.Hull, 104 G.Barrett, 110 F.Clark, M.M 114/142.



Mens Epee

Gold FRA, Silver UKRBronze SWI .

Womens Foil

Gold RUS, Silver ITABronze USA .

Mens Foil

Gold USA, Silver FRA,Bronze ITA.

Mens Sabre

Gold KOR, Silver HUNBronze ITA.

Womens Epee

Gold CHN, Silver RUSBronze ITA.

Womens Sabre

Gold RUS, Silver FRABronze KOR.


Medal Table

RUSSIA 3 3 1
U.S.A 1 1


Asian Champs 2019

Asian Champs Japan 2019

Womens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

      Mens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

Womens Sabre:1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

    Mens Sabre: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

Womens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

      Mens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .



Womens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

      Mens Epee: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

Womens Sabre:1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

    Mens Sabre: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

Womens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

      Mens Foil: 1st2nd , =3rd, =3rd .

AFC #2 Adelaide

Adelaide 2019

Womens Epee: 1st J.Gundry GBR, 2nd A.Deveraux VIC, =3rd, M.Anderson QLD =3rd E.Halls VIC.

      Mens Epee: 1st K.Radford VIC, 2nd J.Downes WA, =3rd S.Robinson VIC, =3rd A.English VIC.

Womens Sabre:1st S.Auty VIC, 2nd A.Hely NSW, =3rd M.Y. Du NSW, =3rd A.Kurbatfinski SA .

    Mens Sabre: 1st M.Kang (KOR) QLD, 2nd J.Siu NSW, =3rd W.Campbell SA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW.

Womens Foil1st 1 L.Jacob NZL, 2nd V.Hull NSW,  =3rd M.Muralidgaran VIC, =3rd F.Clarke NSW.

      Mens Foil1st N.Fitzgerald VIC, 2nd Y.Fontaine NSW, =3rd S.Mooney-Grand, =3rd D.Garelja NZL.


Veteran Womens Epee: 1st A.Nutt NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd N.Ferguson SA, =3rd J.Schortmann QLD.

    Veteran Mens Epee: 1st L.Cartillier QLD, 2nd A.Paxman WA, =3rd D.Cook VIC, =3rd MBarchiesi SA.

Veteran Womens Sabre:1 M.Yi Du NSW, 2nd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd E.K Gulland WA, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.

    Veteran Mens Sabre: 1 D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd G.Sudran WA, =3rd D.Chachs VIC, =3rd A.Scherbakoff VIC.

Veteran Womens Foil1st J.Lyaschenko NSW, 2nd J.Bonney-Millett QLD, =3rd N.Dunstan VIC, =3rd L.Shay VIC.

     Veteran Mens Foil1st A.Tyshchenko NSW, 2nd P.Barry SA, =3rd R.Purdie NSW, =3rd A.Reynolds NSW.

full results Ausfencing.org


AusFencing Calendar 2019

Updated National Calendar : here


AusFencing the New look

Ausfencing has updated … link

and a new logo..

Check it out..

Fencing Sessions commence

Training commences for 2019!

Private introduction lessons can be organised at the State Fenicng Centre in North Melbourne too:

Contact Chris 0409 013 171 or chris@swordfightersaustralia.com for booking

updated 28/1/19

FV and AFF Calendar 2019

2019 FV Calendar:

Download Here Link

CDL Dates for 2019

Coeur de Lion dates for 2019:

#1 CDL cdl-results-2019.1 xcel

#2 CDL cdl-results-2019.2-xcel

#3 CDL cdl-results-2019.3

#4 CDL cdl-results-2019.4

#5 CDL cdl-results-2019.5

#6 CDL cdl-results-2019.6

#7 CDL cdl-results-2019.7

#8 CDL cdl-results-2019.8

#9 CDL  cdl-results-2019.9

#10 CDL cdl-results-2019.10


next 2020!

Sword Fighters Australia Club Memberships 2019

Membership renewal for 2019..


Link and sign up through the FV portal 


LINK Sword Fighters Australia


any questions please contact Chris 0409 013 171


the M.A.S.K & Target Board


We have released The M.A.S.K 

Australian owned and manufactured Fencing Specific Tester.

Aptly named the M.A.S.K. “Multi-purpose Adjustable Scoring Kit” 

The M.A.S.K was designed as a simplified system to train with another person. 

#1 Plug your bodywire in, and attach to your Lame  

#2 Set your designed colour either Red or Green (different to your opponent).

#3 Test the Target and Fence! 

The referee can see the lights flash when you hit, everyone hears the buzzers. 

Set with 14milliseconds as per Foil FIE Rules, creating a realistic bout.


Handy simply as a weapons tester or training tool when you don’t have a piste!

Presented in a custom case with simple operating instructions for only $80


Order your M.A.S.K today.. Download the M.A.S.K download form


Presented in a custom case with simple operating instructions for only $80    




0409 013 171



Combine The M.A.S.K with a ‘target board’ for full on training ~!

$120 including your own personal labelled M.A.S.K order now

for christmas and ready for 2019..! 



Commonwealth Veterans Championships Canberra 2018

Canberra December 23-28th 2018

    Veteran Mens Epee: 1st CAN, 2nd D.Cook AUS, =3rd CAN, =3rd NZL.

      Veteran Mens Foil: 1st SCO, 2nd SCO, =3rd A.Tyschenko AUS, =3rd SCO.

Veteran Womens Foil: 1st A.Nutt AUS, 2nd J.Lyaschenko AUS , =3rd A.Ballard AUS, =3rd ENG.

Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st CAN, 2nd M.Yi Du AUS, =3rd ENG, =3rd WAL.

Veteran Womens Epee: 1st S.Osvath AUS, 2nd ENG, =3rd CAN, =3rd CAN.

  Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st D.Wheeler AUS, 2nd R.Vintila AUS, =3rd A.Brungs AUS, =3rd ENG,


    Veteran Mens Epee: 1st CAN, 2nd NZL, 3rd AUS.

Veteran Womens Foil: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG,

       Veteran Mens Foil1st SCO, 2nd ENG, 3rd AUS.

Veteran Womens Epee: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd NZL.  

Veteran Womens Sabre: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd SCO

    Veteran Mens Sabre: 1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd CAN


For more or full info on all results and Australian Placings


Commonwealth Championships 2018 Canberra

Canberra ACT,  2018

        Mens Epee: 1st ENG, 2nd SCO, =3rd K.Radford AUS, =3rd ENG.

   Womens Foil: 1st  SCO , 2nd ENG , =3rd V.Hull AUS, =3rd SCO.

Womens Sabre: 1st IND, 2nd ENG, =3rd SCO, =3rd S.Auty AUS.

Womens Epee: 1st CAN, 2nd ENG, =3rd CAN, =3rd ENG.

     Mens Sabre: 1st ENG, 2nd ENG, =3rd ENG, =3rd IND.

        Mens Foil: 1st ENG, 2nd S.Douglas AUS, =3rd N.Fitzgerald AUS, =3rd ENG. 


      Mens Epee: 1st ENG2nd AUS3rd SCO. 

        Mens Foil1st AUS, 2nd ENG, 3rd SCO. 

Womens Epee: 1st ENG, 2nd CAN, =3rd WAL, 4th AUS.

   Womens Foil: 1st SCO, 2nd ENG, 3rd AUS. 

Womens Sabre: 1st ENG, 2nd SCO, 3rd AUS. 

      Mens Sabre: 1st IND, 2nd ENG, 3rd AUS. 


For more or full info on all results and Australian Placings



Australian Champions History

Australian National Champions

Keep up with the History of Australian Fencing -:


National Championships 2018

Results 2018 Nationals 2018

Womens Epee: 1st E.Halls VIC, 2nd J.Gundry (GBR)(VIC), =3rd I.Mihailescu Vic, =3rd S.Scott NSW.

      Mens Epee1st S.Diachenko UKR (VIC), 2nd I.Hayes VIC, =3rd A.English VIC, =3rd T.C.Jones GBR.

Womens Sabre1st S.Auty VIC, 2nd C.Fox Harding, =3rd W.Yano CAN, =3rd L.Cao VIC.

    Mens Sabre1st M.Minkyu KOR (QLD), 2nd N.Pastore FRA (NSW), =3rd W.Campbell SA, =3rd A.Douglas NSW.

Womens Foil1st C.Dickson SCO, 2nd E.Marotta VIC, =3rd M.Sicari VIC, =3rd V.Hull NSW.

      Mens Foil1st S.Douglas NSW, 2nd L.Webber VIC, =3rd N.Fitzgerald VIC, =3rd C.Nagle VIC.


Womens Epee Teams1st NSW, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NZ, =3rd QLD.

      Mens Epee Teams1st QLD, 2nd VIC, =3rd WA, =3rd SA.

Womens Foil Teams1st VIC, 2nd NSW A, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.

      Mens Foil Teams1st VIC, 2nd NSW, =3rd VIC B, =3rd NSW B.

Womens Sabre Teams1st NSW, 2nd WA, =3rd VIC, =3rd NZ.

      Mens Sabre Teams1st NSW, 2nd QLD, =3rd Canada , =3rd WA.

full results Ausfencing.org


National Veteran and Oceania Championships 2018

Melbourne November 2018 

Veteran Sabre1st D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA, =3rd P.Miller NSW, =3rd R.Vintila NSW.

Veteran Sabre Teams1st NSW, 2nd WA, 3rd VIC.

Veteran Men Epee:  1st T.Song NSW, 2nd K.McDonald NZ., =3rd P.Osvath VIC, =3rd B.Suveg CAN.

Veteran Women Epee 1st S.Osvath NSW, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd J.Burbridge VIC, =3rd N.Ferguson SA.

Veterans Mens Epee Teams: 1st VIC, 2nd CAN, =3rd NSW A, =3rd NSW B. 

Womens Epee Teams: 1st NSW A, 2nd VIC A, =3rd NSW B, =3rd VIC B. 

Veteran Mens Foil1st A.REynolds VIC, 2nd J.Aloi WA, =3rd A.Tyschenko NSW, =3rd C.Bosnic VIC.

Veteran Womens Foil1st L.Shay VIC, 2nd J.Bonney-Millet QLD , =3rd A.Ballard NSW, =3rd J.Lyaschenko NSW.

Veteran Mens Foil Teams1st NSW, 2nd VIC, 3rd WA.

Veteran Womens Foil Teams1st NSW, 2nd VIC.


full results Ausfencing.org

The M.A.S.K



We have finally released The M.A.S.K  !


Australian Owned and Manufactured Fencing Specific Tester.

Aptly named The M.A.S.K. Multi-purpose Adjustable Scoring Kit” 


The M.A.S.K was designed as a simplified system to train with another person. 

#1 Plug your bodywire in, and attach to your Lame  

#2 Set your designed colour either Red or Green (different to your opponent).

#3 Test the Target and Fence! 


The referee can see the lights flash when you hit, everyone hears the buzzers. 


Set with 14 milliseconds as per Foil FIE Rules, creating a realistic bout.  


Handy simply as a weapons tester or training tool when you don’t have a piste!


Order your M.A.S.K today.. Download the M.A.S.K download form


Presented in a custom case with simple operating instructions for only $80    



0409 013 171


AFF National Championships 16-20th November, Melbourne 2018

National Championships – Melbourne 2018

Weapons check 1 hour prior to each event

Friday 16th

9 Womens Epee

9:15 Mens Sabre

Womens Epee Teams

1:30 Veteran Sabre

Veteran Sabre Teams

Saturday 17th

8:30 Mens Epee

12 Mens Sabre Teams

1 Veteran Men and Women Epee

Sunday 18th

8:30 Mens Epee Teams

9 Womens Foil

12:30 Veterans Mens & Womens Epee Teams

2 Womens Sabre

Monday 19th

8:30 Womens Foil Teams

9 Mens Foil

Mens Foil Teams >8

12 Womens Sabre Teams

Tuesday 20th

9 Veteran Mens Foil

9:15 Veteran Womens Foil

Veteran Foil Teams

2 Mens Foil Teams <8

for more details – link


AFC #4 Veterans Sydney 2018

Mens Foil: 1 A.Tyschenko NSW, 2nd V.Newton NSW, =3rd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd A.Reynolds Vic.

Womens Epee: 1 S.Osvath NSW, 2nd A.Nutt NSW, =3rd J.Schortmann Qld, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.

Mens Epee: 1 T.Song NSW, 2nd D.Zatselyapin WA, =3rd G.Cladera Qld, =3rd C.Nonis NSW.

Womens Sabre: 1 M.Yi Du NSW, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd C.Bond Vic, =3rd H.Jordan NSW.

Mens Sabre: 1 P.Miller NSW, 2nd R.Vintila NSW, =3rd M.Treasure Vic, =3rd D.Wheeler NSW.

Womens Foil: 1 J.Lyaschenko NSW , 2nd A.Ballard NSW, =3rd J.Bonney-Millett Qld, =3rd A.Nutt NSW.

Sydney AFC #4 2018

Mens Foil: 1 J.Morris NSW, 2 S.Douglas NSW, =3rd T.Reynolds Vic, =3rd L.Webber Vic.

Mens Epee: 1 K.Radford Vic, 2nd M.Morris NSW, =3rd L.Crook QLD, =3rd D.Yates Vic.

Womens Epee: 1 J.Gundry GBR, 2nd L.Gemmell NSW, =3rd C.C.Burton NSW, =3rd K.Wang NSW.

Womens Sabre: 1 S.Auty Vic, 2nd C.Fox-Harding NSW, =3rd L.Cao Vic, =3rd S.Webster NSW.

Mens Sabre: 1 M.Kang KOR, 2nd Y.Shim NSW, =3rd A.Douglas NSW, =3rd N.Pastore FRA (NSW).

Womens Foil: 1 G.Salmas Vic, 2nd E.Marotta Vic, =3rd M.Muralidharan Vic, =3rd K.Kwa NSW.



AFC #3 Veterans Perth 2018

Mens Foil: 1 P.Barry SA, 2nd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd J.Aloi WA, =3rd M.Prince NSW.

Womens Epee: 1 N.Ferguson SA, 2nd M.Yeung NSW, =3rd C.Murphy ACT, =3rd M.Nicholson-Biggs Vic.

Mens Epee: 1 A.Paxman WA, 2nd P.Osvath Vic, =3rd B.Emmanual WA, =3rd D.Kurukchi WA.

Womens Sabre: 1 M.Yeung NSW, 2nd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd  E-K.Gulland WA, =3rd C.Sopru SA.

Mens Sabre: 1 D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA, =3rd D.Kneale WA, =3rd G.Mckay ACT.

Womens Foil: 1 J.Bonney-Millett Qld , 2nd I.Park WA, =3rd S.Newton NSW, =3rd J.Skerman WA.

AFC #3 Perth 2018

Mens Foil: 1 M.Foster Vic, 2 N.Fitzgerald Vic, =3rd J.Morris NSW, =3rd L.Webber Vic.

Womens Epee: 1 A.Deveraux Vic, 2nd M.Zhdanovich SA, =3rd D.Gu Vic, =3rd G.Gilarski ACT.

Mens Epee: 1 A.Englisgh Vic, 2nd L.Crook Qld, =3rd M.Jamrozy WA, =3rd D.Drummond ACT.

Womens Sabre: 1 C.Taylor NSW, 2nd E.Johnson WA, =3rd T.Nguyen NSW, =3rd G.White NSW.

Mens Sabre: 1 N.Pastore FRA (NSW), 2nd E.Pastore FRA (NSW), =3rd Z.Leonard WA, =3rd J.Sui NSW.

Womens Foil: 1 G.Salmas Vic, 2nd E.Bofinger NSW, =3rd G.Barratt SA, =3rd V.Hull NSW.




World Championships 2018

World Championships 2018, Wuxi,China.

      Mens Sabre: Gold Kim J.KOR, Silver E.Dershwitz USA, Bronze K.Ibragimov RUS, Bronze J.Kim KOR.

 Womens Epee: Gold M.Navarria ITA, Silver M.Popescu ROU, Bronze C.Hurley USA, Bronze L.Staehl SUI.

          Mens Foil: Gold A.Foconi ITA, Silver R.Kruse GBR, Bronze J.Heo KOR, Bronze C.Llavador ESP.

Womens Sabre: Gold S.Pozdniakova RUS, Silver S.Velikaya RUS Bronze Y.Egorian RUS, Bronze A.Stone USA.

        Mens Epee: Gold Y.Borel FRA, Silver R.Limardo Gascon VEN, Bronze B.Nikishin UKR, Bronze R.Svichkar UKR.

   Womens Foil: Gold A.Volpi ITA,  Silver Y.Thibus FRA, Bronze I.Boubakri TUN, Bronze I.Deriglazova RUS.


             Mens Foil: Gold Italy Silver USA, Bronze Russia, Australia 12/26

        Womens Foil:Gold USA, Silver Italy, Bronze France, Australia 19/21

Mens Epee:  Gold Switzerland, Silver Korea, Bronze Russia, Australia 29/33

Womens Epee: Gold France, Silver Russia, Bronze Korea, Australia 22/26

       Mens Sabre: Gold Korea, Silver Italy, Bronze Hungary, Australia 23/25

Womens Sabre: Gold France, Silver Russia, Bronze Korea, Australia 22/24


Country Gold Silver Bronze
Italy 4 2
Korea 2 2 3
USA 2 2 2
France 2 1 1
Russia 1 2 5
Romania 1
Venezuela 1
Great Britain 1
Ukraine 2
Switzerland 1
Tunisia 1
China 1
Spain 1
Hungary 1


Australian Results:

Mens Sabre: 85 Zak Leonard, 86 Will Campbell, 102 Alexandre Douglas 109/120 Jadryn Dick.

Womens Epee: 82 Annie Deveraux, 101 Emily Patten, 102/120 Dianna Gu.

Womens Foil: 48 Emily Marotta, 59 Freya Clarke, 79 Claire Daniel, 84/108 Alicia Kwag.

Mens Epee: 110 Jeremy Shelley, 136 Alex Burgun , 142 Kristian Radford, 162/170Ross Austen,

Womens Sabre: 85/101 Sam Auty.

Mens Foil: 49 Sholto Douglas, 59 Ned Fitzgerald, 76 Chris Nagle, 111/135 Lucas Webber.

Asian Championships 2018

Team Results

Mens Foil: 1 KOR, 2nd HKG, 3rd JAP, 4th AUS.

Womens Foil: 1 CHI, 2nd KAZ, 3rd UZB, 4th KOR, 9th AUS.

Mens Epee:  1 CHI, 2nd KAZ, 3rd UZB, 4th KOR, 10th AUS.

Womens Epee: 1 KOR, 2nd JAP, 3rd CHI, 4th HKG, 12th AUS

Mens Sabre: 1 CHI, 2nd IRI, 3rd KOR, 4th JAP, 13th AUS

Womens Sabre: 1 CHI, 2nd KOR, 3rd KAZ, 4th HKG.


Individual Events

Mens Foil:  1 Cheunh HGK, 2nd Heo KOR, =3rd Huang CHI, =3rd Ha KOR. 15 S.Douglas AUS, 17 C.Nagle AUS, 23 N.Fitzgerald AUS, 25 L.Webber AUS (/79).

Womens Foil:  1 Kikuchi JAP, 2nd Jeon KOR, =3rd Nam KOR, =3rd Fu CHI.  16 F.Clarke AUS, 25 E.Marotta AUS, 43 C.DAniel AUS, 55 A.Kwag AUS (/64).

Mens Epee: 1 Jung KOR, 2nd Alexanin KAZ, =3rd Fong HKG, =3rd Kano JAP, 25 A.Burgun AUS, 36 K.Radford AUS, 55 J.Downs AUS, 70 J.Shelley AUS (/85).

Womens Epee: 1 Kong HKG, 2nd Kang KOR, =3rd Hsieh HKG, =3rd Lee KOR, 19 E.Patten AUS, 22 A.Kotevski AUS, 23 D.Gu AUS, 45 A.Deveraux AUS (/65).

Mens Sabre: 1 B.Gu KOR, 2nd J.Kim KOR, =3rd J.Kim KOR, =3rd A.Pakdaman IRI, 47 W.Campbell, 49 Z.Leonard, 51 J.Boyd Hoare, 60 J.Dick (/67).

Womens Sabre: 1 Kim KOR, 2nd Qian CHI, =3rd Choi KOR, =3rd Lam HKG, 37 S.Auty AUS (/57).



AFC 2 Robyn Chaplin – Adelaide 2018 Veterans

Veteran Men Epee: 1 A.Paxman WA, 2nd D.Ferguson SA, =3rd N.Nutt ACT, =3rd M.Thompson Vic.

Veteran Womens Epee: 1 N.Ferguson SA, 2nd S.Osvath NSW, =3rd J.Schortmann NSW, =3rd M.Yeung NSW.

Veteran Womens Foil: 1 J.Lyaschenko NSW, 2 J.Bonney-Millett, =3rd A.Ballard NSW, =3rd Y.Qian SA.

Veteran Mens Foil: 1 A.Tyschenko NSW, 2 N.Nutt ACT, =3rd M.Best Vic, =3rd R.Purdie NSW.

Veteran Womens Sabre: 1 M.Du NSW, 2nd H.Jordan NSW, =3rd E.Gulland WA, =3rd C.Murphy ACT.

Veteran Mens Sabre: 1 D.Wheeler NSW, 2nd S.Johnson WA, =3rd C.Smith ACT, =3rd D.Kneale WA

AFC 2 Robyn Chaplin – Adelaide 2018

Mens Foil: 1 N.Fitzgerald Vic, 2 S.Douglas NSW, =3rd T.Reynolds Vic, =3rd L.Webber Vic.

Womens Epee: 1 L.Gemell NSW, 2nd M.Anderson QLD, =3rd D.Gu Vic, =3rd M.Zhdanovich SA.

Mens Epee: 1 V.Diachenko UKR(Vic), 2nd J.Shelley Vic, =3rd A.Burgun SA, =3rd I.Hayes Vic.

Womens Sabre: 1 S.Auty Vic, 2nd S.Webster NSW, =3rd T.Nguyen, =3rd L.Blyth WA.

Mens Sabre: 1 A.Douglas NSW, 2nd Z.Leonard WA, =3rd J.Snell NSW, =3rd S.Andrews NSW.

Womens Foil: 1 V.Hull NSW, 2nd G.Salmas Vic, =3rd G.Barratt SA, =3rd F.Clarke NSW.


U23 Womens Foil: 1 F.Clarke NSW, 2nd V.Hull NSW, =3rd M.Sicari Vic, =3rd I.Everett NZ.

U23 Mens Foil: 1 T.Reynolds Vic, 2nd A.Lun Vic, =3rd B.Breeland-Clencie Vic , =3rd R.Lewis Vic.


En Pointe

Australian Developed wireless system!

Congrats to EnPointe..

The New Australian Wireless system coming out of Melbourne.

For more details link: au.enpointefencing.com


Referee Hand Signals

Hand Signals for Refereeing.

Download Link in French: fie-hand-signal-document.pdf

Download Link in EnglishHand Signals

Australian Mens Foil Team Receives ASC Funding

Fantastic News for the Aussie Mens foil team receiving funding for 2018.

Details on the link to AFF Link

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